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The Teenage Mistakes

Learning And Growing Through The Ups And Down Of Adolescence:

By Saravana Published about a year ago 10 min read

Teenagers are in a phase where they are myopic. They focus only on the things of the present and the nearest future. They deviate from the path that being educated is not only limited to academic’s profile. The preparations aren’t only to be puked on the examination sheets.

· Teenagers tend to forget the famous quote “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard enough.” This is the phase in life where individuals are adamant that acquiring a skill or being blessed with a natural talent is enough for a successful stable life career. They must realize from the very beginning that skill acquisition and being talented aren’t enough, one needs to keep on polishing to be better at every stage. There is always scope for betterment. Working hard in the right direction is all that is needed. There is never a quick fix for possessing success. Hard work and determination have to go hand in hand throughout.

· Success is a cocktail of skills and one possessing only one ingredient alone won’t lead to a happy successful life. All aspects of completing a task physically and psychologically and socially are to be blended in a balanced quantity to achieve the desired results.

· Most teenagers are rebellious in nature. Due to their being under authoritative parents, they develop this habit. It is a common practice among teenagers that they turn a deaf ear to their parents and elders. It has been observed that the youth have a deficit ability to recognize the importance of the call. They end up focusing on lesser vital activities despite being guided by parents. In later stages, teenagers get into regret emotion.

· To hold onto the societal impressions of luxurious lives teenagers end up burying themselves into debt. They need to realize the fact that they should know their financial limits and not exceed them for a downfall in their lives.

· Teenagers shouldn’t have the shame of spending as per the expectations of their peers. They must know that the moment they borrow money from someone their time no longer belongs to them. It’s a borrowed time and energy until the debts are cleared along with the interests charged, which should be done in the minimum possible time.

· Teenagers calculate happiness in terms of money. They believe that money is equivalent to happiness. It is true that with money numerous things can be bought which are life-long ambitions but what is needed is to understand the correct balance. It is ample of the mess caused by money and at the same time ample of the fort can be bought too. So, the solution is to find the balance without hampering a stress-free life.

· Youth should differentiate between the pleasure needed and the happiness associated with it. Pleasure and happiness are two sides of the same coin. They run parallel to each other.

· Teenagers are impatient. They want the result of the so-called hard work in no time. They need to learn the art of patience and perseverance.

· Teenagers need to find a balance in their lives in real and on social media apps. Reel life and real life have to be distant and parallel to each other.

· Teenagers lack the ability to prepare plans strategically for any task. They need to organize their regular life and habits.

· Teenagers easily get emotionally attached to new friends. They must learn that relationships last long only when there is effort and warmth practiced regularly. The art of detachment must be taught because people evolve into different personalities due to growth, and changes in cities and careers.

· It is soul-crushing for teenagers when they step into the real world beyond their family and close-knit friends. They realize the world doesn’t revolve around their preferences and mood.

· Teenagers take time and effort for granted. They think there’s a lot of time in hand and things will work out efficiently in the end. This doesn’t happen. Life has to be given due respect in terms of time, energy, and gratitude.

· Teenagers need to learn to invest in themselves. This means that they need to use the minimum capital they have for the utmost results. They must work towards polishing their skills and talents.

· Youth have to grow themselves with skills and hard work to avoid the tyranny of life in the real world.

· Time flies!! Youth has to realize that binge-watching shows and listening to music are good for recreational purposes. But those artists have made a career for themselves and earning a living. It is the audience who has to utilize the time effectively to give a contribution to their existence as well in the world.

· Teenagers need to realize that it is easy to be busy without being useful for years on end. They need to find the correct activity to spend their precious time and energy on which will be fruitful for their career in the future.

· There should be a thick line of understanding when it comes to expenses and the factors related to them. Teenagers should know the difference between what they can pay for and what they can afford for a sustainable life ahead.

· You only live once is the motto of many teenagers. To be adventurous being reckless is no option. At the same time exploring options. Do not drag yourself out into a toxic environment and relationship. You have a right to be happy and healthy.

· Teenagers delve into unhealthy food for the sake of being foodies and updating social media platforms with new trends. it is essential that they realize the importance of their health and the measure to take to keep it strong with immunity. Health is what stays with oneself till the last.

