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What is the best way to organize time and plan for 2022?

How to arrange time reasonably and plan what to do?

By Muhiuddin AlamPublished 2 years ago 25 min read
What is the best way to organize time and plan for 2022?
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Maybe you may know the importance of making a plan and arranging time reasonably, but you don't know how to arrange it. The result is that there are baskets and baskets of plans, but the concubines just can't do it...

Table Of Contents

  • Why is this happening?
  • So what is an effective plan?
  • How to make an effective plan?
  • 1. How to set achievable goals - balance what you want to do and what you can do
  • 2. How to arrange time reasonably -
  • 3. How to make use of free time - use your fragmented time in a planned way.
  • 4. How to plan several things together - a strategic multi-transaction parallel approach

Why is this happening?

Because the plan you made is an invalid plan. If you speak human words, it is a plan that is useless, and it is given for nothing.

So what is an effective plan?

From the perspective of execution, I will give you a definition that you can understand at a glance and can be implemented:

1. The arrangement of the plan must conform to human nature, it cannot be against human nature, and it must be able to be implemented.

There is no doubt about this, if the plan you make doesn't work, everything is in vain.

As for what the anti-humanity plan is, we will talk about this later.

2. The matters are as clear as the route, and we always know what to do next.

That is to say, a good plan will not let us have anything to do, be bored in a daze, keep touching our mobile phones, swiping Facebook, etc. to pass the time.

3. A good plan must be done with less thinking and more execution. It takes a lot of time to think about planning, not planning.

A lot of people just make a plan every day, and it's not enough. In fact, we don't need to waste too much time on planning itself every day but spend time on implementing and completing the plan, it is better to do not need to spend time planning, you can have a plan in mind.

In short, as long as your plan meets the above three criteria, it is an effective plan.

When you see this, you may say, "We all understand the big truth, but how do we meet the three standards you mentioned?"

Okay, let's go to the dry goods below and take you step by step to make an effective and executable plan.

How to make an effective plan?

Here, I will give you a few axes for effective planning. First, let's talk about the first axes:

1. How to set achievable goals - balance what you want to do and what you can do

One of my core ideas in the field of time management is that the purpose of time management is to get things done, to achieve what you want to achieve.

The specific time management method is not important, as long as the method that can achieve your goals is a good method, even if it is a stupid method. You must know that there are not many people who can achieve the goals they want in their lives. You have achieved your goals in life with a super stupid method, and you have been more successful than most people.

Of course, on the premise that you can achieve your goals, it is better to use some time management methods to improve your work efficiency in achieving your goals and speed up your life goals.

Therefore, I think the core methodology of time management is to find your goal. As long as you know what you want and focus on achieving this goal, you don’t need any deliberate time management, and your time management can still be done. very good.

For example, we know some great entrepreneurs, such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc. You have not heard how they do time management, nor do they have any deliberate time arrangement, but their time utilization efficiency is very high. Seconds are effective against their goals, which is the pinnacle of time management.

Finding your purpose involves two levels:

One is the macro-strategic level, which is the goal of your life. You need to figure out what you want and what you want to do in your life.

When this matter is clear, you can focus on this direction and continue to accumulate until your goal is achieved. If you don't know what you want to do, no matter how well you manage your tactical time, it's a waste of time.

Those awesome entrepreneurs, knew very early what their generation was going to do. They focused on their goals and directions from a long time ago. When we were still struggling with what we wanted to do, they had accumulated for several years For a few years, natural success was theirs, not ours.

Finding your purpose in life is difficult for others to give specific advice. You need to explore and experiment according to your interests, your dreams, and find something you love to do and for which you are willing to spend your life. Don't keep trying until you find it. As Steve Jobs said in his Stanford speech, you have to keep trying until you find it.

The second is the micro-tactical level, which is your goals for a certain period of time, such as five-year goals, one-year goals, monthly goals, weekly goals, daily goals, and even set a specific goal when doing a specific thing.

