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Experience in raising marine aquarium fish and playing in saltwater aquariums

There are many people who, after a period of playing freshwater fish, have switched to marine aquarium fish. This is a new hobby introduced to Vietnam and has been responded to by many rich people. Saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to raise attract hobbyists because of their unique and rare beauty. In the article below, Ken will introduce some information about how to raise this saltwater fish. Hopefully you will have more useful knowledge to have a beautiful saltwater fish tank for yourself.

By Ken aquariumsPublished about a month ago 12 min read


1. How to raise saltwater fish is different from freshwater fish

2. Conditions for raising marine ornamental fish

3. Food for marine aquarium fish

3.1. Artemia

3.2. Bo Bo

3.3. Pellet feed

3.4. Fresh shrimp

3.5. Carp

3.6. How to feed marine aquarium fish

4. Saltwater aquarium fish are easy to raise

5. How to choose saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to raise

5.1. Choose to raise marine ornamental fish that are easy to tame

5.2. Choose to raise healthy saltwater fish

5.3. Choose to raise baby saltwater aquarium fish

5.4. Choose to raise adaptable saltwater fish

5.5. Detect sick fish by observing feces

6. Water source for raising saltwater ornamental fish

7. How to build a beautiful saltwater fish tank

7.1. Equipment for beautiful saltwater aquariums

8. Beautiful saltwater fish tank filtration system

8.1. Overflow filtration system

8.2. Bottom filtration system

9. How to place a beautiful saltwater fish tank according to feng shui

How to raise saltwater fish is different from freshwater fish

Currently there are two types: natural sea water and artificial sea water. In natural seawater there are many microorganisms and minerals that artificial seawater does not have.

Most aquarium stores sell artificial seawater due to its convenience in transportation. Depending on the type of water, there are different ways to raise saltwater fish. Suitable for ornamental marine fish. It is best to choose saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to raise.

Marine ornamental fish are saltwater fish, most of which are of natural origin. Due to sudden changes in habitat, they often have low vitality. To have a beautiful saltwater fish tank, you need to pay close attention to care.

Raising saltwater fish requires a lot of skill and dedication. Newbies or those without patience will easily give up when raising these fish breeds.

Nowadays, there are easy-to-keep saltwater aquarium fish that are artificially bred for commercial purposes. Depending on each different fish breed, there will be specific requirements for a beautiful saltwater aquarium.

Conditions for raising marine ornamental fish

There are 3 requirements for farmers to own a beautiful saltwater fish tank. First is the love for fish. Ornamental fish in general and marine aquarium fish in particular are very sensitive to their living environment.

Ways to raise saltwater fish require investment of time and effort. If you choose saltwater aquarium fish that are easy to keep and don't care for them, you are probably not suitable for keeping any type of pet.

Second is learning. Raising saltwater aquarium fish requires a lot of scientific knowledge. Furthermore, we must constantly update new knowledge. Although you choose saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to raise, you still have to gain experience.

Even longtime saltwater fish keepers are not sure they know everything about different types of fish. In addition to biological behavior, players also need to understand water composition, lighting, how to prevent fish diseases, and fish nutrition...

Third is diligence. Ways to raise saltwater fish and how to care for them are entertaining and relaxing activities. But raising fish to be healthy and beautiful is not a leisurely job.

You must have the right way to raise saltwater fish. It is necessary to change the water on schedule, measure the parameters, feed the fish, observe and clean to make the saltwater aquarium more beautiful. Some fish breeds need special conditions, so it will take a lot of time.

Food for marine aquarium fish

There are many different species of marine aquarium fish. Therefore, the ways to raise saltwater fish are also very diverse. Farmers can base on their actual situation to choose the species of fish they want to raise.

But raising most surface water fish species has a certain degree of difficulty. Saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to raise sometimes have quite strict requirements for food, so it's best for owners to prepare themselves mentally to raise them well. To take care of a beautiful saltwater fish tank, you also need to pay attention to feeding.


It is a type of egg, used as food for saltwater fish and shrimp larvae. Preparing to incubate Artemia larvae is very complicated and laborious. Incubation time is about 24 - 37 hours before Artemia will hatch.

Bo Bo

Bobo is a popular food for saltwater aquarium fish that are easy to raise. Often called Moina. Usually appears in dirty flooded areas.

It is used as food for freshwater fish and shrimp larvae. The downside of Bobo is that when put in salt water, it will die and settle to the bottom, dirtying the lake water.

Pellet feed

There are many on the ornamental fish market, so use this type of food for saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to raise. According to many people's experience in raising saltwater fish, it is best to feed the fish every two days.

