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The 3 E’s of Evolution: Educate, Expand, Engage.

Change produces a new you.

By LATANYA N CHATFIELDPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The 3 E’s of Evolution: Educate, Expand, Engage.
Photo by Chinh Le Duc on Unsplash

I wanted to hide when the bottom fell out from under my belief system. I had panic attacks. I thought I was going to drop dead and float in an abyss of nothingness in the afterlife. I was straight-up scared. I needed something and didn’t know what. If I could just get a clue as to who, what, where the information I needed was located. I would have run there as fast as I could. For newcomers and “searchologist “like myself, I have a little advice for those that are at the point of finding out who they really are.

I love the word Evolution. The definition given in the EVOLUTION | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary is the process by which the physical characteristics of types of creatures change over time, new types of creatures develop, and others disappear. This is exactly what happened to me and so many others that have found the old way of thinking, well, old, stagnate, and a few more choice words that do not promote personal empowerment and growth. You will begin to see yourself in a spotlight of opportunity and progression into a new person is inevitable. It doesn’t matter what you find in these three E’s just know that the information wants you just as much as you want the information.


I spent a good 2 years trying to find out what the heck was going on with me. One day as I lie on my sofa feeling alone. overweight, mental, and physically sick. I cried out for help only to hear that I had the answers. Where and how did I have these answers? At the time I didn’t know I knew what was going on and just hadn’t gotten to the point of unlocking all the information I needed to remember.

I searched different videos and asked to see signs of where I am supposed to go. Little by little pieces unfolded and I absorbed the information that resonated with me. Some things I would hear were okay, but it wasn’t for me. any information I read would go through a fact check with my feelings. If I felt a little uneasy about it or it was unfamiliar to my core I left it alone. This didn’t mean It was not for me ever. It just meant it was not for me at that time.

I listened. I read books. I listened. I read books. I started to feel and know I was in the right place. It wasn’t that I needed the outside education to evolve. It was that I need the information to help me to remember that I was here to evolve.


This step happens automatically when you begin to absorb what you have been researching. Not all knowledge is made for you, but what is made for you will begin to expand you in numerous ways. Your mind begins to grow. Your steps become more intentional. You will see your friends will start to dwindle in numbers. You may also find that a friend that you haven’t seen in a while comes forth with the same experiences as you. You will be so hungry for answers that you notice their departure but still, continue on your path to knowledge. Sometimes you will feel as though you are going to go crazy. In this case, you take a step back and breathe. Let the expansion happen. Get used to knowing and not believing. There is a whole new world ready to open to you.

Once you educate and start to expand your thinking then you will begin to shed those things that no longer serve your purpose. Even though you may not know your purpose yet, life will begin to move you in a way to a place where you will receive the information you need. This is where you will feel the expansion even more. Your surroundings, atmosphere, everything that you are involved in will begin to open up around you. You will begin to see clearer and think upward in line with your higher self. It truly is an exciting experience.


This “E” is really important once you reach a place where you start to realize that the people around are not that interesting to you anymore. You are not interesting to them either, but sometimes we stay with those we are familiar with out of obligation and tradition. Some of these relationships will no longer be a part of your life and this is where you will need to engage in a community where you meet other individuals that are experiencing the same growth as you. Doing this will be a comfort to you when you need to talk about what you are experiencing in this growth period. You don’t have to do anything alone. We are made for community and it is beneficial to your mental health to reach out to those that resonate with you.

Engaging is also participating in things that you may not have thought about before. For example: Joining a class that appeals to the path you are on or changing your diet to better clear your energy. You will learn things along the way that will prompt you to make life changes that will enhance who you really are. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed about where you are in your journey. Most are right there with you and some are just leaving where you are arriving. Have faith in yourself and you will meet the most interesting person you have ever thought existed. You.

The Ultimate Goal Is…..

Wherever your path leads you, and the people you will meet along the way. They are there for your journey to support your evolution into your soul's purpose. There are other things that you will encounter along the way, but these three “ E” are important to embrace as you rise in consciousness. Just remember there is no one you are racing against and to always love yourself through the process. You are your biggest and brightest star. Follow it, follow you.

As always, Do something for you, that only you will love. Have a love yourself day!

J. Chatfield


About the Creator


I love to write all genres and teach my kids that they can do and be anything at any time in their lives.

Check out some of my other stories, short reads, thoughts on my podcast website:

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