It is not difficult to formulate specific tactical goals. Most of the time, we are very clear about what we want to do. If your strategic goals are clear, you can divide them into a certain period of time and become stage goals for this period; if your strategic goals are unclear, I think you will also set some stage goals for yourself. If so, then I can only use the word scrap to describe your life.

In the development of the tactical level of the stage target, we often encounter the problem is that too many objectives we want to achieve, and we may be able to achieve the goal is not so much; also, in some cases, the goal we set too Less, discovering that we can actually do more.

The mismatch between the goal and the final result is often the place where we struggle, or we fail to achieve the set goal and get frustrated psychologically or find that we could have done more and better and feel unwilling.

So, how do we balance the goals we set with the balance before we ultimately achieve results so that our minds can reach a state of peace of mind?

Here's a strategy to use:

  • First, have a rough estimate of your own ability level. It does not have to be very accurate, but you should also have an exact measure on the approximate magnitude;
  • Then, set your own goals, as many goals as possible, and sort your goals according to their importance;
  • Then, screen your own goals, and the first screen out 2~3 goals that you must complete. If there are few, only one goal is of course the best;
  • Continue to screen the goals and determine the number of goals that you should be able to complete, such as 6 goals;
  • Continue, increase the target by 30%~50% on top of the amount that you can roughly complete so that a rough target list will come out;
  • Finally, you have to set an upper and lower limit for yourself: the upper limit is to complete all the goals in the goal list; the lower limit is the goal you must complete; other goals, you have to allow yourself to be unable to complete. In this case, there is a higher limit, you need to jump up to reach it and maximize your ability; it can also be due to various reasons, you can only complete part of the goal, in this case, you will not Frustration for not accomplishing all goals.

Using this strategy can keep your mind in a very peaceful state. Even if the number of goals is not well controlled in some cases, it will not affect your mentality. If you continue to adjust, after several times, you can always find the number and strategy of goal planning that suits you. Since then, I believe that your accuracy in managing your own goals will be greatly improved, and your ability to achieve your goals will also be greatly improved.

2. How to arrange time reasonably -

I have waited for a long time to plan according to my own sense of time rhythm, but still not many people like it, I am injured. Haha, but after getting hurt, I still have to fill the hole I dug bit by bit.

The previous part provides some suggestions and strategies from the strategic level so that everyone can identify their own goals and balance what they want to do and what they can do. The next step is to descend to the tactical level, from the tactical level to plan the route and execute it to achieve the goals we set.

The annual goals, quarterly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals, and daily goals we set are just one point at a time. We need to use our execution to fill the space between points, so that we can move from one point to another point, from one point to another. Go to the goal now.

Fill in the goals and the execution of the goals, the smallest unit is the day. Don't think it's minutes or hours. In fact, we can't do anything for a few minutes or an hour or two now. If you can improve a little bit every day, it's already good. Accumulate 1% every day, and it will be awesome in a year!

It's a pity that many people can't even make a 1% improvement every day. After a busy day, I seem to have done a lot of things. When I look back and reflect, I don’t remember what to do, let alone do something meaningful to make my progress.

Why is this so? Thinking about the time when I was in school, I could learn something every day, and I worked hard towards the end of the term vacation every day. Why at that time, every day can feel learning something, every day can feel progress? The key is the rhythm of time.

When going to school, everyone follows the rhythm of the school. What are morning reading, morning and afternoon classes, each class is 45 minutes, self-study at noon, evening self-study after dinner, and those who have good studies will read at night after the lights are turned off in the dormitory. . And no matter whether this daily arrangement is in line with everyone's biological clock habits, after all, several years or more than ten years of school experience have formed a habit, formed a time rhythm, and the time can be fully utilized - spend some time, corresponding to obtain corresponding progress.

And since college, including stepping into social work, our time rhythm has been broken. We do things at random times every day. Whenever something comes up, do it, no matter what it is, and whether or not this time is suitable for doing it. Doing things in this way, without orderly planning, or doing inappropriate things at inappropriate times, is naturally inefficient.

