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Strive for Greatness

The Best is Yet to Come

By L.B.E (Lee)Published 3 years ago Updated about a year ago 6 min read
Strive for Greatness
Photo by Samuel Scrimshaw on Unsplash

Be the best you can be

In a world where people tend to be the same, strive to be different—while being you—the better you.

Give your all and never settle for less than you deserve. You’re destined for greatness and to bring greatness to the world. It doesn’t matter if others tell you differently. We all have unique gifts within us. You must be willing to go within and search—and there you’ll find your inner stardom meant to shine into the world.

Be everything you’re meant to become, and never hold back. Never let others put your light out; shine—shine as bright as the morning star.

Find that passion; that fire, and let it burn—and never put it out.

We hold the key to our passions and talents—and once we find it we should share it with everyone.

Let everything out—within you; your passions and talents—glow and burst with all their beauty and wonder.

Go after what you want—the only one holding you back is yourself.

Let go of your doubts and insecurities—be the person you’re meant to become.

By Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash

Patience is a virtue

If you don’t know what your passion is, be patient, you’ll find it—and when you do—you’ll know. You’ll feel it in your heart; your soul—and every fiber in your bones.

If you’re not happy, then you shouldn’t do it. That’s when it’s time for a change—let go—and find what does make you happy. Find the career that sets your soul on fire—that you look forward to each day—and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or says. They don’t hold your happiness; you do.

”To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom”


“To thine own self be true”

-Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Know who you are and be true

Meditation will help. Focus on your breathing—tune out everything around you. If you have trouble clearing your mind then go for a meditative walk while listening to meditative music. It’s still beneficial—concentrate on your breathing and each step you take. Soon your mind will be clear and you’ll receive messages from within. Then ask: “What is my passion? What is my purpose? What are my hidden talents?” then let the information come in and illuminate you with the answers to those questions.

As you do this, go into your heart space—feel and get to know the answers—so you know it’s your true heart’s desire.

Be the beautiful star you’re meant to be—shine bright and true—be the star of your life. We’re all meant to shine our best selves into the world. No one should dim your light or let anyone dim it for you.

Always come from a loving place—never from the ego. (The ego is our worst enemy). The more we’re willing to push down our ego—and let our hearts rule over it—the better.

By Nghia Le on Unsplash

Our minds can trap us within

The mind is a useful tool, but it is also our trap if we allow it. Being stuck inside the mind isn’t a good thing, as well as letting the ego be our ruler isn’t. Our hearts are our place of guidance—when we are in true alignment with ourselves. Our hearts and soul are the inner compasses—the same as our inner peace is in our hearts and soul; it’s also where our destiny is waiting for us.

To strive for greatness—we must do the inner work. As well as balance and heal our mind, body, and spirit; working on our Chakras—balancing and healing the Chakras will help to center you and help your overall being. If any of them are out of sync—you won’t be at your greatest.

Listening to meditative music for the chakras will help with that—but that’s for starters. I recommend buying a book on Chakras so you become more acquainted with them—such as diet, exercise, healing, etc.

By madison lavern on Unsplash

True happiness is found within

Find the core of what’s holding you back—why you’re not happy, and living your greatest life. True happiness, as well as true greatness—is found within. So stop looking for it in places, things, or even people. You are your source of happiness and greatness.

Only you can unlock your truest potential—and decide to open that door to success and opportunities. It all depends on how determined, driven, and ambitious you are (as long as it hurts no one in the process). Are you willing to go after what you want? No one is going to hand it to you, and it isn’t going to land in your lap. Work for it—strive for your greatness—and be wise about about how you obtain it.

You hold the keys to turn your ignition; which ignites the engine; to drive you where you need to go. So be determined—no matter how many times you fall, fail—or turned away. That’s a starting point for negotiation on where you’ll be going—if you stick to fighting for what you want. Part of success is failing—it isn’t true failure unless you quit or do not try at all. Success doesn’t happen overnight, nor does greatness.

By Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Strive for goals

Set goals and work towards them; small goals are easier to obtain—they lead to bigger goals; you have made for yourself.

The world is your oyster—make it what you want and be true to yourself.

Set the intentions

Also striving for greatness is to set your intentions—make a vision board—that helps keep you motivated and stay on track.


Set up a place for positive affirmations to say aloud every day. Examples: I am beautiful, I am successful, etc.—build your self-confidence and yourself back up. (Where the world has tried to tear you down). Be sure to believe it for yourself—and keep saying them until you do. It doesn’t matter if others do; it matters that you believe.

Shadow work

Work through issues or problems you may be going through; strive to be the best version of yourself. We must be willing to face ourselves; our inner demons. No matter how hard that may be—it’s needed.

Allow yourself to mess up, to do things wrong. It’s okay, it’s part of learning and growing. It molds us into what we’re meant to become. So what if someone laughs? Laugh with them. Because if you can’t learn to laugh at yourself, and not take yourself too seriously—then not only will you not be able to be your greatest self—but an uptight person. And no one likes to deal with someone who is always uptight—and too serious all of the time.

Break free from the chains that bind you

Set yourself free—free from worry, stress, and anxiety. Let go of control, and control of yourself—and not everything and everyone around you. By doing this—you begin to break free from the chains that bind you. And allowing your truest self to shine through—permitting greatness to make its way out to give to the world.

By Peter Conlan on Unsplash

Helping others free themselves

As you become free—destined for greatness; help others break free from the chains. So they become their true selves—greatness will shine through—and share it with the world.

Help guide people to their destiny as they become their true selves—as they find their true potential and greatness—we all deserve greatness.

Give others what you want for yoursel—things that matter (the gift of showing them how to strive for greatness)—to become truly happy and fulfilled—guide them to what they need to succeed in life.

Help people find their key—to drive themselves where they belong as well.

By Daryn Stumbaugh on Unsplash

Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this article please consider giving it a heart and/or a tip—it would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you have enjoyed many of my other articles—you may make a monthly pledge to show your support for me as a content writer. Much love and light—God bless. ❤️🕯️🙏


About the Creator

L.B.E (Lee)

I’ve had a love and passion for writing since I was 12 years old. And I enjoy inspiring and motivating others.

I’m diligently working on perfecting my craft; I’m currently taking a Creative Writing Course. I am also writing two books.

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