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Why You should Read The Magic Of Thinking Big Pdf

By Mehedi Hasan ShawonPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
The magic of thinking big

Believe me, you will succeed

The point of the book is that you have to believe in success. What does the word success mean? There are various beautiful structural interpretations of this verse. Success means, as you can imagine, a beautiful home, traveling, vacationing, financial security, providing the best facilities for children, and so on. Success means winning the mind, leading, and becoming the norm in social life and work. Success means freedom, freedom from anxiety, worry, fear, frustration, and failure. Success means self-esteem, finding endless and true happiness in life, and doing more for those who depend on you.

Every man wants success. Everyone wants the best in life. No one wants a simple life. No one wants to crawl. No one wants to be a second-class person. He is not happy if he is sent to that class by force. So the key to success is faith. Faith is a strange and huge force. This is not a matter of magic or miracles. Faith works like this, 'I'm sure, I can'. This belief boosts our morale and gives us skill and strength at work. If I can start believing then the next steps will come. The person who believes that he will succeed is the person who is looking for a way to be successful.

How can the power of faith be developed?

Think of success. Do not indulge in thoughts of failure. Think of success instead of failure everywhere in the workplace or at home. Think hard, I might win. Make the idea of ​​'I will succeed' ingrained in your thinking. The thought of success helps your mind to plan for success. Thoughts of failure also help to be a failure. The thought of failure makes the mind think of other things of failure.

Remind yourself regularly that you are much better than you think you are. Successful people are in control of almost every single situation. Success does not require great intelligence. Success is not a miracle. Good luck has nothing to do with success. Successful people are in control of almost every single moment of their lives. Never underestimate yourself. Have high hopes. The more you believe, the bigger your success will be. If you set small goals, you will achieve as little as possible. Set big goals. Achieve huge success. Also keep in mind that big fantasies and ideas, big fantasies are not a difficult task.

By bruce mars on Unsplash

When you think about success, your main thing is to study people. Discover the path to success by studying people thoroughly and applying it in real life. Get started now. An in-depth study of human attitudes reveals that people are suffering from a terrible disease. The name of that disease is an excuse. And for some, as a baby gets older, he or she will outgrow this. Notice, that this excuse is what sets a successful person apart from a failed person. The more successful a person is, the fewer excuses he has. The man who never achieved a goal makes a thousand excuses

If you look at successful people, you can see that he could make excuses like the rest of the ordinary people, but he did not. Like other diseases, exacerbations can become dangerous if not treated properly. Suffering from the disorder of excuses, this failed man tries to find a strong excuse and later uses it as a weapon. Every time this diseased person makes an excuse, the excuse goes deep into his subconscious mind. Repeating any kind of constructive or depressing thought has a profound effect on the mind. He is well aware of the excuses that the patient with excitement shows. But every time he repeats this excuse, he becomes determined that the excuse is true, that excuse is the root cause of failure.

So the first step is to protect yourself from the disorder of failure to get your thinking speed right and on the path to success.

One of the most popular self-constructing books is The Magic Of Thinking Big. The book was first published in 1959. David that. Schwartz wrote the book. The book was reprinted on a large scale in 1986. According to Forbes, the book was recognized as one of the most influential books on self-reliance.

According to a 2015 survey, the book sold more than 6 million copies worldwide. In late 1982, another survey revealed that the book had sold about 1,494,000 copies on the Paperback Best Seller list. Stanley praised Schwartz, the author of the book, on his website, and said how the author was inspired to write a motivational book that made him a millionaire.

Also, the famous American football coach and athlete Lou Holtz described this book as one of the best books of his life. The book teaches you the secret to true success. How to have a happy and comfortable life. The book The Magic of Thinking Big will give you directions about the pace of life. Even guides about your domestic life and family life. It is not a matter of being very talented in life to get success, but the main thing is how you are pursuing success.

The book discusses this topic. Learn to think big and find life inspiration from big thoughts, be able to earn more money, and be successful in life.

Make up your mind that you will succeed:

Here's how to put one together for use with your faith. Always think of success, don't think of failure. Because thinking about failure reduces self-confidence. When working or leisure, think of success instead of failure. Even when difficult times come your way, think, "I will win", "I will not give up". When competing with a person, think, "I am no less than my competitor but equal."