Therefore, if we want to improve the efficiency of time utilization, so that we can gain and improve every day, we should learn the way of life when we were in school, let our daily schedule form a certain time rhythm, and do according to this time rhythm. Things, do fixed or similar things at a fixed time every day. In this way, according to the time rhythm to reasonably plan the things to do every day, we can exchange our time for the most output.

The question is how to find and form your own time rhythm? For this, you need to record your daily energy status and time status, and then do a simple statistical analysis to know what your daily time rhythm is.

Taking myself as an example, my daily time rhythm is roughly like this: after waking up every morning, my state is not very good, it takes a long time to be more awake; in the morning, my state will continue to be poor, the afternoon will be better, the best around the evening, and it will start to get worse around ten o'clock in the evening.

Based on this time rhythm, I schedule myself to do different things at different times of the day:

1. In the morning, do some meditation, writing, and reading

I am not a morning person, no matter how early or late every day, I am not in a good state after waking up, and it takes a long time to wake up. At this time, you can use meditation to allow yourself to continue to rest, and between half-sleep and half-awake, write something, and inspiration will flow like a spring. When you are a little more awake, go to complete the daily regular reading to understand the relevant information.

2. In the morning, I mainly deal with the arrangement and follow-up of some routine things and communicate with people in various ways.

The state in the morning is not particularly good, and the energy is not enough to do too much precise and troublesome thinking, so I choose to do some routine things to arrange, follow up, and adjust; and communicate with various people to deal with some trivial matters. matter. These things do not require much decision-making and thinking.

3. From the afternoon to the evening, when the mental state is better, concentrate on doing things that require more time investment and focus

The afternoon is my most productive time, so some important things will be arranged in the afternoon, such as writing project plans and making major decisions. Moreover, my afternoon time is basically arranged into large blocks of alone time, and I don’t want anyone to interrupt.

4. After ten o'clock in the evening, do some leisure or reading, or do some sorting out for the next day, and then get ready to sleep

It is a good choice to sort things out the next day. If you arrange things, you can bring them into your dreams, let your brain and subconscious be stored, and do some processing in advance.

In this way, from morning to night, with the change of energy state, different things are arranged. This is what I call my daily time rhythm. Such a time rhythm conforms to one's own physiological state and one's own nature. Do things according to the rhythm of time, and things will be much easier to do. Things that require long-term persistence are also easier to persevere and more likely to achieve results.

I try to change this time rhythm, for example, I want to be a morning person, I want to get up early and do a lot of important things in the morning. As a result, I often spend an afternoon without any efficiency, can't do anything, and will be scrapped all day.

Therefore, your daily time planning should conform to your own time rhythm and make reasonable planning arrangements. Doing things in accordance with the rhythm of time will make you feel that you have done a lot of things every day and accomplished a lot of things.

Of course, you can also try to change your own time rhythm. If you want to change it, it can only be a small fine-tuning, you can't feel it, and after you get used to it, you will gradually have a big change. Nature is the child in your heart, you can't use force on her, you can only coax and pet her slowly.

3. How to make use of free time - use your fragmented time in a planned way.

I have been busy with various things. I have dug such a big hole and have never had time to fill it in. I will still use some fragmented time little by little in the future. Sort out your thoughts and fill this hole. Sorry for the long wait, sorry, I'll update a little bit today.

After a certain amount of self-exploration, you can plan and arrange large chunks of your day according to your sense of time rhythm. The plan made based on this is in line with your own time rhythm, and you will be more comfortable executing it yourself.

Plans are plans, they can't keep up with changes. Although you can plan for a large part of your day, you cannot avoid all kinds of unexpected interruptions, as well as unexpected waiting and delays. What followed was all kinds of fragmented time.

Large chunks of time can be planned and used by planning, while fragmented time can only be planned and used by tasks, especially small tasks.

What is the difference between a plan and a task? Planning is planning what to do and when to do it. Tasks only specify what to do, but do not specify when to do it.

For the use of shard time, the most important thing is to plan tasks for shard time, that is, to be clear about what you plan to do with shard time and have a clear goal.

