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What do you feel?

It's ok

By KingAndrei MarianoPublished 11 months ago 2 min read

Once upon a time in a small, sleepy town, lived a young girl named Lily. Lily had a peculiar gift that set her apart from everyone else. She could see and feel the emotions of those around her. It was as if she had an invisible thread connecting her heart to theirs, allowing her to experience their joys, sorrows, and everything in between. While this extraordinary ability had its perks, it also came with great responsibility.

Lily had always been a kind and empathetic soul, but her gift intensified her compassion for others. She used her ability to bring comfort to those who were sad, to celebrate the victories of the triumphant, and to mend broken hearts. The townsfolk admired and respected Lily for her incredible talent, and she became a beacon of hope and understanding in their lives.

One sunny day, a stranger arrived in town. His name was Ethan, and he seemed lost and burdened by an unseen weight. Lily's heart stirred as she encountered Ethan, for his emotions were a turbulent mix of confusion, sadness, and longing. She couldn't help but be drawn to him, sensing that he carried a story that needed to be heard.

Determined to offer solace, Lily approached Ethan. "Hello, I'm Lily," she said with a warm smile. "What do you feel?"

Ethan looked at her, surprised by her question. He had never met someone who could perceive his inner turmoil so effortlessly. Slowly, he opened up to Lily, sharing his tale of lost dreams, missed opportunities, and the overwhelming sense of loneliness that had plagued him for years. With each word he spoke, Lily felt his emotions as if they were her own, weaving their way into her heart.

Moved by Ethan's vulnerability, Lily offered her hand and said, "You don't have to carry this burden alone. Together, we can face whatever lies ahead. Let me help you."

Over time, Lily and Ethan formed a deep bond. Lily's ability to empathize and understand allowed Ethan to heal wounds he had long ignored. She guided him through his darkest moments, offering unwavering support and showing him that he was not alone in his struggles.

As their friendship blossomed, Lily discovered that her gift was not just about feeling the emotions of others; it was about making a difference in their lives. She realized that by helping others embrace and navigate their feelings, she could create a profound impact on their journeys.

Inspired by Lily's compassion, the townsfolk began to open up to one another, sharing their own joys and sorrows. Lily's gift became a catalyst for empathy and understanding, and the town transformed into a community bound by love and compassion.

Years passed, and Lily's reputation spread far and wide. People from distant lands sought her guidance and support. Her simple question, "What do you feel?" became a mantra for self-reflection and connection.

Lily's story serves as a reminder that our emotions are not meant to be hidden or ignored. They are the threads that weave us together, allowing us to understand and uplift one another. And in a world where empathy and compassion can change lives, Lily's gift continues to touch hearts and heal souls, reminding us all of the power of truly feeling and understanding one another.

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