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Your First Steps

Success is not the last rung on the ladder

By Saad DjazairyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Success is not the last step in the ladder. When we ascend it, we announce that we have reached the end, adorning the walls of the office with a testimony in a frame... Rather, success is the whole ladder, with its infinite degrees and extending even after our death.

Do not be surprised by this saying, how many successful people still reap their successes thousands of years after their death, whether they are preachers, righteous people, scholars, presidents or artists...

And in this corner , We will analyze every step of the ladder until when you put your foot on it, you put it firmly and steadfastly, and all your eyes are on the top.

Your steps will be deliberate, calculated, not random or hesitant

Step one: knock on the door

Before you blame others: your family, your teacher, your manager, your colleague... for not holding your hand while you're floundering in the water basin, call him first so that you draw his attention that you are facing a problem. He thinks you don't need it anyway...

Some of us think that people know what he needs without telling them, as if people read his thoughts and always remember that no one opens the door of his house for you if you do not knock on the door, and you stand in front of the door and you only contemplate it without moving does not make the door open.

Step two: extend your hand

You are facing a problem that you think you are starting to drown, I took the first step and called him by his name and politely asked him to help him, he rushed to you and extended his hand and said to you hold my hand, but you kept looking at him without extending your hand to hold it, he repeated his request over and over again, then he suspected that you You make fun of him, if you really had a problem, you would cling to him instead of just watching and it wasn't your concern. The second step is to extend your hand so that he can see it, who will help you and hold it until he pulls you out of the danger zone.

Step three: the right door

Perhaps he heard you crying out, but he didn't help you, but it made matters worse. He came to watch you drown while laughing... What do you do? Do you despair and drown in silence, or do you insist on calling out to someone else? Perhaps the one who passed you while you was drowning did not hear you or did not understand you or simply ignored you, so try with Other than him, and if the attempt fails, but be like the one who has a need, he does not knock on any door, and let us assume that the village consists of fifty houses. The poor who are also in need of assistance like him exceed it and thus decrease from the list of fifty houses, which becomes only fifteen houses. Even the houses of the rich do not mean all of them, because there are the generous rich and there are the rich and miserly, and this is good and that is scarce, and among the fifteen houses he means only five houses, so imagine instead that Knocking on fifty doors will knock on five doors only, and he will get the same result with a little effort and time, so do not knock on all the doors, but knock on the appropriate door

Step Four: Make water from the fire

I'm drowning, I'll die without a doubt, that's the end...

Expel negative thoughts that will drown you in a pool of water, even if you are the best swimmer

If you think of the problem as a problem, it will stay in the middle, but if you think of it as an experience that you will benefit from and add to the balance of your experiences on your way to success, you will come out of it and you are stronger. You will solve the matter, how will you control the situation, and therefore the solution lies in our view of the matter from which angle you look at the problem. Does wailing, crying, slapping and complaining to everyone who comes and goes solve the matter or make it worse?

Crying for my dear deceased does not make me recover him, rather it may disturb and harm him and not make him rest in peace, so why should I not try to make him happy and fulfill his dreams and be an extension of his good deeds...

And instead of occupying ourselves by expelling ghosts from our homes, let us try hard to expel negative thoughts from our minds, to try to expel dead thoughts and mortal thoughts, then only the fire that you are in the midst of will be cold and peace upon you.

Fifth step: a bouquet of roses

I tried to expel negative thoughts, I tried to expel failure, expel fear, but they quickly re-attack and mess with my mind.

Would you please accept my invitation to take a tour of your mind, I was surprised by what was implanted in it: failure, despair, toxicity, boredom, pessimism .... The negative thoughts that you failed to expel are not alien to you. I expelled it, it comes back because it has roots in your mind. Take off your thorns and grunts. It will come back and germinate, but return the heart of your land and plant roses. Your thorns will disappear and rose trees will appear and its fragrance will permeate your mind. of hope.


About the Creator

Saad Djazairy

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    Saad DjazairyWritten by Saad Djazairy

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