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The Power of Small Moments: How a Writing Competition Changed My Life

"Lessons on Perseverance, Determination, and Making a Positive Impact"

By Mohamed ShibaPublished about a year ago 4 min read

As I sit down to write this, I am reminded of a small moment in my life that had a big impact. It's amazing how something so seemingly insignificant can have such a profound effect on our lives. This moment changed the way I thought about myself, and it taught me the value of perseverance and determination. I want to share this story with you to show you how small moments can have a big impact, and to encourage you to never give up on your dreams.

It was a typical day in high school, and I was sitting in my English class, waiting for the teacher to arrive. I remember feeling bored and uninterested in the lesson, and I was daydreaming about what I was going to do after school. Suddenly, the teacher walked in and announced that we were going to have a writing competition. I perked up at this news, as I had always loved writing, and I was excited to have the opportunity to showcase my skills.

The theme of the competition was "My Hero," and we were given a week to write a short essay on someone who had inspired us. I remember feeling excited and energized as I began to write. I poured my heart and soul into my essay, and I was proud of what I had written.

A week later, the teacher announced the winners of the competition. I eagerly waited to hear my name, but as the teacher read out the names of the winners, my heart sank. My name was not on the list. I remember feeling devastated and dejected, and I couldn't understand why my essay had not been chosen.

In that moment, I felt like giving up on writing. I thought that if I couldn't even win a small competition in high school, then I would never be a successful writer. I felt like I wasn't good enough, and that writing was just a hobby that I would never be able to turn into a career.

But then, something amazing happened. As I was leaving the classroom, one of my classmates approached me and said, "Hey, I read your essay, and I thought it was really good." At first, I was surprised that someone had read my essay, but then I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe my essay wasn't a complete failure after all.

Over the next few weeks, more and more of my classmates approached me to tell me how much they had enjoyed my essay. They said that it had touched them, and that it had made them think about their own heroes. I was amazed that something I had written had made such an impact on others.

This small moment in my life taught me that success is not just about winning competitions or achieving fame and fortune. It's about making a difference in the lives of others, even if it's just one person. It taught me that the value of writing is not just in winning awards or getting published, but in the power of words to touch people's hearts and change their lives.

I realized that writing was not just a hobby, but a calling. I knew that I wanted to use my words to inspire and uplift others, and to make a positive impact on the world.

Over the years, I have pursued my passion for writing, and I have had the opportunity to share my words with thousands of people. I have written books, articles, and speeches, and I have spoken at conferences and events all over the world. I have received awards and accolades, but the most rewarding part of my journey has been the countless messages I have received from people who have been touched by my words.

Looking back on that small moment in my life, I realize that if I had given up on writing, I would have missed out on so much. I would have missed out on the joy of creating something that touches people's hearts, and on the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.

So I urge you, dear reader, to never give up on your dreams. Even if you experience setbacks or failures, remember that every small moment in your life can have a big impact. You never know who you might inspire or touch with your words, your actions, or your kindness. Keep pushing forward, and never forget that you have the power to make a difference in the world.

In conclusion, I hope that my story has inspired you to pursue your passions, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. I hope that it has reminded you that success is not just about winning awards or achieving fame and fortune, but about making a positive impact on the lives of others. So go out there and chase your dreams, and never give up on the power of small moments to create big impact.


About the Creator

Mohamed Shiba

Hey, My name is Mohamed a talented writer known for their captivating storytelling and novels.I am passionate about literacy, education, entertainment and politics. I hope you enjoy my writings!

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