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The Power In Now

It’s all we have.

By Angela FosnaughPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
The Power In Now
Photo by Wout Vanacker on Unsplash

The past is only a memory and the future hasn’t arrived so realizing that now is all you really have can be a profound moment on your journey this lifetime.

Things can change so rapidly in life that holding onto what could have been or what will be only leaves you chasing the past or the future, forgetting about the present.

This moment right now is all that any of us have. Tomorrow is never a guarantee and getting caught up in what could be tomorrow, next month or even five years from now makes you take this day for granted. Today is the only thing any of us are guaranteed.

Preparing for the future and living in it are two totally different things. Live for today but only prepare for tomorrow. Don’t live there. Don’t get caught up in what may or may not come. Don’t give your power to something that hasn’t come yet. Enjoy the present moment.

What’s something that you’d love to do but you keep putting it off until tomorrow? The reality is that if you wait until tomorrow, that dream or wish will only become a hope and while hope is good, only action lets you fulfill whatever desires are deep seeted in your heart.

The time is now. Start pursing the dreams you hold dearly. Regret is a burden and nothing that anyone wants to carry around with them in this lifetime or the next. What is something that you could do today that you’ve always dreamt of? Do it. As each day passes the vault of chance gets smaller. The clock will eventually stop. Don’t let the hands of time put an end to your dreams.

No matter what anyone else thinks of your dreams is completely irrelevant. Never stop what is in your heart because of an opinion from another. Let them have their opinion and keep pressing on. You were born with dreams and desires, wishes and things that you alone want to accomplish this time around. Pursue them. We all come to this world with talents specific to you. You may have similar talents to someone else but NO- ONE will ever do it exactly like you. Never let competition be a roadblock.

You may not have cheerleaders on the sideline rooting for you but do it anyways. I’ve found that in life, too many people are still wishing, yet not living out their dreams so they will try and stunt yours any chance that may arise. Do it anyways. The biggest revenge to others that do not believe in you is proving them wrong.

I started writing at a very young age. I knew that it was actually a talent of mine in the ninth grade. Although I had written from a very young age I’d never received any praise until I took a creative writing class and although I wasn’t able to grasp onto the way the teacher taught (he taught so much differently than I wrote) I’d turn in project after project getting straight A’s. One day he asked to speak to me after class. I was wondering why, my grades were perfect in his class, so what was there really to talk about?

He told me that I had a gift for writing and that the way I put words together was something he hadn’t seen before in his class. He also told me that my choice of words in class were not typical ones that he’d heard many ninth graders use. I was always about finding new words, big words, finding the meaning and actually using them as I spoke. I told him that I was attempting to grasp his material but it just wasn’t clicking. He then told me not to let it. He loved the way I was able to make words into inspiration and that’s been my objective since day one. I’ve never had the support of anyone other than him telling me to pursue it to the fullest.

High School has been over a long time and well, I’m still taking his advice. Doubters are just merely envious of you and your talents. Never give away your talent to please someone else, let them find theirs! My path in life is communication and inspiration. What’s yours?

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About the Creator

Angela Fosnaugh

Creative soul who loves to create through the use of words & I feel that my heart is full of words, waiting to be put together. After self publishing 3 books I want to get my work out for more to see it is indeed my heart & soul on paper.

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