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The Heart Awakener

The Origin Of Authenticity From Within

By Carrisa LynnePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 10 min read
Carrisa Lynne

There are many compilations of stories which have shaped and created the version of you, here, in this very now moment…

All the tears, fears, wonders, struggles, triumphs, twists and turns…

All the aspects, circumstances, experiences, divine interventions, synchronic patterns of magic, endless blessings, and the infinite lessons learned…

All perfectly crafted together to create the masterpiece that is you…

“For with each piece given, through each experience, is the key to becoming who you were meant to be, who you always been, truly returning you home to your true being... Enjoy the process of becoming, for you are the masterpiece of miracles.” - Carrisa Lynne

Even more so there are specific stories that have allowed, validated, and truly showcased the real you, your true being, to come out and shine…

The ones in which your very core essence illuminated thru and thru…

To tell just one story would never suffice in encapsulating the raw power of your true inner light, but we can share parts of it, and or even pinpoint the very origin story of how you stepped into your true self…

Into who you were meant to be, right down to your very being, and how you are living in your purpose, your dream, and your true authenticity, as we speak…


I will share with you mine and let you into the story of how my most authentic version of myself, as The Heart Awakener, came to be…

Let’s take a trip back to 2019 to the “TBI That Saved My Life”

It was FALL 2019… I had finally settled into my full-time “dream job”, a dual position as a special education assistant and classroom nurse. This was the job I was waiting for, for so long…

I thought I had found my home, my forever place, and my career. I was finally seen as a “success” by my family and by my peers…

I was finally happy…

But little did I know the universe had different plans for me…

With a sudden stop, during a routine transport, I found myself flying head first into the side door of the school van…

After rushing to the hospital it was confirmed I had sustained a TBI (traumatic brain injury), my 6th severe concussion, vestibular brain damage, and a neck & back injury...

Even after hearing this I figured it would be 2 weeks recovery and I’d be back to normal and back to work…


It was the hardest few months of my life…

I was in so much pain, confused, scared, lost, and already struggling with my anxiety and a losing battle with depression, I was at my breaking point!

I didn’t know what to do or where to turn…

With facing a choice of either giving up or pushing forward, I decided to dive in deep and ask for a sign…

“I than began to remember, when I was younger, when things were hard, I would see a light in dreams that told me to keep moving forward… That the best is yet to come and to follow the light and you will see and if there is no light, then be the light.” - Carrisa Lynne

I held onto this remeberence and carried on with doing the best I could…

A few days later, after mindlessly scrolling on instagram, I came across this “Find Your Purpose” quiz from this inspiring woman‘s platform…

Was this the sign I was looking for?

It truly was!!

This account led me to connect to this incredible woman, Jennifer, the light my heart was destined to find…

After the first connection, we both knew it was destined for us to work together…

I immediately enrolled in her certified coaching program and became part of the most loving community of inspiring women I could have ever ask for…

I decided to use this sign, to rediscover myself, to figure out who I was, what I really wanted, and what my true life’s purpose was…

I decided to redefine what it means to be me…

“I went all in with this program and I could not tell you how truly life transforming, soul sparking, light igniting, authenticity shining, and purpose inspiring that adventure was!” - Carrisa Lynne

Even though each week presented it’s challenges, slowly but surely, I was determined to heal, not just the physical side of things but to also focus on the inside; the mental, emotional, and spiritual…

Soon enough, Jennifer and the beautiful soul sisterhood, her community created, became the very ground for where my true light was found, nurtured, and illuminated...

Never have I felt more validated in who I was and or who I was meant to be… I became the person who fully believed…

“Everything is always happening for you, not to you.” - Abraham Hicks

I finally believed in myself and believed in my life’s true calling...

I realized I could show up, as my big hearted self, and love with all that I had, and it would be reciprocated…

I realized I could live my purpose of helping others, but didn’t have to adhere to family standards and do it as a nurse but as the coach/mentor/healer/writer I have always been…

I realized I could shine in my own light, while igniting others by loving others unconditionally, meeting people where they were at, allowing my soft empathic and intutive side to shine…

To use my spiritual gifts and to listen to my heart to awaken others into their own truths...

