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Self-care Tips for Mind and Body Positivity

Motivation for yourself

By Shraddha KachaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Instagram has got you thinking that the only form of a self-care routine is a photo-shoot-worthy bath or a spa appointment. And it is complete only when you post a picture of it on your social media profiles. But that is not exactly how it works, right? Well, if you really love a long shower or bath session, then alright. You can just do you. However, here are some of the super simple self-care tips to clear your mind, body, and soul.

Firstly, it is important to negate the idea that there is only one way to do it. Nonetheless, it can be pretty hard to understand where or how to start. So, read on to find out the easiest self-care tips you can start your healing process with.

Self-care tips for a positive life

It can be as simple as spending your time and energy with the right set of people. You can incorporate these as part of your daily routine or in your monthly schedule. However, these self-care tips should make you feel better about yourself and nothing else matters.

Make sleep a priority

Fortunately, you can improve your physical and mental health by making sleep a priority in your everyday routine. Getting close to 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep can boost your morning like nothing else.

Without proper sleep, you are likely to suffer from major health issues. They can also take a toll on your emotional wellness. Avoid eating or drinking anything right before bedtime. Stay away from caffeine and sugar that keep you awake for long.

Also one of the important tips for self-care includes reducing stress. You need to help yourself for calming down on the professional and personal fronts. Have a distraction-free bedtime routine. Additionally, keep your television or gadgets out of your bedroom. However, you can read books, or listen to soothing music to set your sleep.

Exercise daily to stay fit

Exercising and regular workout routines are not to lose weight or get thinner. You should follow them to stay active, fit, and ultimately healthy. There is no need for heavy weight lifting or joining the gym just for the sake of it. You can start with a simple brisk walk of 20 minutes every day. It is one of the simplest self-care tips that are easy to follow.

Just fit in some active elements like badminton, yoga, and a bunch of stretches. Do anything that easily flows into your daily routine.

Cook for yourself

One of the most important self-care tips is to eat right. You can increase the chances of eating properly by cooking for yourself. Cooking is a basic life skill neglected by many of us. Cook what brings you joy. Grow your own veggies and herbs as a hobby. Bringing a clean plate of food to your table is important for your gut health.

You can indulge now and then with takeaways or eating out. But stick to home-made food, and you will enjoy a healthy life.

Schedule a me-time

This should be a sacred time for you. No distractions, no work phone calls, nothing should be entertained. Schedule this me-time after you are done with all work commitments.

You can do whatever you choose to for yourself. Catch up on a movie, show, read a book, listen to music, a long shower, or anything that helps you unwind and relax. Unplug from gadgets and pay attention to your mind. Look for a small pocket of time to get enjoy me-time in your every schedule. IF it is hard, go for a longer version on the weekends.

One of the best self-care tips – learn to say no

You need to move to a place in your life where you prioritize yourself over anything and anyone. A simple no can help you let go of that late-night party, or attending a relative’s crowded ceremony. If you want to do something for yourself, then learn to say no to others.

Of course, you can step out and hang around with your friends. But do so only when you have the physical and mental energy to do so. Attend the ceremony if you will feel better after connecting to some of your cousins. You should decide what makes you happy, and what brings you positivity. Understand the importance of not overburdening yourself with responsibilities or commitments. You should know your capacity both in your personal and professional life. Mental health should be above all.

The more self-care tips you incorporate into your life, the better you are going to feel and relax. Prioritize yourself and live for your happiness and joy. Only then you can be a positive source of energy for everyone around you at home or the workplace.

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