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Calming Your Dog in a Storm

5 Natural Remedies to Ease Anxiety

By HasanPublished 24 days ago 9 min read

Introduction to Natural Remedies for Dog Anxiety During Storms

Storms can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for our beloved pets, particularly dogs. The booming thunder and harsh winds can be frightening for them, and the fear often leads to loud barking, destructive behaviors, and even urination indoors. Fortunately, there are a few natural remedies that owners can use to help soothe their pet's anxiety during a storm. Read on for five natural remedies that you can try to help your pet remain calm during a storm.

1. Calming Music

Listening to calming music might help soothe a dog's anxiousness during a storm. Playing sounds of nature such as rain and thunderstorms may be beneficial in masking the storm outside, thus reducing their anxiety levels. Alternatively, playing classical or jazz music may also provide calming effects as it has been known to reduce stress in both humans and animals alike.

2. Pheromone Sprays

Pheromone sprays are another solution for reducing storm-related anxiety in dogs. These sprays contain synthetic hormones that imitate naturally occurring pheromones produced by mother dogs when nursing their puppies which are known to have calming effects on them. Spraying these hormones in the area where your dog is located may help them feel calmer in the midst of the storm’s raging winds and loud noises.

3. Exercise

Exercise is an effective natural remedy when it comes to calming anxiousness in our four-legged friends due to its ability to reduce excess energy build-up while also releasing “feel good” hormones such as endorphins into the body. Make sure your pup gets plenty of exercise before bad weather rolls in so they’ll be calmer once it does arrive.

4. Thundershirt

A thundershirt is a special jacket designed specifically with storms in mind as it helps wrap your pooch up snugly with gentle pressure that provides comfort similar to swaddling an infant or getting a hug from loved ones; both of which can have soothing effects on people and animals alike.

5. Treats

Who doesn’t love treats? Rewarding your pup with tasty treats during storms helps distract them from the ruckus outside while also strengthening your bond with them which can add additional mental comfort when faced with something that causes fear like thunderstorms do in some dogs.


Natural remedies for dog anxiety during storms should always be considered by owners before resorting to medications prescribed by vets as they provide non-invasive solutions without side effects that may arise from administering drugs for treating extreme cases of pet anxieties due to storms or other external factors.

Exercise as a Natural Remedy for Dog Anxiety During Storms

It can be difficult to watch a beloved pet struggle with anxiety during storms. But, with the right natural remedies, owners can help to relieve this anxiety and give their pets some peace of mind. Exercise is one of the most effective and natural remedies for dog anxiety during storms. Not only will it help in soothing and calming the dog's mind, but it also provides a great distraction from the loud noises. When it comes to exercising your dog during a storm, owners should plan ahead and make sure they have enough time to keep their pup busy. Taking a long walk or going for a run are both great options for physical activity, as this will tire out their body and provide them with some mental stimulation.

Owners may also want to consider playing an interactive game such as fetch or tug-of-war. This will help keep their mind focused on something other than the storm outside. In addition to exercise, owners should consider providing their pets with calming aids such as treats or toys that can distract them from the storm. Using these items gives the dogs something else to focus on instead of the lightning and thunder outside that may be causing them distress. Providing these comforts will help ease any fear or stress they may experience due to storms.

It is also important that owners create a safe environment for their pets during times when storms occur. This includes setting up an enclosed area with comfortable bedding and providing plenty of toys in order to distract them from what is happening outside. Additionally, owners should avoid leaving their pets outside in order to ensure that they are safe from any potential danger and remain calm during these episodes of inclement weather.

Aromatherapy as a Natural Remedy for Dog Anxiety During Storms

Storms can be especially stressful for dogs, causing anxiety and discomfort. While there are many things you can do to comfort your pet during a storm, one of the most effective natural remedies is aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils to help relax and soothe the body and mind. When used properly, it can be an excellent way to help your pup cope with stormy weather.

To use aromatherapy on your dog, begin by choosing an essential oil that has calming properties. Lavender oil is one of the most popular options for dogs because it has a calming scent that helps promote relaxation. Mix a few drops of the oil with either a carrier oil like almond or coconut, or add it directly to an aromatherapy diffuser. Place the diffuser in an area near your dog, preferably in a room where they will feel safe and comfortable. Be sure to turn off the diffuser when you leave the room and keep it out of reach of your pup at all times.

You can also use aromatherapy topically on your dog by mixing a few drops of essential oil with a carrier oil and rubbing it onto their fur or paws. Make sure not to use too much oil or apply it directly to their skin, as this could cause irritation or allergic reactions. It’s also important to ensure that your pup does not lick off any excess oils after application as they could be toxic if ingested in large enough quantities.

