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What is my There?

which way are you going?

By Cher's JourneyPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
What is my There?
Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

In the vibrant era of the 1980s, life seemed simpler, but the paths were often less defined. Parents, lacking the inundation of today's parenting advice through social media, navigated the journey of raising children based on their own experiences and the wisdom passed down by generations. There was a certain freedom in the absence of overwhelming societal expectations and online pressures.

As I reflect on my upbringing, I realize how the lack of external influence allowed for a more organic and perhaps less pressured form of growth. However, it also meant there were fewer readily available opportunities, especially in terms of career and education. For someone without the financial resources to pursue higher education, like myself, the choices seemed limited, and the transition into adulthood was abrupt.

By Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

My teenage years were a rush, driven by the necessity to work at a young age due to financial constraints. College was an unaffordable dream, and the concept of a gap year was foreign. I embarked on a journey through various jobs—waitressing, operating a switchboard for a bank, and eventually finding myself in sales, a path I followed for over two decades. It paid the bills, but it lacked direction and purpose.

Life was a constant cycle of hoping for a breakthrough, believing each opportunity would be the one to transform my circumstances. Yet, reality seldom matched the promises made by employers. The lack of self-awareness and a clear path made this struggle seem endless.

By Wicliff Thadeu on Unsplash

In my 30s, I pursued a diploma in exercise sciences, a step towards a personal passion. Although it hasn't led to a career change, it has become a valuable tool to guide friends and myself in health and fitness. However, it's just a fragment of what I truly seek.

A decade in the food industry highlighted the flaws within the system—how passion for quality was overshadowed by price considerations. Working in family businesses offered little room for growth and personal fulfillment.

Since 2018, the gnawing feeling that I need a change has grown stronger. Despite attempts to explore various entrepreneurial ventures, none have provided the answer I seek. Now, at 42, the question persists—what do I truly want to do with my life? What is my passion, the spark that will drive me each morning?

By Tim Goedhart on Unsplash

The realization has set in that I am not willing to spend the rest of my days in a battle that drains me and serves only to sustain others' wealth. It's time to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to unearth that elusive passion that will light the fire within and guide me towards a fulfilling purpose, one that aligns with my values and aspirations. The road ahead may be uncertain, but the desire for a meaningful life is stronger than ever.

What course will I pursue now that this year has been one of mental, physical, and spiritual transformation for me? In the coming 12 months, keep an eye out for my upcoming articles on where the road takes me.

A pioneer in behavioral science publishes a ground-breaking paper that demonstrates how discovering your life’s purpose improves your health and general happiness.

Life itself is a boat. A rudder is required. However, if you aren’t heading toward a harbor, or your life’s ultimate goal, it doesn’t matter how much wind is in your sails.


self help

About the Creator

Cher's Journey

Passionate about fitness, health, and nature. Enjoys self-help and motivational books, believe in the power of positivity. Content with past achievements, excited about the future, and committed to personal growth through life's challenges.

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