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Self-Love Makes You Authentic

If you know yourself, then no one can tell you who you are. If you love yourself, you don’t have to change yourself for anyone.

By Annelise Lords Published 3 years ago 4 min read
Image by Annelise Lords This is a heart filled with selflove!

Reading: Be Authentic

By J™️Mindset and he asked, “Why is it so difficult for us to just be ourselves?”

He asked a compelling but sincere question that touched my heart and sent deep thoughts within my core.

Do you have problems being yourself?

I don’t.

He went on to say: You don’t have to learn to be authentic. You just have to be. It is entirely your choice. Even so, most people are scared of it. You have to want it. Everyone is automatically authentic when alone.

Depending on your surroundings and how you feel about yourself, when being alone, you can be yourself without fear and judgment whether anyone is looking or not.

The state of being real is connected to how one feels about themselves.

‘What happened to the ones who don’t love themselves?’

In my country, I see lots of black people, my people, bleaching their skin because they want a lighter complexion. In fact, skin lightening creams are selling faster than certain food items in my country.

Some of the common side effects of skin bleaching:

High blood pressure.


Light sensitivity.


Neurologic symptoms, including tremors, memory loss, and irritability.

Kidney failure.

Lung damage.

Greater risk of developing skin cancers.

I wasn’t aware of how dangerous skin lightening creams were.

Side Effects and Precautions of Skin Bleaching — Healthline

Skin bleaching side effects

Mercury poisoning. Some skin bleaching creams made outside of the United States have been linked to mercury toxicity. …

Dermatitis. Case studies and reports have linked the use of skin bleaching products to contact dermatitis. …

Exogenous ochronosis.

Steroid acne. …

Nephrotic syndrome.

Our government has sent out warnings in all areas of the media about its danger. They have also made them illegal. But somehow, they always find their way in Jamaica and are available in stores across the country.

‘Bleaching creams,’ as what we call it in Jamaica, is a billion-dollar industry. Aided and abetted by humans who don’t love themselves enough to be real.

the market for skin lighteners last year was estimated at $8.6 billion and is projected to hit $12.3 billion in the next six years.

Many in power know that laws are being broken. But nothing is done. It’s a craze that has been raging in Jamaica and many other Caribbean islands, Africa, and several other countries in our world populated mostly by black people.

Beautification is ok as it boosts self-esteem. But if you are deliberately changing the skin tone of your entire body because you want to be someone else, you are feeding self-hatred.

Feed love of self. Love your skin whatever color it is! You were made real!

An article came in one of the newspapers in my country a few years ago. A male said, ‘most of the females he knew wore fake hair, nails, eyelashes, some had fake boobs, and butt, yet they complained that they couldn’t find a real man.’ That is a powerful thing.

Can I be authentic if I hate myself and my skin color?

Can I hate my skin color but still love myself?

All of us have certain body parts or something about us we don’t like and want to change.

What about those who are redesigning certain body parts for personal pleasure?

Change comes with price.

I think everyone has right to be their best self.

That also comes with a cost.

I feel all of my pain. It runs deep within my core and stays there until I do the right thing. Then it sends out reminders when I attempt to do anything that will bring me more pain.

Isn’t pain a good friend?

Being authentic isn’t hard for anyone with self-love. When you love yourself, you will appreciate and accept life and everything it shares with you. Self-love runs deeper within us, transforming us into better humans who will understand their lives, bodies, surrounding, and the world — granting us the power to live a damn good life while avoiding but learning from all of the evils of our world. With self-love, self-confidence will never leave you and you won’t experience self-esteem issues. I have accepted and love myself for I am. With self-love, you really don’t have a choice to be anyone else. This is my idea of self-love.

Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Self-love means not settling for less than you deserve.

If you know yourself, then no one can tell you who you are. If you love yourself, you don’t have to change yourself for anyone. Don’t give anyone the power to tell you who you are! Take the time to know yourself! Know your weakness and your strength!

You are beautiful! You are real? You were made you that way!

Self-love gives you the power to be real and stay real!

Thank you for reading this piece. I hope you enjoyed it.


About the Creator

Annelise Lords

Annelise Lords writes short inspiring, motivating, thought provoking stories that target and heal the heart. She has added fashion designer to her name. Check out https:

for my designs.

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