Aromatherapy is just one way you can help ease anxiety in your pup during storms. Natural remedies like these can provide relief without having to resort to pharmaceuticals, which may have undesirable side effects on some pets. Try using aromatherapy at home during times when storms cause stress for your furry family member and see how they respond!

Distraction as a Natural Remedy for Dog Anxiety During Storms

Storms can be a cause of immense stress and anxiety in dogs. Natural remedies are an effective way of alleviating the fear and anxiety caused by storms. Distraction is one such natural remedy that can help calm your dog during a storm. It can be used to distract your pet from the sound of thunder and lightning and help them stay relaxed during storms.

Find Something Your Dog Likes Doing

The first step in using distraction as a natural remedy for dog anxiety during storms is to find something that your dog enjoys doing. This could include playing with their favorite toy or engaging in an enjoyable activity like playing fetch or going on a walk. When you find something your dog likes doing, it will be easier to keep their mind occupied while they’re experiencing fear or anxiety due to the storm outside.

Be Proactive

Once you’ve identified activities that will help distract your pet, it’s important to start these activities before the storm even begins. This will encourage them to focus on what they’re doing rather than the loud noises outside, and it will also help them build up a tolerance for thunderstorms over time. Additionally, being proactive will ensure that if things get too intense outside, you’ll already have something ready for them to do inside instead.

Create a Calm Environment

In addition to providing distractions for your dog, it’s important to create an environment that is free from triggers which may exacerbate their fear of storms. Make sure all windows and doors are securely shut so they won’t be able to hear any noise from outside. Close curtains and blinds so they won’t be able to see lightning strikes or other weather-related events happening outdoors. Having soft music playing in the background can also help drown out any noises from outside and help create a calming atmosphere indoors.

Keep Yourself Calm

When attempting this natural remedy, try not to mirror the anxious behavior of your dog since this can cause them more distress than relief. Instead, remain as calm as possible; voice soothing words when necessary but don't go overboard as this might only further stimulate their already heightened senses. Focus on creating positive associations between storms by distracting them with enjoyable activities rather than using negative reinforcement which might make matters worse in the long run.

Distraction is just one of the many natural remedies available for helping ease dogs' anxiety during storms; however, it can be one of the most effective ways of calming them down if done correctly! By doing activities that keep their minds occupied whilst avoiding triggers which may exacerbate their fear, you'll be able to provide relief from anxiety without having to resort to more extreme measures.

Calming Music as a Natural Remedy for Dog Anxiety During Storms

It can be very distressing for both the dog and its owner when storms hit, as dogs can become highly anxious during such events. It is not uncommon for them to act out in fear, making it difficult for their owners to keep them calm and safe. Fortunately, there are natural remedies that can help reduce dog anxiety during storms. One such remedy is calming music. Music has been proven to have a calming effect on dogs. It can help relax their nerves and enable them to get through the storm with fewer issues. Additionally, playing soft and soothing music in the background can provide a sense of comfort for your pet by helping it to feel secure and loved. To get started using calming music as a natural remedy for dog anxiety during storms, you will need to find the right type of music for your pet.

Dogs respond differently to different types of music, so experiment until you find something that works well for your pup. Some good options include classical music, relaxing instrumental tracks or ocean sounds such as crashing waves or rain falling on a beach. Playing the same song throughout the duration of the storm may also be beneficial as it gives your pet something familiar to listen to that helps him stay calmer and less anxious. Once you have selected some calming music, it’s important to ensure that it’s playing at an appropriate volume level so that it does not overwhelm your pup or cause further distress during the storm.

You could try playing the tunes softly in another room or through headphones if possible to make sure they are heard without being too loud or intrusive. Finally, while playing calming music is an effective way of reducing dog anxiety during storms, it is important to remember that there are other natural remedies available too which can help in providing relief from stress and fear in our furry friends. These include providing plenty of comforting physical contact such as stroking or cuddling; investing in some natural supplements; creating a safe space filled with distractions like toys; and encouraging positive behavior with rewards-based training techniques.

Conclusion: The Benefits of Using Natural Remedies to Help Calm Your Dog During a Storm

Using natural remedies to help calm your dog during a storm can be beneficial for both you and your pup. These holistic remedies can be effective in reducing anxiety, fear, and stress in dogs that may otherwise act out during bad weather. Not only do they provide a way to help your dog cope with storms, but they are also much safer and cost-effective alternatives than medications or drugs. Natural remedies such as calming treats, pheromone diffusers, music therapy, exercise and playtime can all help alleviate anxiety in dogs. So next time you hear thunder outside, why not try some of these natural remedies to help your dog stay calm?


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    HasanWritten by Hasan

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