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Stand up and voice your opinion, even when you lose and it's a no, change history for years to come.

There's always another sunrise.

By Peter MasonPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
One of those photos you take at the airport and you get odd looks back. (me)

So, I applied for a leadership position a month ago. I enjoyed the organisation, and its path was something I could relate to. I was nervous about submitting an application. Yet, throughout the year, I was a part of many sports teams and a couple of clubs. Other older students had seen me display more than the necessary skills in sports and other societies. I had the experience to continue and do well in that role. For reasons that I still don't think are backed up, I didn't get it. I received the 'no' email, the one that begins with 'Unfortunately..'. So, I felt strongly about it. For me, I've had this feeling often enough. I also don't like to stand still. It's frustrating, but I want to channel that passion into fixing it or moving on to something else. So I've been writing an email to reply to them. After initially receiving the email, I was okay: shocked, but okay. Later that night, I started to doubt myself and found it difficult to fall asleep. I then drafted a reply email as I lay in bed and typed it on my phone. I know that for me when I think about something at night, I'm likely to not remember it, so I write it down anywhere.

Side: I was very tired at this point. (me)

I took a look my thoughts the next day, and while I agreed with the content, I wasn't as upset so hesitated to send it. I had kind of processed the information and accepted it the news. Yet, from past occasions, I couldn't just sit down and do nothing. I would actually let myself. That's not how things change. So, I've been polishing the email and intend to send it later after finishing this. In the past, I've been denied a scholarship, university, sports teams and other leadership positions. From sending my thoughts and opinions, I've been able to flip the tables for all those things. I've been able to reverse the outcome through a compelling email, that shows why I significantly want something or why there is a misunderstanding or by stating I'll go above and beyond. And it can work. If it works at least once then I believe for the next time. Of course, most of the time, I reply, and the result is a firm 'no'. I want this to be clear that I don't respond to any and every sort of situation where I don't get the result I wanted. No. If I believe that I have a chance, I take it. And it's really an investment of time, effort and risk. Sure, everyone wants to get the result they want, but as competition in this world builds, you have to keep going to get something. Try a little more. Every time. Nothing is binary and stops when you are not chosen, there could be a chance. The reality in this world is that we're not going to get what we want most of the time. We need to change how we react in any given situation and time, and hope that by changing our actions, that the outcome can be changed too.

Always another sunrise. (me)

In a way, this has been a way of focusing or hoping I've used, that for something with a deadline or result, the outcome can be changed. On the other side of that email, phone call or letter, there is likely a person, and they are human too. For me, it means that almost anything can happen because we are all unpredictable. And if that's something that we can do for the better, then, it's a good thing. If I can impact a single person by writing this down, then I will have been able to pass on something worthwhile.


About the Creator

Peter Mason

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