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Why do you need to get out of your comfort zone?

The magic lies outside of your comfort zone!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Many of us want to stay in our comfort zones, especially when things are stressful. It refers to doing, talking, watching, or eating things that we are familiar with. We do not want to go out of this safe zone. Of course, that's OK. It's natural to want to do things the way we've always done them.

However, the longer we stay in this zone, the more difficult it will be to break out. Moreover, if you want to achieve something in life, you will have to move out of your comfort zone; otherwise, you will be left behind in the race for success.

What is most disappointing is that majority of the individuals will spend their entire life there, never seeing what they could have or what they could be capable of. One of the major reasons for their downfall is this lack of confidence and fear that getting out of your comfort zone will take you nowhere in life.

However, there is a price to pay for spending our lives in this manner. While staying in our bubble provides immediate rewards, we are losing the possibility of even better opportunities in the future. Instead of being optimists, we tend to become pessimists, and that is where the problem starts in our lives.

Learning a new talent or meeting a new acquaintance, for example, will help us develop our inner strength. Even if we first fail, which is common, we will gain significant experience that we may apply in the future. When taken together, these events will serve as building blocks for a more meaningful existence.

Moreover, getting out of your comfort zone helps in acquiring your lost confidence. Confidence is not something that comes naturally to us. Creating goals, attaining those objectives, and setting additional objectives to pursue is a talent we can develop. We must face our anxieties and take a risk in order to gain confidence. We've all experienced the rush of accomplishment that comes with doing something we weren't sure we could achieve before.

The more we linger in our comfort bubble, the more frightening new terrain will look. However, the world is rapidly changing, and people who are afraid of change risk being left behind. The change will not be as terrifying to those who are already pushing their comfort zones. Instead, they'll welcome the shift and see it as a challenge that may lead to new opportunities for progress.

Furthermore, there is nothing more detrimental to our creativity than never deviating from the tried-and-true road. We get stuck in a rut the longer we refuse to entertain fresh thoughts, ideas, and ways of moving deeper. By attempting something new, we stimulate the production of creative juices, which in turn stimulates our imagination. You yourself would be shocked to see your own imagination and creativity lighting up the whole image.

Finally, individuals who never push beyond their comfort zones will never know what may have been if they had tried to do more than they thought they could handle. Everyone who has achieved success has taken chances, failed, picked themselves up, and tried again until they figured it out.

While following the safe option is always appealing, it comes with a great cost in terms of regret later on. You will regret the rest of your life the decisions you did not take because of your fear of getting out of your comfort zone. If you want to be as successful as some of the people in the world, you have to take risks, and that can be only possible if you move out of your secure bubble!


About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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