Don't add too much as it will dirty the water and cause disease in the fish. Furthermore, it will make the beautiful saltwater fish tank more ugly because of leftover food. It is necessary to refer to ways to raise saltwater fish and build a reasonable diet for them.

Fresh shrimp

Saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to raise also love to eat shrimp. Shrimp come in many sizes suitable as food for fish of many ages. In addition to nutrients, shrimp shells contain a lot of Carotene to help the fish color. To keep shrimp alive for a long time, we need strong aeration. Fresh shrimp is also a low-pathogen food.


It is a popular food that is relatively inexpensive compared to wild fish and shrimp for saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to raise. However, carp often carry diseases that can be transmitted to your fish. The pathogen that carp often transmits is white spot disease or melon worm (Itch – Ichthyophthirius multifiliis ).

Bait fish should be washed before feeding saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to feed. If we are careful, we should raise bait carp in a separate tank with a little salt to disinfect, monitor the bait carp for a few days and treat them if necessary.

How to feed marine aquarium fish

When you first release marine aquarium fish, they may not feed for a few days. This is caused by environmental changes and busy fish fighting for territory. You should wait 1 week after raising saltwater fish, when familiar with the surrounding environment the fish will gradually adjust.

The feeding principles for saltwater aquarium fish are basically the same as for freshwater aquarium fish. Feed saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to raise in small amounts but often. The amount of food should be eaten each time within 5 - 10 minutes.

Feed twice a day. Food should be diversified, to satisfy the needs of different types of fish. At the same time to maintain the bright color of the fish. You can also feed them fresh food.

Saltwater ornamental fish are easy to raise

Marine ornamental fish are extremely diverse and rich in color and type. They are classified by strain, by family, by characteristics... Choosing marine ornamental fish that are easy to raise is not difficult. Below are the most popular types of saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to raise today.

Yellow Tang (Yellow Parachute Fish) – Yellow Tang.

Banggai Painted Fish – Kaudern's Cardinal Fish.

Damselfish – Damselfish.

Nemo Clownfish – Clownfish.

Blue Green Chromis – Blue Green Chromis.

FireFish Goby – FireFish.

White Eye Painted Fish.

Blue Pomfret.

Hoang Sa fish.

Earl Fish.

Yellowtail Pomfret.

To have a beautiful saltwater aquarium, you can keep a combination of different types of marine aquarium fish. Decorate the aquarium with some suitable aquatic plants, rocks, and driftwood. Note, the way to raise saltwater fish is not the same for different breeds.

How to choose saltwater ornamental fish that are easy to raise

Choose to raise marine ornamental fish that are easy to tame

Currently, there is no way to artificially breed saltwater fish. Therefore, the saltwater fish species in aquarium stores are mostly wild fish. They are caught from shallow waters near coral reefs. This is the problem related to domestication.

Therefore, the best way to raise saltwater fish is to choose to raise marine ornamental fish that can quickly accept artificial food. Saltwater fish have fundamentally different feeding habits. They are divided into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Omnivorous fish are the easiest to raise.

In addition, there are also butterfly fish, raccoon-face butterfly fish, and red peach pomfret fish of the Butterfly Fish species. They are all commonly raised fish species today. Vegetarian marine fish species mainly eat algae and algae in the water.

For example, with the spiny fish family, this method of raising saltwater fish will definitely be difficult because domestication is not easy. Especially ornamental marine fish species eat specific foods. They forage in a very narrow range. Only eat foods that are extremely difficult to find such as coral meat, polyps... These fish breeds are not suitable for beginners.

Choose to raise healthy saltwater fish

Looking from the outside, the fish's body surface has no wounds or ulcers. The skin is clean, no fluid adheres to it, and the fish's fins are not torn. Fish scales are complete and not missing. Eyes are clear with no cloudiness.

You should choose to raise saltwater fish based on their swimming form. The fish swims vigorously in the tank. If they get scared, they will quickly run away or hide. The fish are eager to eat, showing that the health of the fish is very good and is quite easy to raise successfully. Because this is related to the growth and development of fish.

When choosing, if the fish breathes rapidly, reacts slowly, or stops next to a motionless pet rock, it is likely to be sick. Fish that are too skinny and like to rub their bodies against rough objects are also likely to be infected with parasites and should not be chosen.

Choose to raise baby saltwater aquarium fish

Aquarium fish are easy to raise, but when they are young, they are physically weak and can easily die. Furthermore, the body color is not clear enough, it is unclear whether it is beautiful or not. An adult fish's lifespan is no longer too long, and the fish's body shape is inherently very large.

At this time, it is even bigger and not suitable for nurturing. Young fish have the strongest vitality, beautiful body color, and the most aesthetic. The breeding lifespan is also quite long

Choose to raise adaptable saltwater fish

Different fish species have different living habits. Carnivorous saltwater fish cannot be kept together with small sized fish. Otherwise, small fish will become a delicious meal for them. Saltwater fish are highly territorial. They fought very fiercely. Try to avoid keeping them with other fish species.

