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Write or Die

Take 2

By Kohl YoungerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Write or Die
Photo by Imat Bagja Gumilar on Unsplash

Write or die second piece…

Forget competing, forget about what you think others think. Assumption will keep you procrastinating. Don’t worry about getting it wrong. Don’t worry about the categories of writing. Write from the soul.

(I am waking on a dirt road with trees surrounding me. Headphones on listening to a guitar string a melody)

In the last Write or Die piece, I mention writing similar to breathing. The phrase ‘over the top’ or being ‘too much’ replays in my head and signifies an emotion that causes me to put my writing on the back burner. Then I realize this isn’t about me. It’s about us. It’s about the ones who matter the most. The children, the elders, and our relatives.

Self-motivation. Some of us been writing for years. It’s been a therapeutic tool for some of us throughout our hardest times. Even if it isn’t shared with the world. The universe hears it. The trees can hear your thoughts. Our ancestors can hear us when we talk. But sometimes our relatives need to read, listen, and or see those who are paving a way.

This goes back to the competition. Only competition is you. Yourself. Don’t allow self-criticism to kill you. If you see others doing work, make it inspire you instead of discouraging you. Tap into that speaking from the soul.

Writing is like exercising. The process will almost never change. The routine will stay its course. In the beginning, it is hard but doing it daily it becomes easier. We aren’t so sore after a workout once we become accustomed to the routine.

A metamorphosis of being a writer is such a unique attribute to the human consciousness. Oral tradition is from a different world view which constitutes the senses of being as in a present or a personal perspective physically acquiring the atoms to make up the reality, we are currently projecting from the mirror effect of the brain.

I can only give my own opinion in a writing room because the probability of a story whether fictional, nonfictional, or whatever genre it is, has so many different ways of beginning and ending. When we write it feels like an open portal to create a still that maybe there forever.

So, to my relative who want to be a writer, it’s write or die. It’s write or let your writing die. How bad do you want to write? What can I tell myself to keep writing? Do we tell ourselves; we write because others can’t write? Do we write for ourselves? Do we write for our loved ones? Do we write for humanity? What is it that you want to write? Find the passion to write. Tap into that drive.

If you have the desire to write, you will find a way. If there is a will there is a way. The sacrifices you will make will be well worth it in the end. Believing in yourself is key in anything you do, especially in something new. Something that you have never done before, it takes a leap of faith in oneself to relay a story. The burning sensation within your brain that assures you, neurons are sparking confronting you to sit down and write!

As I write this, I still get anxiety. Sometimes I think, what am I doing and am I up for the challenges? Am I ready to make the time to execute goals? Bunch of other questions flood my mind but then, a sudden burst of energy answers the questions I have in a bold statement... "If I never try, I will never know."


About the Creator

Kohl Younger

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