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When the Laughter is Gone

Motivation to get your laughter back.

By Sue McGaugheyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Have you ever woken up one morning and realized that you haven’t laughed in a very long time? You think about how you used to laugh all of the time at movies, television, commercials, people, comedy and more. You ponder how the simple things in life used to bring you joy as you lay in your bed staring at the ceiling wondering what happened. Suddenly it dawns on you what the answer is. The answer is simple, life happened. The burdens of daily life have somehow sucked the happiness and joy out of your life. Think of all of the daily burdens and obstacles that most people have which contribute to ushering their minds into a negative place. Every day we worry about paying bills, inflation, recession, gas prices, our children, family and the way of the world. It might not be evident to you right away, but if you stop and think about it you will realize that it’s true. Before you know it you’re falling into that hole of negativity and wondering how to climb out so you can regain your laughter and happiness.

When times get difficult it’s important to know how to get yourself out of a funk. You need a plan on how to balance life and difficulties so that you can still have plenty of laughter and joy in your life. Journaling is an easy and therapeutic way to guide you to the answers you seek. Begin to think about obtainable goals. Think of goals you can reach for that would help lessen the severity of your obstacles and increase the likelihood of more laughter in your life. There is nothing like a good hearty laugh to help lift your spirits and send you in a positive direction. One of the hardest decisions is being honest with yourself and recognizing what it is that causes you to fall into the negativity hole in the first place. Take inventory of your life. Write down the pros and cons that surround you, what makes you happy and what tends to bring you down. Set some goals for yourself and be consistent in your journey to reach them. I always give myself thirty days to try something, then I look back and see if I notice any changes. That’s a good way to monitor your progress.

Journaling is a very beneficial tool to use in identifying your pros and cons, keeping track of them and allowing you the ability to reflect upon your thoughts any time you want to. However, journaling is not the only tool you can have to help you regain your laughter. There are many wonderful methods to help you balance laughter and life. You can join a gym, go for a walk or find some kind of physical activity you will enjoy that will kickstart your endorphins into high gear. Do your research about how endorphins contribute to happiness and a positive mindset. If you have physical limitations consult your doctor and find out what kind of exercise and activities you can do to help you work up a little sweat and get you in good cardio shape. Any time you start a new exercise regimen give it time. Allow yourself time to adjust and enjoy. Remember to give yourself a time frame to reflect on your progress. I bet you will notice a huge difference in your moods once you are exercising regularly.

Now comes the hardest part of re-evaluating your life and figuring out what is causing you to feel more sad than happy. You will find yourself questioning your relationships, your job, your environment and more. That is actually a good thing. You need to be able to feel comfortable and happy across the board in all aspects of your life. You may realize that you have to make some tough decisions. Everyone has to make tough decisions at some point in their lives. Again, this is where writing things down so you can reflect upon them is a big help. Don’t make decisions lightly. Give yourself time to reflect on your wants, needs and goals. Find ways to bring your happiness back. Find ways to laugh more. Maybe you just need a day now and then to rest, do nothing and watch comedy films all day. Maybe you need a day with comfort food and relaxation. Whatever your need is, find it and make a plan and go for it. Everyone deserves happiness and laughter in life. Don’t let the daily downers interfere with your mindset to the point of making you sad or depressed all of the time. Pull yourself out of the doldrums and find that laughter.

Lastly, I’ll leave you with this. When I was a child we didn’t have cell phones, internet and a lot of electronic stimulation. We played outside, we were allowed a limited time to watch television and we had a regimented bed time. As adults we can do the same. Unplug yourself from electronics for at least an hour before bed. Try reading a book instead or doing some meditation. Make sure you get fresh air and sunshine during the day. Make yourself a priority in your life. It’s not selfish, it’s mandatory. After all, if you aren’t happy, if you aren’t healthy, then how can you possibly be a healthy and happy contributor to the people around you? When you find the laughter is gone, it doesn’t mean you can’t get it back, you just have to want it back. You got this. It’s been said for a long time, “laughter is the best medicine.”

Written by: Sue McGaughey

Photo by Lux Graves on Unsplash

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About the Creator

Sue McGaughey

I worked 24 years in special education primarily doing behavior management. Writing has always been my passion. I was lead writer for a Lifestyle and Entertainment magazine for 8 years, until they closed during Covid.

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  • Irene Mielke2 years ago

    Great words of wisdom. Soulful, helpful. Love it!

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