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What the Future Holds.

The age of connection as we knew it is rapidly shifting. Is there still time to wake up, and see what is really going on?

By Philippe StonebeckPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Rome 2020


Are you feeling good within yourself? In profound communion with your inner spirit? Yet, not clinging to anything or anyone?

A new age of connection is emerging.

Here’s a new premise for our age: the universe supports the individual and no longer supports institutional strength. The "play by the rules" times are deteriorating. Outdated belief systems and ancient philosophical or spiritual concepts are beginning to sound like Middle Ages troubadour folk songs. Even religion is losing ground.

We’ve been trying these ancient ways for decades (I really mean centuries.), without making a dent in the way we relate to ourselves and each other. We see the daily stats on abuse, violence, suicides, the pain, poverty, starvation, mental illness, depression, and the millions of medicated people, not to mention domestic violence, child abuse, fundamentalism, radicalism, the shootings, and the senseless terrorists acts.

I have never been a pessimist, but to add a nasty virus to the list of afflictions feels like a warning. The forces have a way to alert us by saying: Don’t you think it’s time to start paying attention to what is really important to you and what is not?

Are these horrific examples the casualties of our unprecedented need to control the planet? Is it vanity? Stupidity? Okay, we managed to make it to the top of the food chain, but where does it leave us in terms of the quality of our inner peace?

Why has our collective experiential wisdom taken such a beating? Are we here to see our triumph over nature just to continue the cycles of medieval habits without the conscious and joyful rapture of living fully and freely?

Think of all the advancements of the past few hundred years? What about the connection we have to others? Does it matter at all? Is it just a mental exercise?

Eating the menu of our joy and happiness with our cunning intellect but never being served the actual meal of our extraordinary potential?

Experiencing life is the ultimate goal, not just a good looking menu. The menu is not the meal and never will be, just as the blueprint of the building is not the building.

As a mentor, I must stress the importance of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual experiencing. Anything that cannot be experienced is NOT REAL! Eating the menu of our hopes and wishes is so embarrassing.


Self-love is too often misunderstood as selfishness, a sort of egotistical, greedy and narcissistic state of being at the exclusion or expense of others, which has nothing to do with its true contemporary meaning.

What we refer to as the “self”, meaning the whole person, has a body, a mind and a spirit. We too often forget that the body is the true temple of our experience—no body, no experience.

So, in that context, a new meaning of selfish is required. A healthy and necessary orientation toward fulfilment, success and aliveness all the way to the core of our being.

Body first, then mind and spirit.

I'd like to state that an awakened consciousness begins and ends with self-knowledge and the living out of that self-knowledge. You can only know yourself when you watch yourself in action, when you are “living” your Self. Without that, true compassion toward oneself and others cannot blossom. Self-knowledge is not intellectual; it is a living organism.


To know yourself you must establish a “private sanctuary”, an inner and outer autonomy from which you can move, feel and think freely as yourself. It is very much like finding the light within while feeling protected.

How can you trust yourself if you are not protected? How can you soar to higher planes of consciousness, satisfaction and success if you are not at peace within yourself? How can you emerge as a new whole being if you do not exercise the courage to listen to your own inner guide and wisdom?

This new era is a time for new questions not more questioning!

How can you reach deeper levels of union with others if you do not center yourself in that inner space and communicate openly and fearlessly? How can you tackle your demons if you do not have yourself?

How can you settle conflicts and all accounts or unresolved issues that prevent your freedom and liberation? How can you find your inner voice if you do not seek and find your temple within?

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I hope you enjoyed this article.

Note: these are concise essays in intuitive awareness offered as creative musings. Science uses intuition to establish new paths of inquiry and advance possible theories. I favor a philosophical exploration through my own intuition rather than fit-all reasoning.

Rather, I see myself as a traveling mystic and emotional spirit filtering universal consciousness in the now. I feel I am the witness of a great cosmic joke playing with my spirit on this earth.

Philippe Stonebeck


About the Creator

Philippe Stonebeck

I write to inspire people to walk their unique path with transformative insights into self-knowledge. My goal is to continue teaching essential skills for performance, self-expression and communication so as to empower the individual path.

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