When you get the chance to do something good, think, "I can do it, I can do it. I can't" - don't worry. Learn to control your brain, and control your thinking power. , Which will speed up your work. Similarly, if you think of failure, you will not be able to fix the action plan, because if you think of failure, you will run towards it.

By Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Think regularly about the quality of your qualifications. Successful people are in control of almost every single situation. Success does not require special intelligence or a mythical invisible force. Successful people are in control of almost every single situation. They just believe in their success and know what they are doing. Think of great success. The level of success will depend on the size of your faith. So small desires or aspirations will drive you towards small receipts. Big things can never be achieved with small dreams.

Think of big successes and achieve a high level of success. Keep in mind that big thoughts are often easier than small thoughts. Keep your mind away from making excuses, which is the disorder of failure. If the mind is thinking negatively then many excuses come to the fore. Some of the worst excuses are health excuses, and intelligence excuses, that is, I am not very intelligent so I will fail, give or think of luck, my luck is very bad. Fate always plays with me. Blaming age or giving excuses that age has increased.

My health is bad

Stop talking about health. The more you think about health, such as common fever, cold, cough, etc., the more these will demotivate your mind. Another name for negative thinking about health is the application of fertilizer to the seeds of futile thinking. It is also a bad habit to talk about health. People will have negative thoughts about you. It makes many self-centered. With the excuse of illness, you may think that people will sympathize with you or respect you. But in the end, it doesn't happen. You are going backward and people will think you are worthless.

By freestocks on Unsplash

Be satisfied with the state of your health. There is a popular saying, "I felt sorry for myself because I had ragged shoes until I met a man who had no feet". Just be thankful for your health. Imagine you have a much better immune system to deal with chronic pain and actual illness. Always keep in mind, your life, your enjoyment. So learn to value it. Don't spend the day imagining yourself in a hospital bed.

You have enough intelligence to succeed

Stop thinking of others as better than your intelligence. Don't sell yourself too fast. Be vigilant and diligent in achieving your goals. Awaken the latent talent hidden within yourself. How much intelligence you have is not the big issue, but the main thing is to use all your intelligence. Instead of trying to embarrass yourself, try to figure out how to overcome it. Remind your brain regularly every day, "More important than my intelligence is my attitude or desire to work". So always maintain a positive attitude. Find the road to success in any endeavor, and stay away from the thought of what you will fail. Try to develop a win-win attitude. Use your positive attitudes in creative and selective work. Keep looking for ways to win without worrying about the cause of failure.

Don't forget that the power of thinking is much better and more effective than the power of memorization. Use your brain to come up with new ideas. Think about how to find a better and more effective way. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic-driven world of Earl.

By ALAN DE LA CRUZ on Unsplash

Does age play a major role in success?

Positively accept your current age. Think, "I'm not too old, I'm not as old as I think." Use your hidden energy to unlock new horizons and enjoy your youth. Calculate exactly how much effective time you have left for yourself. It is said that a 30-year-old still has an 80% chance of being creative, and a 50-year-old has a 40% chance of doing his best. Time is of the essence when you use it.

Use the time for your future work. When you think negatively and think your work time is over, then you think your work is late. "Avoid thinking I'm too late to get the job done. Because it's a negative thought. Instead, think," Now is the best time for me to work, my beautiful times are waiting ahead. "Successful people like to think that way.

My bad luck, bad luck is my companion"

Learn to accept causes and consequences. Notice what happened to those who were successful or lucky in your eyes. You will see that behind their success was the pursuit, planning, perseverance, and positive thinking which has brought them to the brink of success. Now, look at the unfortunate people. You will see that there were certain reasons behind their failure. Never make yourself a prayerful thinker. Don't go for less than your full potential. Because we do not want to be successful just because we are lucky. Because success comes when you do those things. Never give up hope of improvement, victory, or anything good in life. Just try to qualify for improvement, which will help you win.

How to think big

Don't make yourself worthless. Do not allow yourself to suffer from self-pity. Stick to your goals. You must be better than you think. Always play positive words in the brain. Eliminate negative words, such as: will not, can not, not possible, etc. from the mind. Make yourself valuable to others.

By Christopher Sardegna on Unsplash

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Mehedi Hasan Shawon

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