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How to bathe your cat

...without getting scratched

By Suhail MahedaviPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Bathing your cat can be a daunting task, especially if you have never done it before. It is no secret that cats are notorious for their dislike of water, and their sharp claws and teeth can be intimidating.

However, it is important to keep your cat clean and groomed to maintain their overall health and prevent any skin irritations or infections.

So, how can you bathe your cat without being fatally harmed? Let’s see!

Try a dry bath first

If your cat is particularly fearful of water, you may want to try a dry bath first. This involves using a waterless shampoo and a damp washcloth to clean your cat's coat. This is a great alternative for cats who are scared of water or have medical conditions that make bathing in water difficult.

Trim their claws before bathing them

The claws of a cat are their primary defense mechanism, and an upset cat may scratch anyone nearby, including you, during bath time. Before attempting to bathe your cat, it is best to trim their nails because cat scratches can quickly become infected. If your cat doesn't like having its claws cut, do it a few days before the bathing process to dissociate the two events for your cat.

Gather all your supplies

Make sure you have all the necessary supplies before you start giving your cat a bath. This includes cat shampoo, a showerhead or pitcher, towels, a brush, a washcloth, etc. Put all of these things in a handy spot where you can still access them while handling the cat in the sink or bathtub. If you want to prevent scratches on your arms, you might also want to wear gloves and long sleeves.

Brush your cat's coat

Cats shed frequently, and their extra fur can make it harder to get them clean. If you can, brush your cat thoroughly to remove any loose fur before you begin the bathing process. You can also gently put cotton balls in their ears to keep water out.

Use the right shampoo

When it comes to shampooing your cat, make sure to use a cat-specific shampoo. Never use human shampoo or soap on your cat, as it can be too harsh for their sensitive skin. Gently massage the shampoo from their neck to their tail, avoiding their face, eyes, and ears.

Be gentle and calm

Be kind and composed when giving your cat a bath. Speak softly to your cat and pet them to help them relax. Avoid getting shampoo in their eyes, ears, or nose, as it can be irritating for them.

Rinse thoroughly

After you have applied the shampoo and lathered up your cat, rinse them with clean, lukewarm water. It is important to ensure that all soap is washed away, as your cat may ingest any remaining shampoo when grooming themselves later. Additionally, any leftover shampoo can cause skin irritation and attract dirt. Therefore, thorough rinsing is essential.

Dry them off

Once you have rinsed your cat, it is important to dry them off. Use a soft towel and gently pat them dry. If your cat lets you, you can also use a hair dryer on its lowest warmth setting to help speed up the drying process.

Reward your cat with treats

To encourage your cat to associate bath time with pleasant memories, give them their favorite treat, lots of cuddles, and praise after the bath.

Although bathing your cat can be difficult, with the right preparation and technique, it can be done safely and effectively. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can make the process easier for both you and your cat.

If you have any questions or concerns about bathing your cat, our pet experts are always available to help.

You can reach out to us, and we will provide you with the answers you need to keep your feline friend looking and feeling their best.


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