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The Pond And The Fish

Catch a break and a big one too

By Helen SmithPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Pond And The Fish
Photo by Daniel Vogel on Unsplash

In the bustling city of New York, there lived a successful businesswoman named Sarah. She had worked tirelessly for years to climb the corporate ladder and had finally made it to the top. But Sarah's success came at a cost. She had sacrificed her personal life and her health to get there.

One day, Sarah received a call from her doctor that would change everything. She had been diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer, and the prognosis was not good. Sarah was devastated. She had always been in control of her life, but now everything seemed to be slipping away.

Determined to fight the cancer, Sarah threw herself into her work, trying to distract herself from the reality of her situation. But as the months went by, it became clear that the treatments were not working. Sarah's health continued to decline, and she was forced to take a leave of absence from work.

Alone and isolated, Sarah began to spiral into a deep depression. She had never experienced failure before, and now it seemed as though she had lost everything. Her friends and family tried to support her, but she pushed them away, convinced that she was a burden to them.

One night, Sarah had a vivid dream that changed everything. She found herself standing on the edge of a cliff, looking out over a vast expanse of darkness. Suddenly, she felt a force pushing her forward, and before she knew it, she was falling into the abyss.

As she fell, Sarah felt a sense of freedom that she had never experienced before. The weight of her past successes and failures lifted from her shoulders, and she realized that she had been living her life for the wrong reasons. She had been chasing success and validation from others, instead of living a life that was true to herself.

When Sarah woke up, she knew that something had shifted inside of her. She began to approach her cancer treatment with a new sense of acceptance and courage, knowing that even if she didn't beat the disease, she could still live a meaningful life.

Sarah started to reach out to her friends and family, realizing that they were her greatest support system. She also started to explore her passions outside of work, discovering a love for painting and writing.

Over time, Sarah's health did improve, but it was not a smooth road. She faced setbacks and complications, but each time she was knocked down, she got back up again with renewed determination and resilience.

Eventually, Sarah returned to work, but with a new perspective. She no longer cared about climbing the corporate ladder or impressing others. Instead, she focused on living a life that was true to herself, no matter what the outcome.

Looking back on her journey, Sarah realized that it was her failure that had led her to her greatest successes. It was only through facing her own mortality and losing everything that she was able to truly live.

In the end, Sarah's story became a source of inspiration for many, showing that even in the face of failure and adversity, there is always the possibility for growth and transformation.

The moral of the story is that failure can be a powerful teacher and a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. Through the protagonist's journey, we see that sometimes it takes a setback or a change of course to find one's true calling and purpose in life. The story also emphasizes the importance of taking risks, being adaptable, and having a positive attitude in the face of adversity. Ultimately, it is through our failures that we learn the most about ourselves, and often it is the most challenging experiences that lead us to our greatest successes.

self help

About the Creator

Helen Smith

Love the Life You Want To Be Rest Will Follow

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