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Keep your pet safe and healthy in summers

5 Important tips

By Suhail MahedaviPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Hey there, pet lovers!

Get ready to bust out the sunscreen and pack up the water bottles, because summer is almost here!

As you gear up for some fun in the sun with your furry friend, keep in mind that high temperatures can be a real downer for your pet, causing overheating, dehydration, injuries, heatstroke, etc. But don't worry, we've got your back!

Here are some paw-some tips to help keep your pet safe and healthy during the summer season.

5 tips to keep your pet safe and healthy this summer

Keep them hydrated

Hydration is key! Just like us, humans, pets need plenty of water to stay hydrated during the hot summer months - whether they're at home or out and about.

So, make sure you provide them with fresh and clean water at all times and monitor their water intake regularly. If you are planning on taking your pet on a walk or a hike, it is a good idea to bring along a portable water bottle and a collapsible bowl. This way, your pet can drink whenever they need to, and you won't have to worry about them becoming dehydrated.

Limit their outdoor activities during peak hours

To protect your pet from the hot sun, it is important to be mindful of when you take them outside. The peak hours of the day, generally between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., are when the sun's heat is the harshest and can be particularly dangerous for your furry friend. So, you should limit their outdoor activities during these hours and make sure they have access to shade and water if you do take them outside.

You can try planning your walks and playtime during the cooler early mornings or evenings instead. It is also important to be aware of your pet's physical activity levels and avoid strenuous exercise during hot and humid weather. Make sure to encourage them to take breaks and cool down, and on especially hot days, keep outdoor activities to a minimum.

Protect them from the sun

Pets, like humans, are at risk of getting sunburned during the summer months. Some pets are more prone to sun damage than others because of their thin coats or light skin. Particularly vulnerable breeds of pets include those with hairless noses and eyelids. To protect your furry friend, consider using pet-safe sunscreen on their exposed skin, including their nose and ears. You can also provide them with a hat or a shady area to rest in.

Even pets with longer coats are at risk of sunburn, so it is important to be mindful and take necessary precautions to protect them from harmful UV rays.

Never leave them in a parked car

You should never leave your furry friend in a parked car, even for a few minutes. As a responsible pet parent, it is important to understand that leaving your furry friends inside a parked car, even with windows cracked or parked in the shade, is never a safe option. The temperature inside a car can reach deadly levels within minutes posing a fatal risk to your pet.

So, don't take any chances with your pet's health - you should either leave them at home where they'll be much safer and more comfortable or you can take them with you while you run errands.

Watch out for signs of a heatstroke

Heat Strokes are no joke, and they can be life-threatening for your furry friends. While pets can't communicate with you verbally, they do show physical signs that can indicate how they are feeling. So, pay attention to their behavior, familiarise yourself with the warning signs, and keep a close eye on your dog to catch any signs of distress quickly.

Some signs of overheating include excessive panting and salivation, discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal gum color, disorientation, abnormal behavior, seizures, etc. If you notice any of these symptoms, move your pet to a cooler place, give them water, and place a damp towel over their body. And, if the symptoms persist, seek veterinary attention right away.

There you have it, folks! With these 5 tips in mind, you are all set to enjoy the summer season with your furry friend.

If you have any questions or concerns about caring for your pet in the summer months, you can schedule a video consultation with qualified vets at Zoonivet. Simply click here and set up an appointment right away!

Stay safe, and have a wonderful summer with your beloved pet!


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