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The Digestive System For Your Brain

We are what we eat, and also what we think

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The Digestive System For Your Brain
Photo by That's Her Business on Unsplash

Does the mind process everything that the brain captures, is the mind the brain's digestive system? I know, you think what the heck “maybe it does” I don’t know…what kind of question is that? Keep processing that question—and while you’re digesting that thought, let me try to explain what I mean by “the mind being the brain's digestive system.”

You see, they say that your gut is your second brain. What if your brain was your second gut?

If you heard of the saying “you are what you eat”, then you probably also heard that “you are what you think”. It is very true that you become what you eat.

Imagine when you eat bad food. You feel bad. Your body reacts to the frequency of the food, and you might notice it by physical pain, headaches, nausea etc. When that happens, the food you ate comes out one way or another.

What you put in, comes out. The same goes with your thoughts. What you listen to, and the information you’re processing throughout your days, is a form of consumption. This is what you allow your mind to process and digest.

You become the information you choose to give attention to. You become your thoughts. Just like food.

Food for Thought

By Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

Are you selective with what information you choose to consume daily? Like you would if you were food conscious? How do you digest information, and how do you get rid of the thoughts created by negative information? If it goes in then, just like the food, there must be a way to take it out.

First, become aware that the information your brain captures is some type of consumption your mind has to digest, and that you become what you consume. Whether it is food or information, it shapes you depending on how selective you are with the content. How do you process it?

Learn that your brain is your gut and your mind is your digestive system. That's where your thoughts and ideas in your brain get processed. Too much wrong information is just as bad as when someone is going through constipation.

Most of us know how to eliminate most of the junk we eat, but how do we poop out negative information we choose to consume? Is there a way to do so? Like, if it works just the same way with food as information, it must be a similar way to get it out.

When you consume lots of negative information, usually you start to become an unpleasant person. Developing less than lovely qualities. You may say nasty things and be overly negative.

When people say hurtful things, you know, words do stink too. But, at least with food, we can use the restroom. That’s where we handle our business. What about the mind when it wants to let go? Do we spew it out and spread it amongst everyone around us?

By Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

You've probably seen someone with a nasty attitude try to mess up your day. Well, imagine if someone just walked in your living room and did their business there instead of using the restroom. You wouldn’t like that I reckon.

See, it’s the same way when someone just walks in your space and spreads negativity because they over-consumed wrong information and their mind is clogged up with a lot of mess. They are essentially constipated.

Your thoughts create your reality. The quality of your thoughts depends on the quality of the information you processed. All your beliefs and ideologies are all just information you accumulated throughout your life.

Just like how your health changes, when you change your diet, your life changes by changing your thoughts. When you change your thoughts, you change your life.

It's the same as having to cleanse and clear your body from all kinds of wrong foods and medications you have been consuming all your life. You have to detox and clear your mind from all false beliefs and ideologies.

By jose aljovin on Unsplash

The mind digests your thoughts daily. This is where it gets processed and, through your mind, your actions are created. Those actions depend on the quality of your thoughts, what kind of information have you processed, etc. Examine your thoughts before you project them onto the world.

What if toilets were never invented? Imagine people doing "number 2" wherever they pleased. It's the same with our thoughts that are not coming from a loving place of peace. We seem to let everyone express themselves everywhere. Our negative thoughts should have a place to be expressed.

I am not saying that all your thoughts should be about flowers and candies, but you should be aware of their quality. Just like you would choose your meal consciously, choose the information aligned with love and peace. Choose to change the world by changing your thoughts.

Know that the mind is like your digestive system. This will teach you how to discern information before it comes out of your mouth or gets created into your reality.

You’d think there would be a toilet where we could flush our thoughts. We cannot have negative thoughts and expect a great life, it all originates from within. We become what we think about most of the time.

You’re projecting all your thoughts into this world. Be a conscious creator, and create peace and love. Remember that whatever you create originates from within. Take care of your inner world before projecting it into the outer world.

"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought." ~Peace Pilgrim


About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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