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You Are Enough

Invest in Your Own Well Being

By Michael GrubePublished 4 years ago 4 min read

I am continuously inspired by others' selfish motives, to seek that which makes me content within my own self. However, the older that I become and the more that I learn from the lessons that I am meant to learn, I am beginning to see that there are those of us that are truly meant to be alone. This is not a thing to be looked upon negatively. I find myself thinking that I am one of the lucky few. I am becoming more aware of myself, and I am relying on others for emotional, mental, and spiritual affirmation, or stability, less and less every day.

Of course, the journey to where I am at today was a long and difficult one. Once I decided to allow the lessons to show me what they needed to, I began to grow; and with that growth came an evident separation from my fellow man. However, this writing does not come from a positive place, but one from a slip backwards. I found myself beginning to trust people again, and I was surprisingly disappointed that they did not let me down.

People have a nasty habit that needs to be broken. Relentlessly feeding their own ego by sacrificing your time on the alter of grotesque selfishness. They do not care about how you think and feel on a spiritual level. The user will only need you for as long as they have a need. They literally have no need for you, but what you can do for that need. The conversations that you will have with people like this will start to turn silent and sour when you begin to verbalize things that are on your mind and heart.

There is an old adage that we were born with two ears and only one tongue, and we needed to listen twice as much as we speak. I do believe that will truly change the world once people begin to understand how powerful that really is. When that person that is attempting to fill that hole within themselves with your energy and time begins to actually listen, a wonderful enlightenment occurs. The hole that was within them was only filled by ceasing to fill it by sheer will. By opening your ears and eyes to others, not only, will you learn a great deal through their experiences, but also, they will likely give you equal or greater time to express your own.

The only alternative that we can strive for is to better ourselves. Ironically, this will strengthen humanity in a way that cannot be broken or taken advantage of. My time in the military taught me many, many things. I learned that the machine is only as strong as the sum of all its' parts. In other words, every part of an engine has a part to play in the grand scheme, whether or not that part is actually aware of the part it is playing is irrelevant. The fact remains that if one part relies on another for it's own function, and the part it is relying on, fails; then the part that was relying on the other fails in turn. We has humans attempt to operate in a similar fashion. We attempt to build constructs of an illusionary unity. Grand sculptures of paired thinking and networking, but the truth is something that is far darker than the utopia that would be sold to you from the hot dog cart. The only thing in this world that matters is you, that's it. The secret to success in this world and in the next is literally concerning yourself with yourself.

That draw you have to help other's is a real feeling and should not be ignored, but you should only be helping others when you are no longer hurting yourself. Think of the Titanic, it would be like the lifeboats trying to take the water from the sinking giant in order to keep her afloat. You could argue that there is a necessity of hope, but at what cost? Hope is a dangerous drug, and is easily countered with logic and preparedness. Hoping that someone will save you from your situation will never result in your extraction from the problem; the problem is you.

So as you walk through the next hours and days, in this chaotic world that is falling apart by design, think about a few things with me. Are you content with where your life is, and if you are not, what is preventing you from being content? Once the threat of contentment has been identified, how then, can you remove that object in order to attain what you desire? I would encourage you, that if the object that is preventing you from your goal is another human, waste no more time on them. Literally and socially walk away from those people, in fact, you need to run away from them as if they were on fire. It is the only thing that will save you from what is keeping you exactly where you are. Once you achieve this state of forgiveness of self, then, and only then, will you see that investing in yourself is the wisest and most efficient method to helping the entire world become a better place. (Of course, if you are an evil P.O.S., then this will have the opposite effect for you...enjoy that outcome!)

I hope that this finds you well, and wish everyone (all races) safety and health in these turbulent times of change. Thank you for your time.

@XArcAngelGT500X (Twitter)

xarcangelgt500x (IG)


About the Creator

Michael Grube

I am 36 years old, an Army veteran, and officially divorced. I have been writing since i was young and have always been told that I have a knack for it. I've tried my writing a few novels, but my heart lies within poetry and journalism.

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