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The lost key

Emily and the key

By Yasmin rashidPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
The lost key
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

It was a beautiful summer day, and Emily was excited to spend it exploring the forest near her house. She had always loved the outdoors, and the forest was her favorite place to go when she needed to clear her head. As she walked deeper into the forest, she felt the sun's warmth on her skin and heard the birds singing in the trees. It was peaceful and calming, and she felt like she could stay there forever.

As she walked, she noticed a small, rusted key lying on the ground. She picked it up, wondering what it could be for. She had never seen it before, and it looked like it had been there for a long time. She put it in her pocket and continued on her walk, feeling curious about the key.

As she walked further into the forest, she noticed that the trees were getting thicker and the path was getting harder to follow. She realized that she had wandered off the main path and was now lost. Panic started to set in, and she felt her heart racing. She had never been lost in the forest before, and she didn't know what to do.

She reached into her pocket to grab her phone, but it wasn't there. She must have left it at home. She started to feel hopeless, but then she remembered the key in her pocket. She took it out and looked at it, hoping it would somehow help her find her way back.

As she looked at the key, she noticed that there was a small inscription on it. It was hard to read, but she could make out the words "Follow your heart." She wasn't sure what it meant, but she decided to take it as a sign. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a small, winding path leading off to the right. It was barely visible, but she felt like it was calling to her. She decided to follow it, hoping that it would lead her back to the main path.

As she walked, she felt like she was in a dream. The forest was so quiet and still, and she felt like she was the only one there. She followed the path for what felt like hours, but she didn't feel tired or hungry. She felt like she was being guided by something greater than herself.

Finally, she saw a light in the distance. It was the sun setting over the horizon, and she knew that she was close to the edge of the forest. She felt a sense of relief wash over her as she stepped out of the trees and onto a dirt road.

As she walked down the road, she noticed a small, wooden cabin up ahead. It looked old and abandoned, but she felt drawn to it. She walked up to the door and tried the key in the lock. It fit perfectly, and the door creaked open.

Inside, she saw a small room with a wooden table and two chairs. There was a book lying on the table, and she picked it up. It was filled with drawings and stories about the forest, and she realized that it was a journal. She started to read it, and as she did, she felt like she was being transported back in time.

The journal belonged to a man who had lived in the cabin many years ago. He had been a writer and an artist, and he had used the forest as his inspiration. As she read his stories and looked at his drawings, she felt like she was getting to know him. She felt like she had found a kindred spirit.

As she reached the end of the journal, she saw a small note written in the margin. It said, "The key to happiness is to follow your heart." She smiled, realizing that the inscription on the key had been a message from the writer himself. She felt like she had been led to the cabin for a reason.

She stayed in the cabin for the night, feeling like she was in a magical place. She felt like she had found a new home, and she knew that she would come back to the forest many times in the future. As she fell asleep, she felt grateful for the lost key that had led her to this place. She knew that she had found something special, and she felt like she had found a part of herself that she had been missing.


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