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Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Goals and Aspirations

By Angie JohnsonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Photo by sporlab on Unsplash


We all know the saying “Slow and steady wins the race”.

Well, I ask myself frequently, how much slower do I need to move? I can’t physically move slower because too much must be done throughout the day between work, school, family, errands, chores, etc.

So, what does this mean for my dream?

When you have a dream that you are working endlessly to have come to fruition and nothing happens, you feel defeated.

You ask yourself, “What am I not doing?” “Why is this taking so long?” “How can I speed this process up?”. Well, I can tell you from experience asking yourself these questions makes you feel that you are inadequate and undeserving of the dream coming true.

To make matters worse, we are currently living in a time when most of society believes “fast and faster wins the race”. How do we live life slow enough to enjoy the process but fast enough to enjoy the desired outcome?

So how do we keep the spark of life during our wait? Well, I believe we need to spark our confidence, spark our desire, and most importantly keep the spark of mercy regardless of the outcome.

A perfect example is to allow yourself time to attempt an item on your bucket list. We cannot stop everything to wait for one dream to come true. For me, my dream is to write full-time to share my experiences with others so we can walk this life together. In between, I like to try other areas to enhance my creativity such as drawing, painting, crocheting, cooking, and baking.

The same enhancements of creativity come from reading the words of others to help inspire me to see new points of view and renew my way of thinking. Not everything is black and white, not everything is just one way. A renewed way of thinking is essential for sparking creativity and gives our imagination endless boundaries for writing projects as well as other areas in our lives.

This renewed inspiration allows us to give ourselves a second chance and the ability to be better than the time before. Renewal is the process of learning more and yearning for more. If we restrain ourselves from communicating with others, we deprive ourselves of growth.

We all face situations in our lives when we think we are alone. We are not. We get discouraged but always need to keep putting one foot in front of the other during the journey of our intended path. Along the way, we need to enjoy the scenery and the company of those that believe in our purpose to create a positive effect in our lives and on others.

We can create short and long-term aspirations to move towards to minimize the pressure of accomplishing everything right away. It’s amazing how much better small achievements make you feel as you walk the very long journey. Remember to goals are vague suggestions of what you want to see happen with no specific suggestions of how to achieve the result. The most important thing is never to be discouraged by setbacks as they are quick moments of failure and the realization that you have gotten off track is how we recover and overcome.

The best way to move towards your aspirations is to create a positive community of support around you. One suggestion is to join or create a group with similar interests for guidance and direction. Counsel with people that you admire from within the same areas that could help you obtain your goals. Seeking the advice of those who have had success will be better lead you towards your success.

There is a possibility of success in everything we do. Don’t give up!


About the Creator

Angie Johnson

I share life with my awesome husband, our 3 adult children, and our 2 cats. I am a lover of books and strive to be a writer.

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