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Smile more

Your smile is more important than you realize

By Mahonry FrancoPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read
Smile more
Photo by Brendan Hollis on Unsplash

You are important, you have value, what you do matters and is essential! Believe it or not, this is true! You have been placed on a mantle for those around you to look upon, but the unfortunate reality is that we at times don't recognize that we're in such a position. Our personal awareness can only go so far. Nonetheless, our story is worth sharing and can make a drastic difference!

One of the biggest ways we see this difference comes to pass through the plain and simple act of a smile.

I know it sounds "cliche," however, given that this piece of advice has been tossed around like confetti for the past century it's safe to say that a little smile can change a life. This small yet powerful gesture can illuminate the lives of you and other people. Don't believe me? Allow me to illustrate this genuine idea for you.

Two years ago, in a meeting with some of my mentors, my understanding of a sincere smile was impressed upon my mind. In an effort to act upon this impression I set a goal to "smile more," (even under circumstances where a smile seemed like a rigorous thing to do) it did not matter what the outcome was; I will have found an excuse to smile. At first, it took daily reminders and a lot of discipline, furthermore, it required constant self-inventory. Every now and then I would have to adjust my character to ensure a smile would appear in times of stress or hate. Over the course of my smiling journey, my eyes were able to recognize the "good fruits," not only was I more vibrant on the surface I was also radiant from within, the craziest part was that I didn't even know why; it just happened! Naturally, I was happier and because I was happier others were happier. Nothing was out of the ordinary; I went about my day doing what needed to be done unaware of the difference I was causing by this cliche gesture. Fast-forward to our present time and these are the experiences I lived through... please note that these experiences are the ones from off the top of my head, there could be countless others that happened that I am not aware of.

Experience #1

Context: After a day's work a friend and I wanted to go home and relax but we were stopped by an older gentleman who asked us to rake his leaves because he was unable to do it himself. We were hesitant at first but we ended up helping him. In his backyard I pathetically raked my first pile and jokingly exhaled and smiled at the small lump I made. My friend saw me from a distance and came up to me asking this question.

Friend: How is it that you manage to be happy all the time?

Me: I don't know. But it's better than not being happy all the time that's for sure.

Friend: *contemplates life*

Me: *continues raking*

Summary: A smile can create a paradigm shift. I remember thinking, "1 section down - A gazillion to go" before being interrupted by my friend. She caught me just at the right moment. Maybe to her, I looked happy to be working extra hours. After our little conversation she then had a better attitude towards... life and I did too!

Experience #2

Context: It was an average day, I was hungry, drove to Costa Vida, paid for my food, and was about to walk away when this happened.

Employee: Thank you so much for your smile, I needed that today!

Summary: A smile paints a thousand words. We do not know what people are going through under the surface, I didn't say much when I was paying for my food but with a simple smile, the day for this employee was made. We can let them know how grateful we are to have them and much more when we show some teeth. :)

Experience #3

Context: I just came home from a 2 year LDS Mission and had some serious nostalgia. My friends and I traveled back to visit the many people I grew to love starting with the H family. We talked about a lot of things and somewhere along the conversation I heard this.

Mrs. H: You really made an impact here! My daughter is on her LDS mission now and she told us she made a goal to smile more just like you did.

Summary: A smile is light, it has no boundaries. It doesn't matter whether you're the main attraction on the field or the person on the bleachers, you can smile where you stand and make the whole stadium bright!

Experience #4

Context: I like to go to universities I don't attend because that's where my friends are at. Someone in the crowd noticed me coming and going so he stopped me to tell me this.

Student: Hey I've noticed you here and there. Sorry, we don't know each other, but I just wanted to say that you certainly seem to know what you're doing.

Me: *Confused as heck*

Also Me: Th-Thanks?

(Lol we carried a normal conversation after that)

Summary: A smile is a social magnet. A smile gives you and others purpose. A smile is contagious.

Experience #5

Context: A few weeks prior my mentors taught us the importance of a smile. I made my goal and saw changes in me but not anywhere else; until we knocked on a stranger's door.

Stranger: Oh my goodness come in! I don't know you guys but every time I see you - you always smile at me!

Summary: A smile is hope.

Do you see it now!? Every time you smile you make the world a better place. In a way, choosing to smile is like lighting a candle in an empty dark tunnel. In this tunnel, your flame illuminates enough of a view for you to take the next step joyfully. And as you fan that flame (find an excuse to smile) you become an attractive beacon for others. You may not see them. But the others are traveling along with you, deep down, they are making their way towards your source of light. They could be close or potentially miles away; you don't know, so smile more! Light your candle. To them, that tiny luminous dot is a giant ray of hope. Something to look forward to. The light you provide reinforces their motivation to keep going. When they arrive they too will have a candle of their own which they will now be able to turn on because of your original source. And the more candles that are lit the more light (or happiness) this tunnel has. Eventually you will see that this empty dark tunnel is not an empty dark tunnel at all, it is a purposeful passageway heading towards your greatest desire.

Life is hard. So if you feel like your smile is fake; doubt your doubt and never accept this feeling! There is an infinite number of things we can be happy about. We have our health, our homes, our loved ones, our daily breath, our clothes, our food, our anything. We will always have a reason to smile.

Your smile is more important than you realize. Don't underestimate the power you have, you have it for a reason. Remember people are watching.

So now that you know, will you smile more this day?


About the Creator

Mahonry Franco

Experience, learn, share, repeat. To me, Vocal is a journal to do exactly that.

Youtube Channel: Mahonry Franco

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