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The Least You Can Do

How doing the minimum gets results

By Marci BrodockPublished 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash

So, you have set your goal, now what? Well, in the wise words spoken by Thomas Jefferson, "If you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done." Yet, the question still remains, how do I do something I have never done or don't know how to do? Whether your goals are physical, emotional, spiritual or financial, I will cover how you can take the first steps to successfully achieving your goal by starting with the least you can do.

You Know More Than You Think

First, we need to begin with your limited belief of not knowing where to start or how to achieve your goals. Truth is, you probably already know what you need to do, but you feel it is impossible for you. The actions needed to achieve your goal are skills or talents others possess, not you. This is the first obstacle you will need to overcome. If you really don't know where to begin, there is plenty of information out there to help you get started. All you need is a computer, wi-fi, and Google. Start now! Find your starting place and write it down. I can wait while you find a pen and paper.

Setting the Minimum

Now that you have your starting point, you need to set your minimum. When I say minimum, I mean the absolute bare minimum that you know you can accomplish without much effort. For example, if you want to improve your fitness, but you and exercise have not been on speaking terms for quite some time now, start by committing to ten minutes a day. Set the timer and put on your walking shoes and walk for at least ten minutes. Is ten minutes of walking a day going to get you into shape? No. However, what this routine will do is train your body to honor your commitment to yourself. It will train your body to start doing something you have never done before and give you the confidence you need to take it to the next level.

Completing your minimum requirement will probably not help you reach your goal, if you only participate within that parameter. However, this new routine will help you develop a new habit that will help you take more productive steps towards your goal. Think about the example of walking ten minutes a day. Once you get your tennis shoes on and get outside, how often do you think you will push yourself past that ten minutes? The point of setting a minimum daily goal is to learn how to honor promises you make to yourself.

Although recommended, minimum goals do not have to be daily. You can also set weekly, monthly or yearly goals. For example, if your goal is personal development, you could start by listening to one inspirational podcast or reading one personal development article per week. You could set the goal of reading one self-help book per year. The key is to make sure your minimum goal is attainable without much effort.

Overcoming Obstacles

Guess what? There will still be obstacles you will have to overcome even when trying to accomplish your smallest goals. Think of every obstacle you can think of and then make a plan to overcome them. Time, energy or money will probably be the biggest challenges you face as you start this process. However, the biggest obstacle you will have to face is yourself.

Even with the smallest of growth, we can get in our own way. There are going to be days where you really don't feel like doing even the minimum. The only way to overcome this challenge is to do it anyway. Sorry, I wish I had a magic wand to make this easier for you, but the only way to get through the challenge of apathy or avoidance is to Just Do It anyway!

One Step at a Time

How many times have you heard, the only way to climb to the top of the mountain is one step at a time? These words are spoken so often because they are true. There is no shortcut to the top. In order to create change in your life you have to take that first step onto the trail. This trail is not paved, it is a narrow rocky strip of dirt winding into the unknown. Some steps you take on this trail will be more challenging than others. There will be parts of the path you cannot see. There might even be times you will have to break your own trail. However, if you make the first step an easy one, your confidence will grow enough for you to take the next step, and the next step, and even the next.

Your minimum needs to become a new comfort zone you can return to when you need to take a break from the challenges that arise; when you need the trail to even out for a while instead of continuing on a steady incline. On your journey to the top, you might find yourself setting new minimums. Just make sure the small goals you set can be met without much effort.

Action Required

Now is the time. Discover your minimum and set your commitment to that practice. Identify your obstacles and visualize a plan for overcoming them. You are capable of doing anything you set your mind to, and keeping promises to yourself will help you build more confidence in yourself. So, what are you waiting for? Take that first step.


About the Creator

Marci Brodock

Finding the words between adventures to share with the world while living the life that only I can live.

[email protected]

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