If you raise saltwater fish in the same aquarium, you must also pay attention to placing many decorative objects to provide them with hiding places. Saltwater fish of the same species only keep 2-3 of them, they will fight non-stop.

After releasing a certain number, they can live together peacefully. Fish that eat too fast should not be kept in the same aquarium. To avoid fish that cannot compete for food for a long time and become malnourished and get sick. Fish that only eat one type of food should not be kept together with other fish.

Detect sick fish by observing feces

After feeding the fish, you need to observe the aquarium fish defecating to see if it is normal or not. The feces of Clownfish, Japanese cornfish, and blue spinytail fish have white mucus.

The feces of species such as the rat-bellied puffer fish and the emperor plaice are like debris. Sea eel feces are round granules. Based on observation to detect fish diseases early. At the same time, you can accurately understand the health status of fish.

Water source for raising saltwater ornamental fish

It is very important for sea fish as much as humans need air. There are two types of water: natural and artificial sea water. In natural seawater there are many microorganisms and natural minerals that artificial seawater does not have. Currently in Saigon, the vast majority of aquarium shops sell artificial seawater.

The way to recognize artificial seawater is that the salinity is about 20 parts per thousand. And when cultured for 3-4 months, the bottom of the aquarium becomes covered with black layers (use a hydrometer to measure salinity). When raising aquarium fish in artificial saltwater, a lot of green moss appears.

When you buy sea water, you must first let the impurities in the water settle. At the same time, the filter must be plugged in continuously for at least 5 days to purify the water. At the same time, create time for microorganisms to develop.

Saltwater aquarium fish are mostly caught in coral reefs, places with water temperatures below 24 - 27°C. Such a temperature is best for saltwater aquarium fish to live and grow healthily. Water temperatures higher than this level will stimulate algae growth, which is harmful to fish.

How to build a beautiful saltwater fish tank

Equipment for beautiful saltwater aquariums

Lighting system: 2 blue and pink light bulbs

Protein skimmer.

Water cooler (if raising soft corals).

Bottom filter box.

2 pumps.

Wave generator.

Beautiful saltwater fish tank filtration system

This is a very important thing after the water source, it determines up to 90% of the life of marine fish. There are two commonly used filtration systems for marine fish: overflow filtration and bottom filtration.

Overflow filtration system

The advantage is that it is compact and simple, suitable for small lakes. The disadvantage is that it does not filter out the residue at the bottom of the lake. On the other hand, a certain amount of fish waste and moss can be put out into the lake. There is no need for another pump to pump water out of the lake and into the bottom filter tank.

Bottom filtration system

The advantage is to filter out residue and leftover food at the bottom of the lake. At the same time, it does not ruin the aesthetics of the aquarium because the filter box is not visible. Although bottom filtration is costly and takes a lot of effort, the rate of healthy fish is high and there are fewer diseases.

In addition to the above two filtration systems, we can use microorganisms to decompose dirt on the bottom of the lake. Microorganisms have an extremely powerful water cleaning effect. The safest way to raise saltwater fish is not to use chemicals to cut algae and moss, which will harm corals, anemones and fish.

How to place a beautiful saltwater fish tank according to feng shui

The location of a beautiful saltwater fish tank depends on the homeowner's destiny. Placing it in the right direction will bring benefits to the homeowner. According to feng shui, a beautiful saltwater fish tank should be placed in the North and Southeast.

North direction belongs to Quan Loc palace, symbolizing luck and fortune. Southeast belongs to the Phu Quy palace, symbolizing wealth. Fish is the country's natural resources. Placing a beautiful saltwater fish tank in these two directions will make the resources grow and flourish.

If you place the fish tank in the North direction, you should choose fish with a metallic color. Because the North direction belongs to the Water element. According to the five elements, Metal gives birth to Water.

If you place a beautiful saltwater fish tank in the Southeast direction of the Wood element, you should stock fish with red, pink, orange... colors that belong to the Fire element. Wood giving birth to Fire will bring prosperity to the family.

If you do business, it is best to place the saltwater fish tank in the Southeast direction. Eight red fish and one black fish should be stocked. Because according to Eastern beliefs, number 8 symbolizes strength. In addition, if you apply this method of raising saltwater fish, you will also achieve yin and yang harmony (black is yin, red is yang).

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Ken aquariums

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (1)

  • HK Decor9 days ago

    Very inspiring read, thanks for sharing. Please develop it further so I can have more of this interesting knowledge

 Ken aquariumsWritten by Ken aquariums

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