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13 Animals With the Strongest Bite

biggest bite animals

By Wayne Published 10 months ago 4 min read
13 Animals With the Strongest Bite
Photo by Matthew Kerslake on Unsplash

Big ones...

They are dangerous

Average two-year-old?

Today's ring features Earth's...

They're toothy!s strongest bite force animals!

What's Earth's toothiest animal?

Find out!

The apex predator—humans—test its jaws first!

Did you know humans bite hard?

Okay, we invited this guy to demonstrate how powerful other creatures' bites are.

Okay, pal, bite this device to see the numbers.

160 lbs/sq in!

In the harsh modern world, breaking a hard cookie or pistachio shell is enough.

Take a cookie.

Now that we know what to expect, the serious contenders take the stage.

Our measuring device's first victim is man's best friend.

—a dog!

A mastiff walks onstage to show its strength.

It clamps its jaws on the device.

550 psi!

That’s power!

This dog can break a thick branch.

in two.

Meet the lion—the next contestant!

Look how eager it is—it rushes across the ring and crunches its teeth around the


650 psi—four times stronger than a human bite!

This predator can easily grab a wildebeest!

Thank you, Mr. Mane, please sit.

Another big cat is our third competitor (excluding our human guest).

The powerful, striped Bengal tiger!

It leaps forward and sinks its huge fangs into the measuring device, revealing...

1,050 psi!


This ferocious beast defeated the lion—a terrifying opponent!

Shere Khan, hats off.

Is that hysterical laughter?

Our next contender is eagerly waiting!

Meet hyena!

Why is it laughing at our powerful tiger?

1,100 psi!


So hyenas have stronger jaws than lions and tigers?

These pack carnivores would be the savannah's most feared if not for their cowardice!

The grizzly bear is the best forest predator.

Don't underestimate this furry titan's slow, clumsy approach.

fool you—it can reach 35 mph!

Its bite force, then?

Let’s see...

1,200 psi!

Such a bite could effortlessly eat a steak!

The grizzly roars triumphantly and leaves the ring to let its opponent perform.

The next power show contestant is impatiently pawing the ground.

The first one to wear a cape and cowl hides its shape and face.

It's huge!

This huge beast enters the ring and removes its clothes.

a gorilla!

The sharp-looking canines tear into the device, showing 1,300 psi.

Don't anger one of these gentle giants.

Now it puts on its cozy outfit and leaves.

Hear the rumble?

Next contestant is shaking the ground.

It bursts onto the ring at a speed that belies its stocky build.

—19 mph!

1,800 psi!

Hippos can do this!

This sweet-looking animal is one of Africa's deadliest.

Avoid it!

Our candidate?

I'm blind and deaf.

So, late?

Oh my!

It leapt from the shadows and bit the measuring device!

Jaguar meets us at 2,000 psi!

Applaud the powerful cat!

Jaguars outbite all other felines because their long, sharp teeth crush bones.

The jaguar vanishes just as quickly!

Prepare for two long, scaly competitors.

The first slithers onto the ring and snaps its long jaws on the device.

impressive 2,125 psi!

Let's applaud the American alligator that defeated all other creatures.


The real heavy duty is coming...

As the alligator leaves the ring, its relative, a huge and terrifying reptile, appears.

gaining attention.

Indian saltwater crocs are visiting!

Lazily opening and closing its mouth over the measuring device.

See that!

3,700 psi!

That could grab an Indian elephant if one were nearby.

Saltwater crocodiles wait in the river for prey and attack quickly.

The world's largest land predator and reptile!

After the croc leaves, the stage floods!

What’s up?

Ah, our next contestant cannot live on the surface.

Legendary great white shark!

It violently bites the device, showing 4,000 psi!

These astounding bite force estimates have never been directly measured.

This fish has no natural enemies and can hunt large prey.

The shark follows the water away!

The engineers installed a time machine behind the scenes.

I wonder why?

T-Rex emerges from the smoke!


Is it holding a teacup?

So, a Tea-Rex?

Okay, the dinosaur king bows at the ring.

huge head to bite.

8,000 psi—twice the great white's!

However, scientists estimate that its bite could reach 12,000 psi!

That can chew through a medium-thick tree!

Who could defeat such a huge force?

My surprise is...

The same time machine first shows a huge snout.

Then, unbelievably long, the body of the world's largest crocodile—the

scary Deinosuchus.

These 40-foot crocs hunted dinosaurs that wandered into their territory millions of years ago.

Look—its body covers almost the entire distance from the entrance to the measuring device!

The massive jaws close with incredible force. It's amazing!

I believe we have the bite force champion: 23,000 psi,

This monster is unbeatable!

Mr. Deinosuchus, please take the pedestal.

belt—you earned it!

This competition is over!

Our brave and fierce contestants deserve applause!

listwild animalssciencehow tofact or fictionexotic petsdogcatbreedsbird

About the Creator


Am wayne, a writer from kenya specified in research and article writing. I love doing research on natural things, football updates and updating what going on in the world

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