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The Laws Of Karma

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind

By wise monkeysPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. And I do believe "Everything you do... comes back to you".

What is Karma?

Karma means actions i.e. working, performing, giving to charity, any religious activities, etc. To support these action with the belief ‘I am the doer’ is called binding the karma. Claiming ‘doer-ship’ of any action, binds karma.

Symbol Of Karma (Consist of Endless knots)

Karma is a Sanskrit word that primarily means 'action' but for South Asian Religions it is not limited to that as the term has gained various meanings and connotations over time. The term karma connects actions and results. Good and bad happenings experienced in this life are aggregate results of deeds in this and previous lives. This is known as the Law of Karma and it is regarded as a natural and universal law.

Lotus symbolically represents karma in many Asian traditions. A blooming lotus flower is one of the few flowers that simultaneously carries seeds inside itself while it blooms.

Karma is nothing but the echo. When one calls ‘I am king’ in mountains and sound echoes back. Similarly, in present life we experience the effect of past life. In Buddha Teachings : " Do not think a small sin will not return in your future lives. Just as falling drops of water will fill a large container, The little sins that steadfast accumulate will completely overwhelm you. Do not think a small virtue will not return in your future lives. Just as falling drops of water will fill a large container, The little virtues that steadfast accumulate will completely overwhelm you ." The above teaching explains a nature of reality, everything is interrelated and only exists as a small part of Karma and its effect on our lives.

Laws of Karma

1.The Great Law

“As you sow, so shall you reap.” Also known as the “Law of Cause and Effect.”

Whatever one puts out into the Universe will come back to them.

2. The Law of Creation

Life requires our participation to happen. It does not happen by itself.

Whatever surrounds us gives us clues to our inner state.

3. The Law of Humility

One must accept something in order to change it.

If all one sees is an enemy or a negative character trait, then they are not and cannot be focused on a higher level of existence.

4. The Law of Growth

“Wherever you go, there you are.”

It is we who must change and not the people, places or things around us if we want to grow spiritually.

5. The Law of Responsibility

If there is something wrong in one’s life, there is something wrong in them.

One must take responsibility for what is in one’s life.

6. The Law of Connection

The smallest or seemingly least important of things must be done because everything in the Universe is connected.

Past, Present, and Future are all connected.

7. The Law of Focus

One cannot think of two things at the same time.

If our focus is on Spiritual Values, it is not possible for us to have lower thoughts like greed or anger.

8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality

If one believes something to be true, then sometime in their life they will be called upon to demonstrate that truth.

Here is where one puts what they CLAIM to have learned into PRACTICE.

9. The Law of Here and Now

One cannot be in the here and now if they are looking backward to examine what was or forward to worry about the future.

Old thoughts, old patterns of behavior, and old dreams prevent us from having new ones.

10. The Law of Change

History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path.

11. The Law of Patience and Reward

All Rewards require initial toil.

True joy comes from doing what one is supposed to be doing, and knowing that the reward will come in its own time.

12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration

One gets back from something whatever they put into it.

Every personal contribution is also a contribution to the Whole.

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