I truly realized my head injury wasn’t the end of my life, but a rebirth into who I was always meant to be, the greatest gift of directing me on my path, on my true destiny…

Before the injury I realized I spent so many years trying to be the best for everyone else…

I had lost my self in the process of being a step-mom, nurse, fiancè, and perfect “daughter” I wasn’t even embracing life…

I wasn’t calling back in my childlike wonder I cherished so foundly…

I was on airplane mode, I was just going thru the motions, and I just knew this life wasn’t for me…

So you see, this is why I say “The TBI that saved my Life” because it did…

I had lost myself along the way and this gift, from the universe, allowed me to reconnect, realign, and shine into the my divinity, my soul‘s true authenticty…

Fast forward to a few months later…

I began writing again and truly diving into my inner creativity through the art of writing and content creation….

I began to share my stories, unbox my history, and to heal so many aspects of my life thru self expression, poetry, written word, and raw vulnerability...

I started to share more of my spiritual awakening and personal journey on my own IG account and I truly saw the impact it was starting to create…

It was magical…

Then Covid HIT and I don’t think I need to get too much into it but woahhh that was a whole new level of struggle…


In a blink of an eye my 2.5 year long engagement was broken apart… I lost my best-friend, my future, I lost my step-kiddos, I lost my home, my animals, some friends, and my sense of self…

I came back to a home that wasn’t mine, all my insecurities and childhood traumas were recreated and brought back to life…

And then, a few weeks later, my original Instagram got hacked and my platform, my sense of purpose, my work, and my connections were diminished…

I was back to square one…

Or at least I thought…

But wait…

I did this before, when my world was turned upside down, I did this before and I had a choice…

To give up or keep going…

So I took a step back and I made the conscious choice to heal…

I decided to take back my power and my light…

“I realized I wasn’t fully stepping into my true authenticty, and how could I preach about it, if I wasn’t living it?” - Carrisa Lynne

I realized my relationship needed to end because I was no longer energetically aligned with what I needed to do in life, I was loosing myself, I was slowly falling apart and I needed to leave to heal…

I needed to come back home to mend and heal my relationships with my family members and let me tell you how profound and beautiful it has been, to heal all this generations trauma together…

Truly to feel seen, heard, and appreciated is a gift I hope everyone can achieve with their family…


I needed to heal my inner carrisa, my inner little girl who went thru so much, I needed to reconnect and bring her back into the light…

I needed to “loose” my Instagram to learn to live in the moment, to rediscover my true power, to connect to self and to Mother Earth, to get grounded in my gifts and purpose, to know who I am!!!

I needed to experience these lessons so I could focus more on my blessings… to focus on my joy, to do the things I stopped doing before…

I needed to reclaim and call back my energy that was taken, that was misused, that was placed in areas that did not serve my highest and best good…

So I started over…

I redesigned my IG account, I got a handle on my nutrition and health, I began hiking and spending more time in nature again, I began to sing and dance daily, and I began to take soul aligned action on manifesting and creating my dream reality...

I even redesigned and created my own coaching business, services, and content platform…

“To help PLANT the seeds of inspiration to HEAL & AWAKEN the love from within & GUIDE you into living in your true authenticity full-time.” - Carrisa Lynne


By using the love within my heart, my life experiences, expertise, and wisdom learned along the way, I was able to fully step into my purpose and authentic self…

To help guide others to connect to self, align from within, and shine, full-time, in their purpose and light!

To show that no matter the obstacles, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel…

That sometimes all you need to do is take the step back, to heal your inner self, realign, and reset so you then can propel forward to shine your light into the world...

Now, I can honestly say I am the most authentic Version of myself…

I now know exactly who I am…

I now know exactly what I am doing and where I am going…

I now embrace and honor every single aspect of my self with unconditional love..

Every single part of me; the light and the shadow, the messy and the balanced, the silly and the wise, the couragoues and the timid, the loud and the quiet, the funny and the serious, and the lover and the warrior…

The authentic version from within…

So I implore you to, if you feel called, share your story…

Because I truly believe in the power of stories, of art, of poetry, of dance, of song, of content creation, and of self expression in it many forms…

I truly believe in owning your authenticity by expressing your vulnerability…

In the power of sharing your raw experience…

In the power of showing up unapologetically, authentically, nothing but you, nothing but me…

So I will leave you with this one last statemeant to reflect upon…

Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, own who you are, and know what is meant for you will not pass you by, your dream in your heart is there for a reason, just keep on believing!” - Carrisa Lynne

All my love & light,

The Heart Awakener ✨✨✨✨✨


About the Creator

Carrisa Lynne

💫 Writer, Creator, & Coach 💫

☀️ An ever-evolving soul set on a purpose to inspire unconditional Love & Joy alongside cultivating connection through showcasing the raw, authenticity of being apart the human experience on the daily ☀️

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