Otherwise, when the fragmented time appears, you don't know what to do. If you choose to do something in a hurry, often you have not yet chosen what to do, the fragmented time is over, and such a small piece of time is wasted in vain.

Don't underestimate the fragmented time of each small piece. Nowadays, the pace of life is fast. Everyone has a lot of things to do in their daily work and life. There will be a lot of fragmented time between things and one thing at any time. To know the truth of adding up, many people use seemingly trivial pieces of time to achieve great achievements.

Elkin is a modern American poet, novelist, and outstanding pianist. When he was teaching at the university, for a few years, he was unable to write anything because his time was occupied by things such as classes, reading papers, and meetings.

Later, he adopted a method to use the fragmented time to create: as long as there were three or five minutes of free time, he would sit down and write a few lines. To his surprise, he was able to write many pages a week. Later he wrote novels in the same way. Although his work as a professor is getting heavier day by day, he still has some time to create every day.

Elkin summed up the use of fragmented time to the trick: you have to work quickly. If you only have five minutes to write, you must not spend four minutes biting the barrel. Mental preparation must be made in advance, and when it comes to doing this work, immediately focus on the work.

This is an excellent way to use shard time, the core of which is what I mentioned earlier: plan your shard time, know what you want to do with your shard time, and always be prepared to deal with the appearance of shard time.

4. How to plan several things together - a strategic multi-transaction parallel approach

Many people are very interested in multi-tasking, that is, they want to do several things at the same time, do everything well, and become a small expert in the industry in one fell swoop, which makes people envious and jealous.

Why are people interested in doing several things at the same time?

Because doing several things at the same time will make people seem to have a lot of things to do, it will also make people look very capable and efficient, and no matter whether the final thing is done or not, it will make people feel that they are busy. Very fulfilling and fulfilling.

Why do people like to be busy?

Because of the mechanism of the human brain and the mechanism of society, it is determined that even if we are well-dressed and do not have to do anything, we can’t be idle, and it will make people bored and crazy. This is why in the human domain, "blank" is actually a very powerful skill. For example, when communicating with people, appropriate silence can bring a lot of pressure to people.

Most people hate the existence of "blank" time, and they hate being told that they have nothing to do when they are "idle." "boring.

In our orthodox social concept, when you are in a certain core position, or you have a very powerful ability, there will be many things that find you, which will keep you very busy. Conversely, if you're doing a lot of things at the same time and seem very busy, you might be important, you might be competent. This feeling of being “seemed” as important and competent can make you feel refreshed and fulfilled, so whether you are busy or not, you have to make yourself look busy.

Of course, there are also many people who are really busy because of the industry they are engaged in, because of what they are doing—in fact, because of their position—he is really busy and has a lot of things to do in a short time. To get these many things done quickly, multitasking in parallel is a logical choice.

Of course, there are also some people who do have a lot of things to do at a time. If they want to find a way to quickly complete these many things, multitasking in parallel seems to be a logical choice.

Whether you're really busy, have a lot of things to do, or want to look important and do a lot of things at the same time, we can all try to find ways to multitask.

So, how do multitasking in parallel?

One of our most direct and common ways is to take advantage of wait times. While waiting for one thing, do something else.

For example, some things, after achieving a certain level, need the cooperation of other people, and you have to wait for the results of other people before you can continue to advance. During this waiting period, other things can be arranged to do.

There are still some things, after a certain level, they need to do some brewing and ferment for a period of time. Again, this incubation time can be used for other things.

In the early days of the Internet era, network bandwidth was very small. At this time, it may take a dozen seconds, tens of seconds, or even longer to open a web page.

A reasonable way to view a web page is to see a good link, open it in a new window, and then ignore it; then continue browsing on the current page, see a good link again, and open it again. After a period of time, all pages are opened, and you can browse one by one.

If you open a link, stare blankly at the blank page, and wait slowly until the page appears, this approach is really silly.

In some cases, the waiting time is passive and difficult to predict in advance. In such a random waiting time, arrange to do other things, it is best to prepare in advance and do some short tasks so that this task can be completed in the passive waiting time. For the use of this type of waiting time, you can refer to my answer on the use of "fragment time".

