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10 Ways To Entertain Your Guinea Pig Everyday: A Fun Guide

The best ways to watch your pet enjoy their day

By PS MathewPublished about a year ago 3 min read
10 Ways To Entertain Your Guinea Pig Everyday: A Fun Guide
Photo by Jaroslaw Slodkiewicz on Unsplash

Are you a proud guinea pig owner? If you are, you're well aware that these adorable little creatures have BIG personalities and need plenty of stimulation to stay happy and healthy. You also know, coming up with new and creative ways to entertain your guinea pig every day can be a challenge. That's why we're here to help! Read more to find out more about 10 ways to keep your furry friend entertained and engaged.

1. Build a Playpen

Building a playpen for your guinea pig is an excellent way to give them space to run around and explore. You can use a small fence or have your own little DIY project to make the perfect fun environment for your guinea pig to play in. Just make sure to supervise your pet while they play to ensure their safety.

2. Create a Hideaway

Guinea pigs love to have a cozy place to call their own, and creating a hideaway for them is a great way to provide them with some privacy and comfort. You can use a cardboard box or a small igloo-style hut, add some soft bedding, and voila! Your guinea pig will have their own little personal sanctuary.

3. Provide Some Toys

Yes, toys are an essential part of your guinea pig's playtime. There are a variety of toys available for guinea pigs, from chew toys to tunnels to balls. You can even make your own toys using old rugs, cloth or paper towel rolls. Just make sure that any toys you provide are safe and free of small parts that your guinea pig could swallow.

4. Create an Obstacle Course

Guinea pigs love to explore, and creating an obstacle course for them is a great way to give them a fun and challenging experience. You can use cardboard boxes, pipes and other materials to create a course for your guinea pig to navigate. This is a great way to keep them active and engaged while also providing mental stimulation.

5. Give Them Treats

Treats are a great way to reward your guinea pig for good behavior and provide them with some extra nutrition. There are a variety of healthy treats available for guinea pigs, including fresh fruits and vegetables. Just make sure to give them these treats in moderation, overfeeding can lead to health problems.

6. Provide Some Company

Guinea pigs are social animals and enjoy the company of other guinea pigs. If you have only one guinea pig, consider getting another one to keep them company. Just make sure to introduce them slowly and supervise their interactions to ensure they get along.

7. Take Them Outside

Guinea pigs love to explore new environments, and taking them outside for some fresh air and exercise is a great way to provide them with a new experience. However, make sure to supervise them closely and keep them in a safe and secure area.

8. Give Them a Bath

While guinea pigs are generally clean animals, they do need occasional baths to keep their fur and skin healthy. Use a gentle shampoo made specifically for guinea pigs, and make sure to rinse thoroughly. You can also provide a towel for them to dry off with.

9. Teach Them Tricks

Guinea pigs are intelligent animals and can be trained to do simple tricks, such as jumping over a small obstacle or running through a tunnel. Use treats to reward them for good behavior and be patient and consistent in your training.

10. Provide Some Quiet Time

Just like humans, guinea pigs need some quiet time to rest and relax. Make sure to provide a quiet and comfortable environment for your guinea pig to rest in, with plenty of soft bedding and a cozy hideaway


In conclusion, with a little creativity and some simple ideas, you can provide your furry friend with plenty of mental and physical stimulation. From creating a playpen and obstacle course to giving them treats and providing some quiet time, there are many ways to keep your guinea pig happy and healthy. Remember to always prioritize your pet's safety and well-being, and have fun bonding with your cute and cuddly companion!

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About the Creator

PS Mathew

PS Mathew, a self-published author on Amazon has penned two captivating books. She is an animal lover and enjoys spending time with her dogs. Her creative and free spirited nature fuels her writing.

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