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Read this before you quit your job to start your own business!

Find out if you’re really ready to make this life-changing commitment.

By thewellnessxploraPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Read this before you quit your job to start your own business!
Photo by Ewan Robertson on Unsplash

Social Media is filled with success stories of people who quit their jobs and are making so much money, doing their own thing!

And after reading tons and tons of success stories about people who quit their jobs and hit the jackpot their first month of running their own business, you too might be inspired to follow in their footsteps.

Or maybe, you’re just tired of your boring, unfulfilling 9–5 job that's giving you zero satisfaction, and want to finally live out your dreams of becoming your own boss?

Or maybe, you just want to own your time, to be able to work on projects you’re passionate about?

Good for you!

I truly wish you all the best.

But before you venture into the world of being your own boss and working for yourself, you have to make sure you’re cut out for this kind of lifestyle.

Are you really ready to become an entrepreneur and solopreneur?

Because as one, I will admit that — It is no small feat!

I see a lot of people embracing the path of entrepreneurship and solopreneurship because somehow, they think it’ll be much easier than showing up to their 9–5 jobs each day.

If you’re one of those people, you may be in for a rude awakening.

I don’t mean to be a pessimist.

I just want to keep it real with you, because entrepreneurship can be a tough and lonely road.

Are you really cut out for this lifestyle?

Do you have discipline, or are you a disciplined person?

Be honest with yourself!

You have to be very disciplined to show up to do the work, even when you don’t feel like it, or have a boss lurking over your shoulder.

Discipline is the trait that keeps you showing up for yourself, despite your feelings and your circumstances.

Are you a consistent person? Or, can you be a consistent person?

Are you disciplined enough to show up every day for yourself, irrespective of your circumstances?

Will you have the courage to consistently show up for yourself, even if you’re not seeing the desired results, you imagined or expected?

Will you be able to show up every day for yourself and your business, even when you’re not making a profit yet?

There’s no steady consistent paycheck!

Unless you have a recurring client in your freelance business, no one is cutting you a steady paycheck at the end of every month.

If you don't work, there’s no pay.

And even sometimes, when you still work, there's no pay.

Each month is different. Sometimes, things are slow.

And sometimes, things are really good.

No off days!

Because your income is mostly dependent on how much work you’re putting in, there’s a common tendency to be working all day, every day, with almost no days off.

Best believe, when you own and manage your own business, there will always be some aspect of the business that requires some attention and work?

And you’re the one, who will need to get the work done.


Because you will have to work all day, every day, and even sometimes, at odd hours into the night, or morning.

It’s safe to expect that, you will be deeply exhausted at some points, or even all the time.

Sometimes, it’ll even be hard for you to take time off to rest because you’ll feel guilty about all the work that will be awaiting you.


The journey can be an incredibly lonely one, as you need to spend long long hours working, non-stop.

Your social life may suffer.

Your social life may even take a hit during all those sacrificial long hours which are needed to get your business fully functioning, and generating profit.

Especially, at the beginning when you have so much to figure out, learn, and implement.

Constantly dealing with uncertainties

Each day will present its own challenges and surprises.

For some periods, there’ll be consistent work and a paycheck.

And at other times, things will be slow.

For example, consider Medium. Some writers make thousands of dollars in a month, and in other months, those same writers may struggle to rake in just $100.

Think about it — that’s a lot of uncertainty to deal with.


Are you patient enough to watch your business grow?

Are patient enough to keep showing up consistently even when you may not see any growth just yet?

Are you patient enough, to allow time to teach you certain things that you can only learn with the experience of running your own business?

Mental and Emotional Strength

The entrepreneurial journey is tough and there might be setbacks along the way.

Are you mentally and emotionally strong enough to not simply give up, when things get tough?

Are you strong enough to pick up yourself and keep going, even when you’re frustrated, having a meltdown, or wiping tears from your eyes?

Will you keep going, or will you just throw in the towel in defeat when things get tough?

Before you quit your job, think carefully…

Do I have what it takes?

Do I trust myself enough to grow into the person I need to be, to run my own business?

Because entrepreneurship is no walk in the park!

Tread carefully.


About the Creator


Multi-faceted freelance writer, seeker & explorer. I blog about travel, the digital nomad and ex-pat lifestyle, personal development, entrepreneurship & spirituality.

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