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The Power of Deliberate Practice: Learning a New Skill in 20 Hours

Came to taking care of our child

By Amit KumarPublished 11 months ago 5 min read


Hi everyone. Two years ago, my life changed forever when my wife Kelsey and I welcomed our daughter Lela into the world. Becoming a parent is an amazing experience that completely transforms your life overnight. Suddenly, your priorities shift, and you find yourself faced with new challenges and responsibilities. As a first-time parent, I realized there was so much to learn and adapt to, especially when it came to taking care of our child. Amidst the chaos of parenthood, I also had a personal desire to continue learning and growing as an individual. However, with limited time and sleep deprivation, it seemed impossible to find the hours necessary to acquire new skills. That's when I embarked on a journey to discover the truth about skill acquisition and how to learn quickly and effectively. In this article, I'll share my findings and introduce a method that can help anyone learn a new skill in just 20 hours.


1. Introduction

2. The Perception of Time and Skill Acquisition

3. Debunking the 10,000 Hour Rule

4. The Learning Curve: A Different Perspective

5. The Method for Rapid Skill Acquisition

• Deconstructing the Skill

• Learning Enough to Self-Correct

• Removing Barriers to Practice

• Practicing for at least 20 Hours

6. Applying the Method: My Ukulele Journey

7. Conclusion

8. FAQs

The Perception of Time and Skill Acquisition

When faced with the desire to learn something new, many of us feel overwhelmed by the perceived time commitment required. The idea of investing 10,000 hours, popularized by Malcolm Gladwell's book "Outliers," can be discouraging for those who already have busy lives. However, it's essential to understand that the 10,000-hour rule was originally derived from studies of expert-level performance in highly competitive fields. It takes into account the amount of deliberate practice required to reach the top of a specific domain, rather than the time needed to acquire a new skill.

Debunking the 10,000 Hour Rule

Contrary to the popular belief that it takes 10,000 hours to learn something new, research on skill acquisition reveals a different reality. The learning curve, as observed in various studies, demonstrates that the initial stages of practice lead to significant improvements in a relatively short period. The more you practice, the faster you progress.

The Learning Curve: A Different Perspective

The learning curve shows that when you start learning a new skill, you begin as a novice, but with practice, your performance rapidly improves. Eventually, you reach a plateau where further advancements require more time and effort. Therefore, the key is to focus on the initial stage of learning, where the most significant progress occurs.

The Method for Rapid Skill Acquisition

To expedite the learning process and acquire a new skill in just 20 hours, it is crucial to follow a structured approach. Here's the method that can help you achieve your learning goals:

1. Deconstructing the Skill: Break down the skill you want to learn into smaller, manageable components. Identify the essential parts that will enable you to achieve your desired outcome. By practicing the most crucial elements first, you can improve your performance in a shorter timeframe.

2. Learning Enough to Self-Correct: Gather three to five resources, such as books, online courses, or tutorials, that provide the necessary knowledge to begin practicing. However,

2. Learning Enough to Self-Correct: Gather three to five resources, such as books, online courses, or tutorials, that provide the necessary knowledge to begin practicing. However, avoid the trap of excessive research and information overload. The goal is to acquire enough knowledge to self-correct your mistakes as you practice.

3. Removing Barriers to Practice: Identify and eliminate any obstacles that may hinder your practice sessions. This could involve creating a conducive environment, removing distractions, or finding dedicated time slots in your schedule. Minimize external disruptions and commit to consistent practice sessions.

4. Practicing for at least 20 Hours: Allocate a minimum of 20 hours of deliberate practice to the skill you're learning. This may sound daunting at first, but breaking it down into manageable chunks of time—such as 40 minutes per day for a month—makes it achievable. Embrace the discomfort that comes with initial struggles and keep practicing consistently.

Applying the Method: My Ukulele Journey

To put this method to the test, I decided to learn to play the ukulele—a skill I had no prior experience with. I followed the steps outlined above and began by deconstructing the skill. I focused on learning basic chords, strumming patterns, and familiarizing myself with common ukulele songs.

Next, I gathered resources, including an introductory ukulele book and online tutorials. These materials provided me with the necessary knowledge to start practicing and self-correcting my mistakes. I made sure to create a dedicated practice space at home, free from distractions.

Over the course of 20 hours, I committed to daily practice sessions. In the beginning, my progress was slow, and I encountered challenges. However, as I continued practicing and implementing the feedback I received, I noticed significant improvement. By the end of the 20 hours, I could confidently play several songs on the ukulele.


The traditional notion of skill acquisition being a long, arduous process does not always hold true. By adopting a deliberate practice approach and following the method outlined in this article, anyone can learn a new skill in just 20 hours. Remember to deconstruct the skill, learn enough to self-correct, remove barriers to practice, and dedicate a minimum of 20 hours to deliberate practice.

Don't let the fear of time commitment hold you back from pursuing your passions and interests. Embrace the power of deliberate practice, and embark on your own journey of rapid skill acquisition. Whether it's playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, or developing a new hobby, you have the ability to unlock your potential and achieve remarkable results in a short amount of time.


Q: Can this method be applied to complex skills or professional domains?

A: While this method is effective for acquiring basic proficiency in a skill, complex skills or professional domains may require additional practice and time. However, the principles of deliberate practice and focused learning can still be applied to expedite the learning process.

Q: Is 20 hours a strict rule, or can it vary depending on the skill?

A: The 20-hour timeframe serves as a guideline to encourage focused and consistent practice. Depending on the complexity of the skill and individual factors, the time required may vary. The key is to commit to deliberate practice and embrace the learning process, regardless of the specific timeframe.

Q: What if I encounter setbacks or struggle during the learning process?

A: Setbacks and struggles are a natural part of the learning journey. Embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning. If you encounter difficulties, seek guidance from experienced practitioners, adjust your approach, and keep practicing.


About the Creator

Amit Kumar

I am a writer who explores the intricacies of human emotions and the wonders of life through captivating narratives. Join me on a journey of imagination, reflection, and inspiration. Let's create magic with words.

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