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Somehow someway

Guidance Poetry

By Marcus HillPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Somehow someway
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Why now? why not 10 years from now, why not 10 years ago? Those questions seem to matter, but obviously don't. You are where you are because everything is made beautiful in it's time. If you ever doubted that then reach inside every bad choice and see if you would repeat that action if represented today. The ways we love should scare us because it's an emotion that's unexplainable. Somehow every person on earth is different, but we all feel the same emotions just to different things. Someway we all get mad and happy, but we are all different.

The message here is simple and it is that, somehow you are where you are because the world needs you there, but the choice you make in whatever spot you are in can't be determined by anyone except you. Everyday we can choose to look for ways out or decide to bet on ourselves. Regardless of the choice we make we end up with a result we may or may not like.

Struggling is common so why do we sadden every time we are faced with problematic situations? The answer we all know is that we grow from what we don't know, a cliché reference made to us since birth, but as true as a blue sky. Stop fighting the plan you made for yourself, because the hard day you are experiencing will only present itself once and that's beautiful. Death waits for us all and that allows us comfort knowing each of us end in the same place. We are literally all equal regardless of status because we are human.

Focus on who you are today to improve who you will be tomorrow, this will only inspire the energy of life for everyone around you. Stability was never promised so why expect it, as it can only be granted by you and your own efforts. Smile in the face of concern because you know mourning only last till the morning and then you will find reason to rejoice. Embrace each quality you posses to unlock the unknown greatness you've kept from yourself and the world. We were all born in an image of perfection, but the flaws of the world stains us without warning or apology. Everything you have done is not a mistake, so stop taking your accomplishments for granted no matter how uncomplicated or difficult they are.

Applaud yourself for not quitting when most would, so that you know you're appreciated by at least one person at all times. Strength is what you see fit, as the time you put into what you believe is the world you design for yourself. Love everything that brings you happiness and forgive everything that has brought you pain, so that you don't repeat history. Find new beginnings that refresh your spirt and inspire the thrill of enjoying life, as you only can live the life you have created. Smile anytime the emotion arrives so that you may boost moral amongst those around you, as a smile can travel further than any empty promise. Stay grounded as you rise to the status you have always dreamed, but remaining within the character you have built as your outer shell. The person you have become is not in vain as you are the greatest you to ever walk the earth, as you deserve every blessing given to you. Continue to love and inspire more because your soul deserves it.

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About the Creator

Marcus Hill

Words speak louder than anything on earth, Keep writing…. Keep speaking…

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