In many scenarios, the waiting time is predictable. At this time, it is necessary to consider the possible waiting time of several things as a whole, make overall scheduling, and arrange to do appropriate things in each expected waiting reality.

When considering the expected parallel tasks, a good practice is to divide everything into subtasks that are small enough and independent of each other as much as possible, such as three or five-minute subtasks. Then, when anyone thing has a waiting time, it can be interspersed with tasks to do other things. This approach is actually to divide a complete task into fragmented tasks and use the fragmented waiting time to process fragmented tasks, which is also the embodiment of the core method of "fragmented time" utilization.

In theory, no matter what kind of multitasking is parallel, its efficiency is also wasteful, because as long as it is multitasking in parallel, it is necessary to switch tasks. When switching tasks, it will involve the process of re-entering the task and getting familiar with the previous state of the task. However, this process basically does not exist in the process of completing one thing at one time, but when switching between multiple tasks in parallel, it is a repetitive action, which is a waste of time.

Of course, the waiting time, for one thing, is very long. If it is just waiting for nothing, it is a waste of time. Naturally, it is better to do some other things.

From the perspective of human function, the best way to parallelize multiple tasks is to put two "different types" of tasks together and process them in parallel.

What kind of tasks are considered "different types"? For example, one requires thinking and one does not need to think; or both do not require thinking, and things that are naturally reflected can be put together. However, two types of things that need to be considered are difficult to do in parallel.

The division of so-called "different types" of affairs has to do with the way the brain and the human body function.

Brain science research shows that the human brain is divided into three types of brains:

One type of brain is the intuitive brain, which is responsible for innate intuitive reflexes similar to those found in animals. The advantage of the intuitive brain is that it can be multi-threaded and has a fast response time. This type of brain requires little thought and relies on intuition to respond.

There is also a type of brain called the storage brain. The memory brain runs in the background, commonly known as the subconscious mind. Although this subconscious brain does not directly conflict with the rational brain, it will seize resources from each other during operation.

After understanding the basic characteristics and operation modes of the three types of brains, we can consider how to better do multitasking in parallel.

First of all, in principle, what is done through the intuitive brain can be arbitrarily multi-tasked in parallel, as long as the limbs or organs used between the multiple tasks—that is, the output tools—have no conflict. For example, as mentioned above, after we learn to drive, we can drive with both hands and feet, and we don’t need to think and cooperate tacitly.

We can make some things that we do often through learning and training to develop some habits, similar to driving a car, and become an acquired intuitive reflex. We can easily use intuitive reflexes to do things that have become habitual reflexes, and multiple habits can be multitasked in parallel under certain restrictions.

Secondly, the single-threaded and high-energy-consuming characteristics of the rational brain determine that the rational brain cannot perform multiple transactions in parallel. If you want to multi-task in parallel, it is also the kind of seamless use of waiting time described above to process other transactions.

However, we have seen that the rational brain and the intuitive brain are two completely different types of brains. When they are running, there will be no conflict, so they can be parallelized.

Therefore, we can consider multitasking and parallel processing of the things that the rational brain is good at and the things that the intuitive brain is good at. While the rational brain is dealing with rational affairs, some intuitive affairs can be arranged for the intuitive brain to do. For example, when we are running, we can think about some very important, rational, and logical business issues. The process of thinking about problems does not affect the running controlled by our intuitive brain, or even avoiding oncoming people. These two things put together in parallel, are efficient and safe.

Although there are many principles and methods of multi-task parallelism mentioned above, our conclusion is: if there are not many tasks in parallel, try not to multi-task parallelism.

Why do time management or transaction management? It is so that we will not be distracted when doing things, but will be more focused and thus more efficient. Only do one thing at a time, and when you do this thing, focus on this thing, this is the most essential point of time management.

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Muhiuddin Alam

I'm Muhiuddin Alam, a blogger and content writer. Explore book recommendations and reviews of fiction, novels, and nonfiction on your trusted site & Geek Book

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