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The Healing Power of Forgiveness: Moving on from Past Trauma

Understanding the Importance of Forgiveness in Healing Trauma

By Miracle PhronesisPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Healing Power of Forgiveness: Moving on from Past Trauma
Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can help us move on from past traumas and lead happier, healthier lives. When we forgive, we let go of anger, resentment, and bitterness, and replace them with feelings of compassion, empathy, and understanding. Forgiveness is not just about letting someone else off the hook for their wrongdoing; it's about releasing ourselves from the burden of carrying negative emotions that can hold us back and prevent us from reaching our full potential. In this essay, we will explore the healing power of forgiveness and discuss strategies for moving on from past trauma.

What is Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a complex concept that can mean different things to different people. At its core, forgiveness involves letting go of negative emotions towards someone who has hurt us, and choosing to extend compassion and understanding instead. Forgiveness does not mean condoning or excusing someone's behavior, nor does it mean forgetting what has happened. Rather, forgiveness is about acknowledging the harm that has been done, and choosing to release ourselves from the negative emotions that can keep us stuck in the past.

Why is Forgiveness Important?

Forgiveness is important for several reasons. First, holding onto anger, resentment, and bitterness can have negative effects on our physical and mental health. Studies have shown that holding onto grudges can increase stress, anxiety, and depression, and even lead to physical health problems like heart disease and high blood pressure. By choosing to forgive, we can reduce our stress levels, improve our mood, and promote overall well-being.

Second, forgiveness can improve our relationships with others. When we hold onto anger and resentment, it can be difficult to build and maintain healthy relationships with those around us. By choosing to forgive, we can foster empathy and understanding, and promote greater compassion and connection in our relationships.

Finally, forgiveness is important for our own personal growth and development. When we choose to forgive, we are able to let go of negative emotions and move on from past traumas, allowing us to focus on the present and future. This can help us to become more resilient, and better able to cope with life's challenges.

Strategies for Forgiving

Forgiving someone who has hurt us can be challenging, especially if the harm was significant or if the person has not apologized or taken responsibility for their actions. However, there are several strategies that can help us to move towards forgiveness:

1.Practice empathy: One of the keys to forgiveness is empathy. Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes and understand their perspective. This can help you to see things from a different point of view and promote greater understanding.

2.Let go of blame: Blaming someone else for our pain can be tempting, but it ultimately keeps us stuck in the past. Try to let go of blame and take responsibility for your own healing process.

3.Focus on the present: Instead of dwelling on the past, try to focus on the present moment. This can help you to stay grounded and reduce feelings of anger and resentment.

4.Seek support: Forgiveness can be a difficult process, and it can be helpful to seek support from others. Talk to a therapist or trusted friend, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

5.Practice self-compassion: Finally, remember to be kind to yourself. Forgiveness is a process, and it may take time to fully let go of negative emotions. Be patient with yourself and practice self-compassion along the way.


Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can help us move on from past traumas and lead happier, healthier lives. By letting go of anger, resentment, and bitterness, we can foster empathy and understanding, improve our relationships with others, and promote our own personal growth and development. While forgiving someone who has hurt.


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Miracle Phronesis

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    Miracle PhronesisWritten by Miracle Phronesis

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