· Teenagers get stuck in toxic relationships only with a romantic idea. It is okay to take a leave for the ty and happiness. It is the phase to learn, explore and evolve into being a better person with healthy life options but physically and mentally.

· Teenagers do not realize the importance of saving money. Living on the edge is the new trend. They must save at least 20% of their pocket money every month.

How to avoid them?

Being aware of the circumstances and situations that arise and knowing an ideal realistic path would give leverage to the teen and an edge over the peers. Although it’s early in the journey of life still having a wide-opened mind about the tantrums thrown by life is always helpful for not being a mess and regretting emotions for the future.

Teenagers have to be instilled in their nature that the pieces of advice given and the path shown by their parents and mentors is right for their desired achievements. Teenagers must realize that cautious journey ahead and avoid the headaches and troubles in life.

Teenagers and parents have to have smooth communication practices so that both parties are on the same page. The last thing that is needed is to spoon-feed the children throughout. Youth have to find their passion in life. Parents need not force their expectations on their children. It will lead to resentment between both of them at the same time or in the future.

A couple of mistakes that should be allowed to teenagers by their parents are:

For to shield children from the menace caused by their innocence parents end up curbing their thinking process, analyzing situations, and finding solutions. The independent nature of the child is lost by being overprotected by parents. Teenagers need to commit a couple of mistakes to learn about life and their personality development. Failures are an inevitable vital part of life, and teenagers should be prepared for anything life throws at them. It will make them resilient while being under your comfy shadow. Conveniently, they fail now to succeed in a future life with a strong stable personality.

While some mistakes are to be avoided and teens guided for safety measures other mistakes should be welcomed with warmth.

· Allow your teen to choose their friends. Despite the disliking of parents’ teenagers hang out with those certain peers. Instead of forbidding them from being friends to someone let it happen in your knowledge. Teenage is the phase where when forbidden from things they become rebellious and end up doing the same. Question your teen child in your leisure time about their likeness for that specific friend to know your child better. Clear rules and limitations should be set after communication between parents and teenagers.

· Teenagers are creatures who are bound to be irresponsible. It is because of their slow and steady development in the front area of the brain. These kids in their adolescent phase struggle to find their identity and calling. So parents shouldn’t be frustrated with the irresponsible behavior of teenagers. They will eventually learn from their mistakes and the consequences faced.

· During adolescence there is an urge to find their identity. They experiment with fashion and styles. They might prefer neon colors for a couple of months or may go to gothic black the other months. Parents should give freedom to their teenage children the to find their calling and develop their understanding of their likes and dislikes. When they aren’t forced to follow a strict code of conduct they become creative. Well, everything has to be done in not a harmful manner. Societal expectations shouldn’t be forced on teens. Let them experience to boost their self-confidence and personality development.

· Parents must know the limitations of their children, obviously an individual at a growing age cannot excel at everything at hand. If there is a dislike for an activity and it doesn’t show improvement even after being tried hard then let it be. Do not force them to follow it. It will depress them and instead of making them resilient, it will shatter their self-esteem. This is the phase to build self-confidence since most teenagers are already disliking and confused with their physical growth, do not burden them with polishing the skills they lack.

· Let your teenage child feel different emotions and express them constructively. Do not discipline them to behave pleasantly all the time. Give them space to express their whirlpool of emotions and guide them to use their energy and mood swings in productive activity. Channelizing emotions is to be learned by them with practice.

· Do not use sentences like “I told you not to do it, “I knew you would fail”, “you never listen to me” etc teenagers listen and follow when their heart allows. They have weak moments and they like to explore options. Let them make mistakes and you should keep the doors of your hearts open so that they can come up anytime to you to share their feelings and experiences.

The duty of the parents is to shield their children for a time and situation which is possible. Too much spoon-feeding and constantly being their guardian angels isn’t enough. Teenagers are humans and they are meant to make mistakes. They will fail numerous times to become resilient in life. Let them have your back always but at the same them let them make mistakes. it is good that they make mistakes and learn their lessons till you are around. Because let us accept the reality parents cannot be around all the time. And as adults, they will have to make their life choices and decide what is good and productive for them.


The article was written in the hope that the readers who belong to the teenage phase could get some guidance and would avoid at least a couple of mistakes. There has been a shining light on the most common issues faced by teenagers which are frequently avoided.


About the Creator


Hi myself saravana i am 16y/o.

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