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What To Do When Narcissist Finds New Supply

Part 2

By Frederick EmersonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
What To Do When Narcissist Finds New Supply
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

1. Get That Emotional Support YOU WILL NEED

2. Vent! Get That Anger Out

3. Learn How To Effectively Communicate What You Are Going Through

4. Learn How To Move Forward

5. Discover Who You Really Are

Get That Emotional Support You Will Need

What you are going through is a burden that not even Atlas (The Greek God) could bear on his shoulders alone.

You are only human, and the pain, hurt, shame, guilt you may feel for having loved them is going to weigh heavy on your heart.

In this time, you need to get your small circle, and it must be small, of people you trust and feel you can talk to and lean on.

They will be the ones who keep you from sinking into the dark, cold abyss of nihilism.

And dear god, that abyss is so easy to fall into when you are discarded so viciously as covert narcissists do.

Vent! Get It Out!

By Alessandro Bellone on Unsplash

It is so important to let that anger out. Get it off your chest. Yell! Scream! Beat A Pillow! CRY if you have to!

Whatever you do….LET IT OUT.

Many of us fail to see what happens when we keep that type of anger in our hearts.

It starts to fester and deteriorate our hearts, and soon, we become just like the narcissist. We begin to act, behave, and think like them.

We become, what I like to call “Broken Empaths.”

Learn How To Effectively Communicate What You Are Going Through

As much as your friends can be there to be someone for you to lean on, nothing beats professional help.

Therapy will be an excellent way for you to learn how to communicate TO YOURSELF what you have been through effectively.

Why you been through it? Why you allowed so much? What were some of the reasons that made you overlook the red flags?

And help you discover how you can move forward with your life.

I highly recommend that you give therapy a chance as it can save you from the ruminating thoughts that will inevitably happen.

Sign up with my affiliate link here at Online Therapy and get 20% off your first month’s sessions.

Learn How To Move Forward

This is going to be different for people. You have to find something that will give you the strength to keep pressing forward when the past will do its very best to keep you stuck.

Religion, spirituality, a higher being is a great source of strength for many, and connecting with that higher power may be all you need to stay strong on days where you feel weak and feel as if you cannot go on any longer.

Discover Who You Really Are

They…do…NOT…define your worth.

You do!

You Are Worth Something Without The Covert Narcissist In Your Life

We are worth our own world.

What do I mean by this? As empaths, we love. And when we love, we love so unconditionally and innocently. This is what the covert narcissist can somehow sniff out.

When a covert narcissist finds someone new, it isn’t because we weren’t good enough.

It is their sneaky little tactic of trying to make us jealous. It is their sneaky way of trying to hurt us.

To them, everything is a game. The narcissists we have encountered in our lives know that some of us will be watching.

This is why they seem to love the new supply all that much more.

And this is more the reason why I champion the idea of NO CONTACT.


Because it will make everything they do, living the FALSE LIFE, be for nothing.

Furthermore, by going NO CONTACT, we will be able to get back to who we were before the narc’s irrational thinking poisoned us.

I know it hurts now, but if you go back and keep thinking about them, you will remain hurt for the rest of your life. Stay strong and go NO CONTACT.

Your future self will thank you.

Note: If you can go No Contact due to having kids then I highly recommend “Grey Rocking.”


About the Creator

Frederick Emerson

I am Frederick Emerson, a prolific blogger with a decade of experience in the digital sphere. Through my thought-provoking content, I have captivated readers and sparked engaging conversations on a wide range of topics.

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