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Where do you see yourself in the future?

Be futuristic!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Take a deep breath and consider where you want to be in 10 years. Will you continue to live in the same location, with the same employer, and with the same habits as before? If you are content with your current circumstances, that is wonderful; but, if you want a new way of life, you must take action.

Your current beliefs and behaviors have a significant impact on the sort of life you will lead in the future and vice versa. What type of life do you suppose you will be living ten years from now, based on your present views, habits, and behavior? Do you believe you will be living?

It is possible for you to see many scenarios and various events concerning your life ten years from now in your mind's eye. You may do it quickly and effortlessly, and it will not cost you any money or effort. You may approach this situation as if it were a lovely fantasy and take pleasure in it.

This raises the issue as to how much of this will stay fantasy and how much of it will be realized in real life. To a significant part, this is dependent on your actions. Are you just going to fantasize about your life ten years from now and then forget about it, or are you going to take steps to guarantee that your life turns out exactly the way you want it to?

So, are you going to allow events and others, as well as chance, to dictate the course of your life and what your life will look like in the future? Ten years from now, if you continue to live your life in the same manner as you have been, without making any goals, and without altering your thinking and expectations, your life will seem quite similar to it does today. If you start taking responsibility for your life, establishing goals, and following through on them, you will see a difference and improvement in your situation.

Personal intelligence is a mental talent that allows us to make plans for our future selves. Personal intelligence is defined as the ability to recognize and reason about facts pertaining to one's own personality. In order to identify our opinion of a person and to match that impression to our knowledge of other individuals who are similar to them, we employ this capacity to recognize information about people from their appearance, possessions, and activities.

As a result of these cues, we can determine how to interact with the individual and how that individual will treat us in return. Furthermore, we hunt for clues about ourselves in order to better comprehend our own wants and to map out our own future objectives.

Our capacity to reason in this manner acts as an internal navigation system that assists us in navigating the people and circumstances we face and in achieving our objectives, whether it is to locate a more agreeable lunch companion or to pick a more inspirational course for our lives.

Individuals with greater levels of personal intelligence may be able to imagine more vivid and detailed future selves than others. These sophisticated creations help children to become more identified with their future, to assume more responsibility for their current lives, and to steer themselves toward achieving their objectives.

It is also more likely to lead to satisfaction to imagine a future self who is realistic rather than spectacular, as does striving for results that are congruent with one's own values as well as with those of one's fellow humans.

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About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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