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Craziest "how I got my dog" story

Stray to stay challenge

By CosmicAliPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
This was taken a few minutes after I brought Zippy home for the first time.

My puppy adoption is the craziest story ever. (I know this is supposed to be a rescue story about a stray but technically I rescued him as a puppy before he risked becoming a stray). First I'm gonna have to go back a few months before I adopted him for the craziest part at the end of the story to make sense.

July 29th 2017, I organised a tinder hook up with this guy, after we had sex I asked him what his favourite breed of dog is and he said a Staffy and mine was Husky, Kelpie and dingo (yes I know dingoes aren't technically a dog but both are canines).

A few days later I started to get pregnancy symptoms: morning sickness, bigger and sore breasts, and I had weird cravings for things including kid shows and salty foods.

A week after that I only had my period for one day, and I started to feel something in my belly, like something really small, alive and masculine, it felt as small as an avocado seed, so I waited till it had been 4 weeks since I had sex to do a pregnancy test. The time in between I felt I needed to nurture something so I started to like the idea of having a baby I could nurture and raise as my own.

4 weeks had passed so I went to get tested, when it came up negative I was so upset and confused, why am I feeling like this then? What am I truely feeling inside?

8 weeks after the hook up, on September 29th, I suddenly stopped feeling it, I stopped feeling the little live avocado seed inside of me.

I looked after my cousins for a day who were mostly all under the age of 10 and I realised it was a good thing I wasn't pregnant as I was not ready for a child.

A few weeks into October, I suddenly wanted a dog, I felt the need to nurture and raise a puppy, maybe adopt one from the pound? No, they were way to expensive for me. Find a free dog. Maybe find a stray dog who needs love? No, never came across one. My friends dog just had a litter that I loved to play with, I got attached to one but I thought about the long run as the dogs were all Pitbull breeds, don't get me wrong I love Pitbulls, but I know I don't have the strength to train one so I said no to them.

November 15th, my sister told me that her friends dog just had a litter, the breeds was Staffy x Husky x Kelpie x Dingo, I thought instantly that these are my favourite breeds of dogs so hell yeah I'm gonna get one, I asked my dad to drive me to get one but he just kept saying "not yet, on the weekend" but I didn't want to wait, I messaged the girl who was selling them, she said she was selling them for $200 but because she knew my sister, she would sell me the lucky last boy in the litter to me for free. I went to go get him but I couldn't get a hitch out to her so she drove to where I was hitching to drop him off to me, I had to walk about 10 minutes home which created such a sweet, nurturing bond between us as I carried him home, and as it started to sprinkle with rain he put his head into my hoody leaning on my shoulder and neck.

When I arrived home my dad could see how much happier I became from bringing home a puppy, this puppy had become my anchor to life, he gave me a reason to keep living, and to love and be loved.

That night dad told me that with adopting puppies it is best to let him sleep isolated in the bathroom, and to not go in there so he can have time to grieve and be ok to be alone, but by the time it was 1am I couldn't stop feeling upset from his cries so I went into the bathroom to play with him, but once I sat down he just climbed onto my lap and fell asleep, so I stayed with him for an hour or so just patting him and making sure he felt safe, I took off some of my clothes and piled it up so he could lay in it with the comfort of my smell and warmth from my clothes, and he was able to stay asleep in it when I left him.

I started off calling him Beta like the pack member, then my sister made fun of it calling him a masterbater, then dad and my sister liked the named Link but I didn't, then one day my sister and I took him for a walk and she thought of Zippy and I liked it so we decided that was his name.

Now here's the craziest part of the story, few months after I got Zippy, I realised the connections before I got him, like when I asked the guy I hooked with what his favourite dog breed was and he said Staffy: Zippy's father is a full Staffy, I said my favourite breeds were: Husky, Kelpie and Dingo, and those were Zippy's mother's breeds. The friend who gave me Zippy said his birthday was the 29th September, and that was the day I stopped feeling the pregnancy symptoms, I then googled how long dogs are pregnant for and it said 2 months, and 2 months before Zippy was born was when I had sex, and I was feeling a masculine energy inside me when I thought I was pregnant and Zippy is a boy. So what I was really feeling during the time I thought I was pregnant was actually Zippys spirit, he was ment to be my baby or the child I wasn't ready for but the dog I was ready for. Maybe I should of called him Link as it all linked up, but then I remember that when I was kid I used to always say that I wanted to give my first kid a name that started with "Z", and I see Zippy as my child.



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