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Why Take a Step When You Can Leap?

Because Taking a Leap Is so Much Better!

By WarriorPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
I run because it's fun.

W​hy play it safe when having fun is all about taking chances! Every time I put on my spikes I always thought how crazy it is for us runners to enjoy going through so much pain. Is it truly possible to find so much excitement and feelings of accomplishment through so much drain? The answer is yes. Don't let anything every old you back, not even if it's physical pain.

M​ost of the topics that I'm about to write are going to sound crazy, but it's true. True that running will make you happy even when it is painful. True that in order to gain benefits here and there you will have to make sacrifices. It might be scary at times, but that's part of what makes it exciting. At the end of the day I'm proud to be crazy, because it beats not trying at all.

W​hat I look for in a race is to have fun. You can still win a race as long as you give it your all. I don't need to win first place every time to feel proud of myself. I just need to know that I'm making others proud. I care about my well-being very much, and exercising through running is one of the best outlets I could ever discover.

A​nd of course, success comes in all shapes and sizes. The shape of swimming is great for those who just want to get in the water and accommodate all of the body. Maybe the shape is in the form of an equipment such as a stationary bike or even an elliptical. Success is performing the exercise, success is not about running away from the activity.

Y​ou don't even have to be acknowledged to be successful. Keep a list of frequent core routines to do at home and always celebrate by yourself about your own personal achievement. Maybe go out and share your thoughts and ideas with others to do what you plan to do with others. Always try to do even the smallest amount of work because it will always be worth it.

I​t doesn't matter when you start, as long as you start at some point is what makes you successful. Success ranges from very small achievements to outstanding accomplishments. Always cherish your wins just as much as you should learn from your losses. Never be afraid to lose, because that is the best way to learn and to win. Winning isn't everything, but being active and trying your best is. Why not get out of your comfort zone and try something new for a change? It doesn't even have to be for yourself, it could be just as much for others. You will feel happy helping others out because you are making a difference in someone's life.

S​o get out there, make a difference, laugh and cry as much as you can. Try to see the world in many different ways. Experience the world in many different ways. Challenge yourself to the next extreme. Think outside of the box. Never give up. Chase your dreams. Be a hero. Never change who you are.

G​ive yourself time to celebrate as well. Open the door of opportunity and run. Go outside of the realm of possibility. Keep track of what you have already done and try new things. Set yourself up for success. It is better to always be prepared. Even when faced with a challenge, you will eat that challenge for breakfast. You will face that challenge head on and become victories. It's the power you have inside that will guide you to victory. You only need to believe to win the war.


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