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True self-confidence is to live your unique self

How to do it, remember the four key mindfulness

By Matthew A LamPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Many people have some misconceptions about self-confidence, which is what leads to an increasingly narrow path of self-growth. True self-confidence is to live a unique self.

When you know how to respect your uniqueness, your inner life will change. If we want to live our unique selves, keep in mind the four points of growth.

Respect your feelings

Most of the time, what causes us pain is that we lose ourselves, we are not sure enough about our sense of self, and then we find ourselves as if we no longer exist.

And true growth is to respect your feelings, and respecting your feelings is to be mindful of how something makes me feel about yourself.

First-class people focus on observing their feelings, and essentially each of our lives through our feelings. And the reason why first-class people are particularly concerned about the feelings of feelings.

For example, if we are happy, the feeling behind the happiness is what we need to observe the most. When you know how to observe the feelings of feelings, your ability to be aware of the self will become clearer and clearer.

Nowadays, many people live miserable life, largely because they are swayed by the external consciousness that keeps us in the impression of our senses.

Whereas true happiness is to look directly within us, to see how our inner subconscious is shaping our lives, and we can take more advanced steps.

Paying attention to our consciousness is essentially the key to breaking through our growth choke point by being able to jump out and observe ourselves regularly and see what kind of stage and state we are in, thus making us aware of what our direction of growth is.

For more articles on self-growth and self-refinement, you can follow my column to help you rebuild your inner strong self in the complex jungle world from multiple dimensions such as mindset, thinking, habits, interpersonal relationships, and cognition.

Follow the flow of your inner mind to action

True growth is a process of continually honoring ourselves, and acting on our heart flow will enhance the wisdom of our lives.

When we are in a state of love, joy, and gratitude, our energy is actually at its highest and this energy will often guide our growth.

Steve Jobs once told that he followed his heart to learn many things because he loved it, such as meditation and Zen, and later he also learned many things that came from following his inner surge, and all these things were not in vain, nor did they go in vain, and then turned into great products and creations.

So by learning to follow the inner surge to grow and act, you can find your unique confidence. This confidence is the emergence of our life force.

Confidence is a way to find the luminescence that belongs to us and is fundamental to our ability to persist in being good. When you find the luminescence that belongs to your own life, you will find that the good life will turn out to lead us automatically and spontaneously.

Following the inner life, force surging forward is our best guiding direction. Don't be afraid of the future the future is better than you think the future is hidden in your talent, and you just need to treat yourself with care and send out your light, you can become more remarkable.

Have your sense of boundaries

In the process of growing up in life, we also need to have our sense of boundaries. A sense of boundaries is also an important way for us to gain confidence.

What is a sense of boundary is an important way and method to maintain our self-space. Many times, the reason we live a tired life is essential that we allow others to invade our boundaries and we allow others to occupy our boundaries.

By letting go of what belongs to others and being responsible only for our consciousness and space, then we will have more energy in our lives.

The vast majority of people have energy that is consumed all the time, and a large part of that energy comes from our inability to reject the intrusions of others.

There was a particularly popular saying on the internet that my world is a lot quieter since I realized I was becoming unpleasant to be around. When a lot of people are pointing fingers in your life when you are very uncomfortable.

When you can be yourself, you will find that having a sense of boundaries is not a way to make yourself apathetic, but a way to guard yourself.

If a person does not even know how to guard their boundaries, how can they respect the boundaries of others? Building our sense of boundaries as we grow up is a wisdom of maturity, a key to being able to distinguish ourselves from others, and a key to building our own lives.

I once had a colleague who told me that she was forced by her parents to go back on a blind date when she was young, and she finally insisted on her choice, and eventually, her parents understood that it was their child's business, not theirs, before they let go.

Let go of comparison and accept your true self

True confidence cannot be separated from our inner confidence. Growing up is essentially about letting go of comparison and accepting our true selves.

Most of the time, what brings us a lack of confidence is often that we lose ourselves in comparison. The vast majority of comparisons are when we compare our shortcomings to others, which of course are incomparable.

When you compare your strengths with others, you have the beginnings of something more in your inner life. The essence of letting go of comparison is accepting yourself and realizing that this is good for you too.

People need to have the courage to accept themselves, acceptance is not for us to do nothing, accepting ourselves is true respect for life, but also to know that you can not be perfect, but you must also have a lot of outstanding things.

When you can accept the good aspects of yourself, you will find that life is really a deep seeing of the self and that we do not ever deny ourselves because of the past.

Instead, we iterate our lives with constant love and joy, and gratitude, and then we find that as long as we are strong enough inside, as long as we are willing to follow our inner actions to start growing, then our lives will become more and more powerful.

And this strength of life is what you feed yourself, and confidence is what you feed yourself, and it is what you feed yourself through continuous action, firm and right motivation, and behavior.

Life is about being a luminary. The more you know how to shine, the more you will light up your own life, and you will light up the lives of others because of your shining.


About the Creator

Matthew A Lam

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