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The Black Book Challenge

Won 20,000

By SesePublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Let me first introduce you to Lovely); the little fat girl that always dreams to bring love and joy to this Planet's mother Earth. She always wonders, why people don’t just simply live with joy? As we are here in this journey together to support one another. She trusts that the Universe will give her what she wants. And one day this Earth will be in total peace and we all will live happily ever after. Nothing is impossible, for every problem there is a solution. The door of opportunity is always open, her dreams were always there, but she just did not have enough courage. She thought dreams are just in fairytales, movies, songs but not in reality. And the truth, we are in our movie. We are the co-creator of our life itself. Believe it or not! The love that Lovely always dreamt of is always happening to her, and the Universe was always speaking to her with signs. Her questions were being answered by the Universe. The external negative noises, distraction was the reason she did not focus and believe in herself that what her institution was telling her. She believed that the Universe works with you and not against you. So, she tested the Universe and was able to tune into her inner voice again.

One day she was not feeling well and decided to go for a walk by the water. The thing that always brings her peace in her mind. During her walk, she decided to just observe her breathing the momentum that the spiritual teacher talks about and from the recent book she read which calls “The Power of Now” which after reading the book she notices every single thing the writer talks about. Lovely saw a notification of a 20,000-dollar prize challenge which regards writing an article. At first, she was like I am not a writer. She stopped for a moment, and she was like why am I complaining, the challenge is for everyone who even writes perfectly- nobody is perfectional. We are all learners. This was a sign of what she asked the Universe for help for the situation she was in. For a new start journey plan, she has in mind. She was very excited like never before for something new she never has before and decided to go for the challenge with a positive mindset. She started to challenge herself first by making a plan for every day one-hour draft-free writing coming to the same location where the gift was introduced to her by whatever she has from the true deep heart down in her black book she bought last year and named him as a masculine imaginer another half “My love”.

Enjoying the sunshine, the waves that blow her face and hair with fresh air, and feeling the ideas from ideas channeling down to her that she has many things to share and tell the world about. How loving is the Universe being and that we all are doing a great job and the Universe has our back always? She went home later and did many editing and editing and editing, she wanted to be understood with no second thought what her massaging is all about and she achieves the requirement the challenge asked for. And Boom and all work within a week of writing after work. And made it before the final. Wola, submit with cross fingers. And knowing she already won the prize.

In a couple of days, she received an email regarding the challenge and was told to come into the company’s office as she has won. The whole day was a momentum. She has never felt all these vibrations all at once before. Star felt delighted to the point, that it was hard for her to try and express It., She got ready, dressed in her favorite black dress. She went to the office, received her prize, and was told to go live on social media and share her story. Star felt a little nervous at first but she went for it. She shared her story with the world, she said “nothing is impossible, it is just a matter of taking the risk and being fearless.” This opportunity led her into growing her YouTube subscribers around the world and becoming a public figure. She always dreamt to be able to spread her thoughts to the world and inspire people to reach out for their dreams. No matter how hard and far it seems sometimes.


About the Creator


Your life is the result of all your choices you make And once you understand that you've always had the power to create your reality, you can then become the conscious creator of your experience going forward.

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