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The Blackberry lesson

From Frenzy to Forgotten: The Fleeting Nature of Material Possessions

By Matthew Victor Ufedo Published 4 days ago 3 min read

The Blackberry era - a time when the pursuit of the latest smartphone was a status symbol, a badge of honor, and a reflection of one's social standing. I, like many others, was caught up in the frenzy, constantly upgrading to the latest model, only to realize that the differences were merely cosmetic.

I remember the excitement of unwrapping my first Blackberry, the Curve 1. It was a sleek device with a physical keyboard and a small screen. I felt like I was part of an exclusive club, a group of individuals who were ahead of the curve. But soon, the Curve 2 was released, and I felt the need to upgrade. I convinced myself that the new device was faster, had better battery life, and was more stylish.

This pattern continued as I upgraded to the Bold 2, Bold 5, and finally, the Torch 2. Each time, I thought I was getting something significantly better, but in reality, the changes were minimal. The user interface, BBM, WhatsApp, and overall user experience remained the same. The only significant difference was the design, and even that was not enough to justify the hefty price tag.

But I wasn't alone in this pursuit. Many people desired Blackberry not for its functionality but for the social prestige it offered. It was a way to show off, to flaunt one's wealth and status. And so, the color of the device became a major differentiator, with white Blackberries commanding a higher price than their black counterparts.

Fast forward to today, and the Blackberry craze seems like a distant memory. The devices that were once coveted are now gathering dust, their value plummeted to almost nothing. I saw a nearly new Blackberry Bold 5 last year, and the price tag was a mere #6,000 naira (approximately $10 USD). That's a far cry from its original price!

The story of Blackberry serves as a powerful reminder of the fleeting nature of material possessions. We chase after things we cannot afford, often resorting to desperate measures to acquire them. But in the end, they become worthless, relegated to the dustbin of history.

Blackberry taught me a valuable lesson - the importance of contentment. I've learned to let go of things I cannot afford, to wait until I'm ready, and to focus on what truly matters. Life is not about keeping up with the latest trends or flaunting our possessions; it's about living within our means, being content with what we have, and finding happiness in the simple things.

So, whether it's a car, a house, or the latest smartphone, remember that there will always be something newer, shinier, and more desirable on the horizon. But true happiness and fulfillment come from within, not from the things we own. Let us learn to appreciate what we have, to live within our means, and to find contentment in the present moment.

the Blackberry era may be over, but the lessons it taught me will stay with me forever. The pursuit of material possessions is a never-ending cycle, and it's important to recognize the vanity of life. As the Bible says, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity" (Ecclesiastes 1:2).

Let us learn to wait for the right time, to be patient, and to focus on what truly matters. Time is a precious resource, and we should not waste it chasing after fleeting things. Instead, let us invest our time in building meaningful relationships, pursuing our passions, and finding purpose in life.

In the end, it's not the things we own that define us, but the content of our character. Let us strive to be content, patient, and wise, and to find true happiness in the present moment.

Thanks for reading 😘


About the Creator

Matthew Victor Ufedo

Hi, I'm Victor, a prolific writer known for my versatility across genres. I craft compelling narratives that captivate readers worldwide, exploring captivating topics with a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling.

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    Matthew Victor Ufedo Written by Matthew Victor Ufedo

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