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"Stone"d Introduction

By Noivad's MeopsPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

“Most stories you read in a book contain a hero and a villain, a protagonist and an antagonist. You always see the hero win or the successor overcoming evil. However in this realm that we call reality, we take ourselves our worst enemy of the heroes we become. For this reason, I created this book containing stories, secrets, and information to unlock this so-called “artifact” that is built inside our human consciousness.


These were the words written on the back of a journal before burning in a hellfire. This knowledge that could create peace and harmony amongst people of all kinds was no more. The year is 2009 and the world has been plunged into chaos. One researcher who has shaken this world to the very core of existence. Scientist Allen Morgan, researcher at Pebblebrook University, has finally discovered an infinite source of immense energy. This energy could definitely be useful for many future endeavors. Media press from across the country heard of such a discovery and had all but one question: what was it? Dr. Morgan described it as a “stone” or a type of colorful crystal.

This stone had chemical properties to produce energy for light, a battery for a car and even might boast for healing properties as well. For years, Morgan has traveled states and even out the country to bring to people what he calls an artifact. To the public, he wants the media to think of this as a revolutionary way to look towards the future of technology. But behind the scenes, this stone is quite more than meets the eye.

In his research lab, he and his team have made shocking developments after another. It seems the stone can be duplicated and produced at a mass quantity. Another discovery is that it could change a person’s body with that of another. One person can mentally swap their minds with that of another mind, that the team is baffled on.

The government had been overseeing their project and decided to use their stones and body swapping mechanics to their needs. Morgan is bamboozled at how everything is transpired right before his eyes. A CIA team has been sent to confiscate all evidence and tie up all loose ends. So in a quick session, all scientists get gunned down, one by one. In the aftermath of this massacre, with his last dying breath, Allen asks why this is happening. The agent simply points the gun at him and tells him, “it's my job” before firing a bullet killing Allen Morgan.

The CIA team cleans up any evidence and takes Morgan’s journal in for an analysis. Years have gone by and they have a super secret murder agent helping them with cracking Morgan’s research with the mythical stones. This agent is known as “Photography Paul''. Agents have compared him to an elephant, for his ability, as he is able to remember exactly anything he reads or sees. The government has him read the journal only to find out one day he's gone.

The testing site somewhere towards the outskirts of Alaska has been breached. It seems Paul had utilisite Morgan’s research for his own beneficial gain. As a team is quickly dispatched to his last known area, they noticed a confirmation alert coming from the terminal. To the team's surprise, Paul launched a series of small deadly blank missiles, headed straight towards them. The men watch the missiles slowly, watching death come their way. One of the officials, in a room away from the missile starts to hear a ticking sound. When he realized what that was, it was already too late. Boom! The bomb explodes killing the entire special ops unit.

In a fiery pit of destruction, dead men lay across the snowy ice caps of the bunker. Paul flies away, pasting over them, inside his jet, as he chuckles, with the stone in his hand, feeling more power than ever imagined. Where did Paul run off to? What does he have planned? What will Paul do with the stone? And how will this story unfold?

Figure all of these questions and more in “Stone”

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About the Creator

Noivad's Meops

Peace and love to all, feel free to look over my poems and stuff and tell me if its cool or not

IG: projectnoivadddddd

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