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Stuck in Limbo

Perhaps you may just be making a break through.

By farah dPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

Life in limbo, feeling lost—just a few phrases we seem to throw about when life is taking us on a not-so-pleasant path, or when life just seems to not be happening the way we had pictured it to go. You may feel you are up against a brick wall, stuck in the same situation with little or no progress been made whatsoever.

I myself am no stranger to the limbo club; actually, I have probably spent the good part of the last 10 years in limbo—constantly stuck in some strange transit stage, living in temporary situations, and the frustration of not being able to lay down any solid foundations. For lack of a better word I may now still be deemed a loyal member of the limbo club.

Yes, I am still in limbo mode, I don’t know which way my life is going, or even where I will be living in the not so distant future, not to mention the whole career path. Most of my fellow thirty-something people would have a full-blown anxiety attack if they were in my situation, as I do not score high on society’s success chart.

However, I refuse to give in to society’s made up expectations; I would even go as far to say that I don’t really care at all what people may think of my current status in life, and you shouldn’t either!

The truth is, life is never simple and can surprise us with unpredicted events which can lead you in a completely different direction, or even have you restarting everything in your life from scratch. Job loss, bankruptcy, divorce, you name it. These are only but a few life crises that can cause a tsunami effect on your life.

You may be thinking, "What about those lucky people who just seem to sail along ever so smoothly through life, without having any major setbacks or life changing moments?" It is easy to fall into the trap of feeling hard-done-by the universe (or whatever force you refer to) for any undesirable events and setbacks that dare to come your way.

What if I told you that having a major setback, hitting rock bottom, or feeling stuck can actually be the best thing that could happen to you in your life? Take a moment to reflect on that, it may seem hard to swallow or even barking mad. Have a little ponder on the idea that being in the lost zone puts you on a path with unopened doors simply waiting to be opened and tremendous opportunity for self-growth. The beauty in having your life turned upside down is it gives you the chance to discover things about yourself, reinvent yourself, and create a life you never dreamt of before.

Now those people who seem to have no blips in their life may not seem so lucky to you now, as they have never been thrown into unknown territories. What a misfortune to miss the great privilege of been stuck in limbo. For this is the place where you are required to dig deep to your core, and that is where you discover strengths and untapped potential you never knew existed.

You may be wondering how to conquer the fears and anxiety that can sometimes arise whilst being permanently stuck in the unknown about all aspects of your life. Things may even appear to be getting worse before they get better. The most practical way to remain in a positive mindset is acceptance and real commitment in embracing the experience you are currently in, even when you feel you're being pulled backwards.

You need to drastically change your perspective on your current situation, open your eyes and try to see things from a totally different viewpoint. Easier said than done may be echoing in your head right now, well it is time to switch that self-sabotaging noise off! The more you feel uncomfortable about your situation and perceive it as negative then I hate to tell you that you are just prolonging your current experience.

Let me give you a practical example of how easy it is to flip a situation: Let’s say you are currently living in a place that doesn’t match your expectations. You may be living in a tiny apartment with ugly furniture, in an area that is not desirable for you, you could even be in a different country from where you want to settle.

Every day you have two choices; you can wake up and focus on everything you hate about the place you are living, or you can choose to accept this is where you are and need to be at this moment to get to where you are going and want to be.

When you step out your door, step out with the intention that whoever you may meet has a story and can offer you unseen wisdom you didn’t expect. The secret that I have learned is that there is always more depth to people and places than meets the eye. Sometimes without even being aware we snub people or places as being mediocre, when in fact they can be the most interesting conversations you have and play an influential role in the journey you are on.

In doing this you create an adventure every day, everything you encounter becomes a piece of knowledge, inspiration or hidden opportunity that the majority of people are blind to. You no longer see yourself in limbo mode, more of a path of great discovery that will eventually lead you to your next chapter. You start to be present in every moment and the things you want to attract into your life, just show up at the perfect timing. Then you realize there is no such thing as being in limbo, for everyday and every circumstance is a calling for you to emerge as the best version of yourself.


About the Creator

farah d

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