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Thanking 2021 Without Regrets

I am grateful for all lessons learned. I refused to regret anything in 2021. Never regret lessons learned.

By Annelise Lords Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Image by Annelise Lords

2021 was a remarkable year. Positively and negatively. But for me, I am claiming positive because of lessons learned. It’s been a tough one for me. I have learned so much I want to thank everyone for their evil intentions.

Love: I showed you love and kindness’s true meaning and value. You mistook it for weakness. Thanks to you, I now can differentiate between love and hate.

Hatred: From the resentment I have received, I learned the value of love. There were areas in my life where I was blinded to love. I found out that love goes deeper inside us than hatred. I visited all of the places love hides within me and others around me. When hatred was about to win, love opened hearts and doors, saving me from your wrath.

Jealousy: I thanked everyone for the envy they held against me. I didn’t know that I meant so much to you or that I was that good. I looked up to you. I believed that you were better than I. I doubted myself a few times, but you boosted my confidence when you envied me. Thank you for that.

Cruelty: When you refused to help me when I was down, I almost lost myself. With the kindness of a stranger, I found the strength to rise like the sun, shining brightly, guiding others out of the darkness you tried to imprison me in. I became stronger, thanks to you. I won’t forget the lessons you taught me. I am glad you were cruel to me because I have a new respect for the kindness everyone showed me when I was down.

Thoughtlessness: I always think of you. You reciprocated nothing when I needed a teaspoon of consideration. During my suffering, smaller doors opened, which I wasn’t aware of, became my savior. My awareness took a giant boost, allowing me to see the evil in your heart and the other tiny entrances that were always opened. I thank you for not giving me thought. Thanks to you, awareness brightened my life, and I can now see the garbage some people add to my life. I now have the strength to eliminate the bad and enhance the good.

Thank you for that.

Lying: You hurt me when you lied. You, God, and I knew the truth. You refused to confirm that I wasn’t lying. I lost money, friends, my reputation, and almost my sanity. You have convinced many, including family and friends who know of my reputation for being honest, that I wasn’t. An ounce of truth is more potent than a pound of lies. It is also heavier. The fact won, revealing who is with me and who isn’t. Knowing who your friends and enemies are is power. I thank you for giving me the ability and the knowledge. It will never leave me.

Pain: You have inflected a lot of pain upon me, but you couldn’t have known that Pain was one of my teachers. Learning mode is never off and I learned how to use pain to strengthen me. Thank you.

Forgiveness: I have forgiven you more than ten times. I still feel the blame for my one mistake. My forgiveness allows you to move on and heal. Don’t you think I deserved the freedom to go on too?

Forgiveness is a gift that allows healing. I learned that from you.

Thank you.

Dishonesty: You cheated me, not once but many times. You mistook my generosity for stupidity. I had to stop you. So, we became enemies. Thanks to you, I now have increased appreciation and love for everyone who gives me honesty. I can spot dishonesty a mile away. Thank you.

I thank 2021, these are just a few of the stuff I learned from the cruelty shown to me by many.

COVID 19 was kinder to me than many humans.

I am grateful for all lessons learned. I refused to regret anything in 2021. Never regret lessons learned.

They are the backbone of your strength and ability to survive the odds life pushes your way. This new year will pose more tests, but 2021 lessons will carry you and me through all of the trials and tests that await.

We will be stronger, more intelligent, more innovative, aware, understanding, forgiving, patient, kinder, and everything we need to be stronger than evil. 2022 will be our year to change the world, starting with love and kindness.

For 2022 #Iintend2survive no matter what.

Thank you 2021 for everything you taught me.

What about you?

Thank you for reading this piece. I hope you enjoy it. Happy New Year to everyone.


About the Creator

Annelise Lords

Annelise Lords writes short inspiring, motivating, thought provoking stories that target and heal the heart. She has added fashion designer to her name. Check out https:

for my designs.

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