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So Far, I've Learnt..


By ViVid Vibes @Dannii.scully.artPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

💜 Straight into point form, here is a random list of stuff I’ve learnt so far, looking back over my journey, at 33 years of youth, I have managed to shift judging myself for things I have and haven't done, to celebrating the lessons I have learnt and the wisdom I’m still earning along my way..

1💥 I've learnt, it’s totally ok to make up your own words.. f*ck Webster’s.. in this day and age we use so much slang or abbreviated text, who even realises or cares as long as it makes sense in the context and flow of conversation..

2💥 I’ve learnt, particularly when I hit 30, that life does not end up how you thought it would or even how you planned.. some things are better, some are simply just different.. It really is just the attachment of our expectations that intensifies disappointment, generally based on the influence of our childhood or lack of one.. oof!

3💥 I’ve learnt, it’s not our parents fault.. they did the best they could with what they had and times aren’t the same, so will it go for our kids, forgiveness cleans the slate for a new way and new kind of being. (I thank the stars everyday this planet is shifting)

4💥 I’ve learnt, no matter what you do some people will only like you as much as they like themselves.. that is their journey and its ok to love them anyway..

5💥 I’ve learnt, Don’t listen to anyone that says they know you better than you know yourself, trust your guts and don’t be scared to say what you feel.. even if your voice shakes..

6💥 I’ve learnt, People die.. it’s sad.. but it really is out of our control and those who are still living in so much grief and sorrow deserve to breathe the air they have and live the rest of their own life.

7💥 I’ve learnt, We are spiritual beings if that’s what you want to call it having a human experience.. key word experience, why would we come here not to experience everything that is this crazy illusion.. Hence the old ways of judging myself for what I haven’t done… yet!

8💥I’ve learnt, we are all a little effed up in our own ways, which is no ones fault because blame ain’t healed a heartache.. We just need to realise we are the change that breaks cycles, and let our uniquely harmonious flags fly high with celebration for ourselves and each other!!

9💥 I’ve learnt, Environment is everything, the saying “can’t soar like an eagle while surrounded by turkeys” is by far the truest old timers saying there is.. that and flat lemonade helps an unsettled tummy.. lol in saying this, radical responsibility will have you responding better to the circus that is not yours..

10💥 I’ve learnt, in relation to the point above, it is our responsibility to make the choice to not only shift the way we respond, its also our responsibility yo remove ourselves from situations that don’t serve us and our higher selves.. I choose where I am going despite where I have been. Yes we need to go there to learnt what we need to bring back, but no you do not have to stay or live anywhere you choose not to..

11💥 I’ve learnt, letting go of people, places, things and situations that no longer feel like they are filling your cup is more than ok and the universe generally supports these moves as much as they do the fun and easy choices we get make in this experience.

12💥 I’ve learnt, that no matter how hard you try, people can only meet you as deep as they have met themselves.. and it’s totally ok to not fit in..

13💥 I’ve learnt, that people’s loyalty will change as their need for you changes, so be loyal to yourself and your own truth first.. make sure your needs are met to meet the needs of others.. (can be tricky as a mum and an empath)

14💥 I’ve learnt, that guilt makes people act irrationally, so forgive yourself because I forgive me and I forgive you too. For whatever it is that needs to be let go of..

15💥I’ve learnt, nothing anyone says honestly can actually hurt you, if you are confident within your whole self and your connection to everything else.. Authenticity vs Indifference.

16💥 I’ve learnt, love is a doing word as much as it is our very creation/existence.. it’s not just a feel good word or a lustful moment with a new pair of shoes or good looking person.. well for some i guess it is.. and good for them.. for me it can be a good playlist, time spent in nature, a good book that gets me growing or creating something new while exploring my own expressions.. (and of course listening to said playlist while doing so)

17💥 I’ve learnt, that the heart and soul will always speak the truth through sign and synchronicities, however, its up to us to listen and pick up the cues. It's also essential we experience the lessons first hand through life ourselves. Refer to 'Carl Jung Unearned Wisdom Philosophy' and the warnings to beware of anything you did not learn via personal experience..

18💥 I’ve learnt, not everyone says what they mean or means what they say, or has the same size heart and it’s more than ok to be different and stand out..

Thats where we"ll end this one for now, right at the 18th point.. Which almost seems ironic considering i didn't plan the finishing number, which only reminds me of how many 30+ year old's in my 15+ years of hairdressing, would actually say the word's,

"If only I knew at 18, what i know now"

I personally prefer "So far, I've Learnt.."

Because it implies there is room for more growth... 🌱

self help

About the Creator

ViVid Vibes

Colour. Create. Inspire.

A Woman on a Mission to Create a Vivid Empire!

Using Colour & Creative constructs to Unpack the Overwhelm & Gain Clarity on Life.

Inspiring the Creative Energy Inside Us All!

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