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Things We Didn't Learn in School

We all know about the Pythagorean theorem, though.

By BPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Things we didn't learn in school...

"A lot" is two words. It's not one.

Your job title doesn't define who you are. Most people go into careers that they don't truly enjoy just to make good money. Many people become attached to their job title, thinking their job title determines who they are. However, you are much more than the job you hold. A job title doesn't even begin to describe your true identity. It literally just tells other idiots what you do to make an income. Your character does a much better job of portraying who you are.

The people you thought would be there, standing next to you on your wedding day, will turn into strangers—sooner than you thought.

You do not NEED college. These days, most companies would rather life experience over a college degree. A degree only means so much until you’re in debt and can not function properly in your work environment. College isn’t for everyone, and it might not be for you. Do not feel pressured by society or friends or family to go to college. College will always be there, life won’t be.

Collaboration is more important than competition. Imagine what seven billion people could accomplish if we all worked together. Why should I compete with someone who is better at math than I am? Why don't I team up with them instead of competing with them for a better test grade to put on my college resume?

“Finding yourself” takes years and years of unlearning all the fucked up shit society has taught you.

Nobody knows what they’re actually doing. You think, as a child, adults have everything figured out, and they don’t. You think they have answers to everything because they answer all your questions, right? They didn’t have an answer. They still don’t have an answer to your question about why elephants are the color grey. They just said whatever came to mind because they knew you would believe them. You were gullible and frankly you still are.

You should never regret anything in life. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.

When you die, it doesn’t matter how much you have in the bank. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing red-bottom heels or sneakers held together with duct tape. What matters is the mark you left this world, how you treated people and animals, and how you helped to make a difference.

Most learning takes place from experiences, not from reading textbooks. Sure you could be book smart, good for you, but do you have common sense? Can you last longer than .2 seconds in the streets? If I read to not stick my hand in a flame would I listen? No. If I stick my hand in a flame and burn my hand and have to go to the ER will I ever stick my hand in a flame ever again? Ehhh may—well, I would hope not.

Nobody actually cares about what you’re doing or wearing.

It’s OK to not be OK. If you need to take time for yourself, do it. Your mental health is far more important than any test grade, job interview, or meeting. If you even got out of bed, that is good enough.

Happiness begins and ends with you. It doesn't come from being the most popular or what grades you get on a test. Happiness is not about your job, or your degree, or being in a relationship. It’s not from following the footsteps of others, being like others. It comes from you. You have to find your own happiness within yourself. It was always about embracing the person you are becoming. Once you see and understand that, you are unstoppable. Happiness was about learning how to live with yourself, it was never in the hands of somebody else. It’s always about you. Happiness is an inside job.

You can learn more from failure than you ever could success.


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