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The Pleasure Principle

10 Ways to Create Pleasure Fast

By Em Published 4 years ago 4 min read

We are very busy creatures in this world. Its a world full of doing, in which we often forget about being. We are constantly rushing to get the next task complete or the next chore done, so that we forget to give ourselves self-pleasure or believe we simply don't have time for self-care. Or we consider ourselves selfish for doing such.

Like a plant needs air, water, oxygen and sunlight to flourish to its full potential. So do we have the need to create pleasure and enjoyment within our own lives in order to maintain balance and fulfill our own potential.

Here are some simple ways in which we can create pleasure fast within our lives:

1) Music - Listen to that favourite song that you love. Put some volume to it and sign your heart out. Research has found that listening to your favourite music causes your brain to release dopamine, a crucial neurotransmitter for human's emotional and cognitive functioning. This release can create some of the feelings of euphoria that people describe when at a concert or when listening to the music they love.

2) Step outside - We now live in an artificial world that often requires us to remain indoors in artificial light. But our heritage is being under the sky with dirt beneath our feet. Being outside, especially with greenery has been shown to decrease stress, lower blood pressure and decrease heart rates. Further research has shown it may improve memory, create inspiration and decrease feeling of depression. Even a quick 20 minutes in the park has been shown to help. So get out there and breath in some green.

3) Inspire yourself - We all need to seek and create inspiration in our lives, it won't come and find us. Look at beautiful pictures, read inspiring stories, watch motivating youtube clips. It may only take a few minutes but may help change your mindset for the entire day.

4) Savour a special treat - Its undeniable, food does create pleasure and that can make it highly addictive. But there are ways that we can take to time to fully appreciate this experience without leading to overeating. Choose your special treat or favourite meal and take the time to savour it. Smell the food, notice the texture. Feels the sensations in your mouth and chew slowly. This will enhance your enjoyment and create more fulfillment faster.

5) Get your sexy on - Everyone wants to feel sexy and desirable. Doing this is all in our own mindset and being able to create self-love. Overcoming all the inadequacies our mind mutters to us and instead feeling free and empowered in our own existence. Being perfect in our own imperfections. Wear that sexy dress/shirt, put on your special perfume/aftershave. Take a moment to do the small things that will boost your confidence. Give yourself that positive encouragement to put a swagger in your step.

6) The Big O - Whilst we are on the topic of feeling sexy, yes having sex and having an orgasm undeniably creates pleasure. Particularly for women, an orgasm boosts estrogen, which lifts our mood and serves as a natural painkiller. For everyone overall it has been shown to decrease stress, improve immunity and improves sleep. So whether with someone or solo, have the pleasure of an orgasm. Regularly!

7) Be active - Yes you have heard it before but we are meant to use our bodies in a physical way. Physical exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to our bodies and makes our bodies work more efficiently and effectively. It reduces stress levels and again releases those feel good endorphins. Regular exercise has been shown to be as successful as anti-depressant medication. So go for a quick walk or put on a song and have a dance. Get the heart pumping and the blood flowing.

8) Try something new - No one wants to exist in groundhog day. The same routine day in and day out. Research has shown that trying new activities also boosts dopamine levels and therefore creates more feelings of pleasure. So try that new activity you have always wanted to, go to that new restaurant, drive home a different way just because. Keeping life different will give you more stimulation in your daily experience.

9) Be alone - Give yourself some time out. Free from distractions, people, and phones. Switch off. Just some time to be and your thoughts to flow were they take you.

10) Watch something funny - Flick on your favourite funny movie, watch a funny youtube clip, google funny jokes. Give yourself something to smile or laugh about. Again smiling releases endorphins that create a greater sense of happiness. The more we stimulate our brain to release this chemical the happier and more relaxed we tend to feel.

These are all easy tips that we can all incorporate into our lives. Try even just choosing one a day and reflect on how you feel after a week. Pleasure will create pleasure so please enjoy!


About the Creator


I’m a Psychologist who is passionate about improving the well-being of others. I believe in making a difference in people’s lives by inspiring positive change.

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