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Such A Difference

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
“It’s amazing how quickly things can turn around when you remove toxic people from your life.” - Robert Tew

Unfortunately, we live in a world in which we are surrounded by negative minded and pessimistic people. So many individuals spend their days whinging and moaning about how life is so unfair, how much their job sucks, how they are constantly a victim of circumstance, how they are always struggling financially, how they don't have such nice assets as others, how their partner has bad habits, and so on. They are constantly in our ear, giving us advice about how we shouldn't do this, and how we shouldn't do that, rather than being focused on their own life. As much as they live their life in hope and faith, they will quite often dismiss any possibilities of anything good coming their way, and at the same token, they will also quash our ambitions, and the ambitions of others, as they don't want to see others succeed and thrive, if they can't do so themselves. They will often criticize and belittle us, they will gossip about us behind our back, and they will always try to act in superiority to us, believing that they know better about everything. They will very rarely, if ever, admit to their mistakes, wrongdoings, and faults also. There's no real polite way of summing up these type of individuals, other than stating that they are toxic! The problem for us is that we can't exactly run and hide from them, because they are nearly always around us, such as in the shops, in our workplace, and sadly, even within our own home. What this means is that we are getting constant exposure to all this negativity and pessimism, as our mind is constantly absorbing what we are hearing. The human mind acts like a magnet. The more it hears this same information over and over, the more it starts to believe it, and relate to it. If we are hearing negativity, then our mindset will adapt to that exact environment, ultimately falling into a negative zone of thinking also. What happens when we operate from a negative mindset? Well, we get angry, we get frustrated, we become bitter, we become resentful, we become ungrateful, we become agitated, we become hurtful, we become sad, we become pessimistic, and we can become depressed. The worst part though is when we make decisions and take action whilst in this negative mindset. Such decisions and actions, more often than not, lead to failure, regret, hardship, adversity, conflict, and even more unhappiness.

Okay, so we know that we are surrounded by negative minded and pessimistic people, but let's get even more clear on exactly who these people are in our life. Perhaps you only need to look as far as your own partner, your own parents, your own friends, your own children, your own relatives, and your own workmates? Yep, it's extremely common that the very people we love, are the ones who are pessimistic and negative minded, but we tend to overlook this fact because they are people who are very dear to our heart. It's these very individuals who criticize us, belittle us, quash our ambitions, gossip to others about us, and believe that certain successes and achievements don't exist. They are the ones constantly giving advice on how we should live our life. They are often the ones who never admit to fault. And here we are, spending all our time with these individuals, because we love them, and care for them. All the while, their negativity and pessimism is filtering into our mind, and that's having dire consequences on our life. They can take us from being happy and inspired one minute, to being upset, angry, and unhappy the next. So here we are, being dragged into this pool of negativity, and as a result, we continue making decisions and executing actions from such a mindset. The results we achieve off the back of these decisions and actions are an accurate reflection of that exact mindset; negative. Take a moment to think of the conversations and interactions you have with these individuals. Naturally, there will be times of great enjoyment and happiness with them, but ask yourself, how often do they also make you upset and angry? How often do their words and actions emotionally hurt you? How often do they drag you from being happy and inspired, to being unhappy and discouraged? The big question is, how often do they TRULY support you in your journey towards your goals, and in creating the life you desire for yourself?

We find ourselves in an extremely difficult situation here now, don't we? Being surrounded by negative minded and pessimistic individuals is leading us to become negative minded and pessimistic also. It is then negatively impacting our mood, personality, behaviour, thoughts, and decision making. It is leading us to failure, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction in life. It is distracting us from focusing on achieving our goals, and creating the life we desire. They are our partner, our family, and our friends, after all, so we can't exactly remove them from our life, can we? In all honesty, yes we can. Well, we don't have to necessarily cut ties with them completely, be rude to them, or tell them they are horrible people. I am a strong believer in family, after all, because it is a blessing in itself to have family in life. These people do love and care for us, but sadly their attitude and behaviour is having a negative affect on us. My personal belief is that these certain family members, who are being constantly negative minded and pessimistic, we can at least isolate them away from us. We can totally minimize the time we spend in their company, and when they start engaging in conversation that is negative and unhelpful to us, there's nothing to stop us from walking away. Always love the family you have, but keep them at a distance if they are negatively influencing your mindset. As far as friends and partner are concerned, don't hesitate to part ways with them. These people don't truly love and care for us, if they are not genuinely supporting us in our quest for our goals, evident by their actions and attitude towards us. A true friend and partner will always inspire, encourage, and morally support you, especially during the hard times. They wouldn't gossip about you behind your back, or criticize and belittle you for your decisions and actions. If it means parting ways with friends and the partner you are with, again for the sake of your happiness, wellbeing, mindset, and future goals accomplishment, then do it! Find that courage to place your happiness, mental health, wellbeing, and your goals, at the top of your priority list. That's not selfishness, that's wisdom!

Despite all the negative minded and pessimistic people that are all around us, don't feel disheartened, because there are also many positive minded, goals driven, supportive, inspiring, optimistic, and helpful individuals that are out there also. It's these type of individuals we need to surround ourselves with, and be spending more time with. It's been such a difference for me, over these past 4 months, having parted ways and distanced myself from several negative minded, unsupportive, and pessimistic individuals that were in my life. From my former partner, to a couple of my former friends, and even to several family members, I knew that I had to make the decision to isolate myself away from them, because they were damaging to my mindset. I continually felt angry and frustrated by them, and that's not how we should be living. They were constantly criticizing me for the decisions I was making, and the actions I was taking. They were constantly trying to take me off the pathway I am on, working towards achieving my goals. They were constantly acting like they knew better, and they knew what was best for me. They were constantly playing the victim of circumstances, from the decisions I was making. Many even got to the point where they became extremely personal and abusive. The reality is, all I am doing is creating the life I desire, rich with success, happiness, prosperity, and goals accomplishment. Why is that so bad for people to become so objective to it? Aren't these people meant to love me and want what's best for me? I would encourage others to do the same, not deter them from doing so. I rarely speak to any of my family and relatives now, but I'm not upset by that, because it has been so beneficial for my mindset. One thing though, when you distance yourself from negative minded friends, family, and loved ones, quite often you are left alone, with no support around you. That's why it's just as important to find a new group of people to associate with, but this time, people who are positive minded and truly supportive. That I have done for myself too, and all I can say is "wow". What a difference it has made for my mindset and attitude. I am a totally different person to who I was just six months ago. These people have been a revelation for me, and have lifted my spirits so high, that I am the happiest I have been in a very long time. I've gone from suffering severe depression, and navigating my way through the hardest period of my life, back in December/January, to now being the happiest I have been in at least 14 years, I reckon. That just from making tough decisions to sever ties with friends and loved ones, and finding an environment filled with positive minded, supportive, and inspiring individuals.

It's time to put yourself first in life. How can expect to live a happy and successful life if you are continually surrounded by negative minded and pessimistic individuals? It's far from an easy action to take, removing certain people from your life, especially for the fact that you do still love and care for them, but the quality of your future depends on it. By surrounding yourself with positive minded, supportive, and goals driven people, you too become that same type of individual, you start making better decisions, and you start becoming a better person. In turn, you can then go on to help, inspire, encourage, uplift, and support others also. Becoming the best version of yourself is actually the best thing you can do for others! So why not discover the difference for yourself? Make the bold decision to part ways with those who are dragging you down in life, and constantly being negative, and enter into an environment of complete positivity and upliftment. Your future self will undoubtedly thank you for it!

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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